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1852 Adelaide Pound, struck using the second die (Type II)
Extremely Fine
Coinworks sale by private treaty Melbourne Collection 2013
The nation's first gold coin was struck at the Adelaide Assay Office on 23 September 1852. We know it today as the 1852 Adelaide Pound. We follow a simple process when it comes to acquiring an Adelaide Pound. We check the coin in the hand confirming that it is aesthetically pleasing. We then take the coin under the glass examining the fine detail. And then we re-check it with the naked eye to confirm our decision. We have gone through the processes with this coin, and we like what we see with both the naked eye and the eye-glass. We particularly note that while this coin has circulated, there are not the gouges or hard knocks that are so often associated with circulated gold coins. We also note, the fields are highly reflective. (Technical shots are shown below in the Learn More section.)
SOLD 2/8/2024

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1953 Proof Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Perth Mint, depicting the effigy of the new Queen Elizabeth II
Australian Coin Auctions 19 February 2013, Lot 925
Collectors and dealers can wait more than a decade to be offered a coin as good as this one! When this 1953 Perth Mint Proof Penny surfaced in 2013, interest in the coin was phenomenal. Offered at Australian Coin Auctions, it set an all-time high price record. The coin is truly spectacular. A molten proof copper, the reverse with full original brilliance. And on the obverse, brilliant glossy surfaces with magnificent iridescent toning. Solid striations are evident under the glass and reflect careful preparation of the dies resulting in a beautiful strike. History buffs please note, the obverse depicts the effigy of the late queen, Elizabeth II, the first year her portrait appeared on Australia’s coinage.
SOLD 12/7/2024

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1937 Proof Crown, featuring the portrait of George VI
Superb FDC, fully brilliant
Coinworks sale by private treaty 2006
Australians were eager to welcome in a new currency when Edward VIII became king in 1936. The threepence, shilling and florin were up for major design revisions, as was the penny. The changes were put on the back burner when Edward VIII abdicated the British throne. In 1937, to create a distraction from the Royal scandal, the Australian Government authorised the striking of its first crowned sized coin. The five shillings was struck in sterling silver and weighed 28.27 grams with a diameter of 38.5 mm. A trickle over 1 million crowns were released into circulation. One hundred 1937 Proof Crowns were especially struck to sell to the public. While the circulating crown is readily available, the 1937 Proof Crown, with its tight mintage, is extremely difficult to acquire, confirmed by the frequency of our offerings. Its been six years since we last offered a proof crown.
SOLD 8/7/2024

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Commonwealth of Australia 1930 Penny, guaranteed genuine by Coinworks.
Very Fine, with a full central diamond and six pearls
Private Collection NSW
This is an impressive 1930 Penny, in the top 10 per cent of surviving examples, with a grading of Very Fine. It is a classy coin. The important details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. And the edges, which we also consider important, are solid. Flip the coin, over and the monarch's crown shows four sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls. The oval to the left of the central diamond is almost complete. Moreover, the toning is a consistent and a handsome chocolate brown, the fields glossy and highly reflective. Technical shots are shown below in the 'Learn More' section.
SOLD 8/7/2024

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1924 Proof Threepence and 1926 Proof Threepence, struck as Coins of Record during the reign of George V
Superb FDC 1924 Proof Threepence, fully brillliant reverse with magnificent colours • 1926 Proof Threepence fully brilliant reverse with again, magnificent colours.
1924 Proof Threepence, Noble Auction July 2001 Lot 1335 • 1926 Proof Threepence, Noble Auction July 2001 Lot 1440
Available individually or $20,000 for the pair.
The Royal Australian Mint is today a mass producer of coinage whether it be manufacturing circulating currency for Treasury. Or creating proof coinage to sell to collectors. The mint in Canberra is not geared to striking just a handful of proof coins, particularly one as diminutive as a threepence. As Australians we are fortunate that our pre-decimal mints bothered to preserve our coining heritage for future generations and create proof examples of our circulating currency. Struck as Coins of Record, this 1924 Proof Threepence and 1926 Proof Threepence are glorious examples of our early mint’s proof coining skills, both coins fully brilliant emanating magnificent colours. The coins have superb detail, in the emu's feathers, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA, and the date. Under the eye glass, both coins show heavy striations reflecting careful preparation of the dies. They are amazing pieces of Australia’s numismatic history and in their own way, mini-works of art. The coins are extremely rare, and we note this is the only 1924 Proof Threepence we have sold. And indeed, the only 1926 Proof Threepence sold. Check out the technical shots below. They are brilliant!
SOLD 21/6/2024

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1920 Proof Sixpence struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint
Spink Auctions March 1988 Lot 1166 • Strand Coins sale by private treaty to Coinworks January 2006 • Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
We are not sure which excites us most. The date '1920'. The coin's unique rarity status. Or the asking price of $20,000. This 1920 Proof Sixpence was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and is the only known example. Struck with a high wire rim with a brilliant reverse, the coin shows heavy striations reflecting careful preparation of the dies. The year 1920 hosts the rarest coins in the Australian numismatic industry; a stunning line-up that includes Australia’s rarest florin, the 1920 Pattern Star Florin, one of Australia’s most valuable shillings, the 1920 Pattern Star Shilling, Australia’s most valuable sovereign, the 1920 Sydney Mint Sovereign and the most valuable kookaburra coin, the 1920 Square Halfpenny ... and that's just for starters. History is preserved in this 1920 Proof Sixpence for today’s collectors. And for future generations.
SOLD 20/6/2024

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The Ross Pratley 1858 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign
FDC. In the finest state of preservation, with immaculate satin fields and full original mint bloom on both obverse and reverse, Gem Uncirculated.
Spink Australia Auction 25, lot 2364 • Spink Auctions March 1989, lot 1519, in the liquidation of the R. G and C. Pratley Collection • Noble Numismatics November 2007 Lot 1380 • Sale by private treaty to Melbourne Collection August 2014
A great coin can develop a brand that gives it a distinct identity to distinguish it from its competitors. The brand offers clarity. The brand offers trust. A brand is a promise of an experience. The development of the brand starts with an extraordinary quality coin. Coupled with an outstanding performance in the public domain. And then a great collector moves into the picture acquiring the coin, and the demand and the performance self-perpetuates. The Ross Pratley 1858 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is a brand. It is an extraordinary coin, the finest of its year and unequivocally, the finest Sydney Mint Half Sovereign. It is quite likely the very finest Australian half sovereign. Holding this coin in your hand is like holding no other for its condition belies its original purpose of being used as the circulating currency workhorse of the colony. Presented in the finest state of preservation, the technical shots shown below confirm the glorious state of the Ross Pratley 1858 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign.
SOLD 18 JUNE 2024

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The Quartermaster 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign, the jewel in the crown of the Sydney Mint Half Sovereign series
About Uncirculated, the finest by far of the forty known examples
William L S Barrett, Canada • Sale by Private Treaty to Robert Jaggard, Sydney • Sale by Private Treaty to J Lawton • Sale by Private Treaty to Tom Hadley Quartermaster Collection • Sale by Private Treaty to H.A.G Collection
This 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is from the esteemed Quartermaster Collection and is one of the great coins of Australian numismatics. It is the very finest example of the nation’s first half sovereign. The ultimate quality ranking of the finest. And the ultimate historical standing as the first half sovereign produced at the Sydney Mint, the nation's first mint. The earliest recorded owner was Canadian coin dealer, William Barrett, who acquired the piece in the 1970s. But it was the exchange in the 1980s, to Sydney gold coin dealer, Robert Jaggard, that was for Australian collectors, the most momentous. The jewel in the crown of the Sydney Mint Half Sovereign series was brought home to its country of origin. And its city of origin. Barrie Winsor and Tom Hadley were acutely aware that, when it came to acquiring an 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign for the Quartermaster Collection, there really was only one option. This coin. And so, they played a waiting game.
SOLD 23/4/2024

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A Three-Coin Set of Kookaburra Square Pennies dated 1919, 1920 and 1921
Choice Uncirculated
$120,000 for the set of three coins as shown below.
This set is a unique opportunity for one buyer. The set is captivating, each coin individually sensational and handpicked for quality. And yet each coin is different, in their obverse and reverse designs and their toning, which ultimately reflects the diversity of the series. The set of three coins is highly historical and tells the story of the Kookaburra Square Penny. A three-year program conducted at the Melbourne Mint that started in 1919, continued into 1920, and finished in 1921, the aim to produce a uniquely Australian coin.
SOLD 12/4/2024

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1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign, one of the very finest, a stunning example of the nation's first sovereign.
Choice Uncirculated, a quality assignation that extends to the fields and the strike.
Sale by Private Treaty to H.A.G Collection 2009.
This coin is a prize. It is one of the finest examples of the nation’s first sovereign, the 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign, offered in a quality of Choice Uncirculated. To our knowledge, only four other examples are known at this quality level, including the famous Quartermaster coin. And there are none finer. It is hard to fathom how a coin that was intended for circulation can survive in this state. Plucked off the production line is a possible answer. The fields are magnificent, brilliant and highly reflective. The design detail is obvious, even to the naked eye. Under the eye glass the coin continues to shine for the crown is well struck, the cross on the orb at the top of the crown is complete, the fleur de lis on left and right are precise as are the pleats in the cloth. And so is ‘AUSTRALIA’ below the crown. And the hairline at the top of Victoria’s forehead is well struck and untouched. Whether you are a collector or a dealer, you never forget the moment you lay eyes on a truly great coin. For us it was 2009, when we sighted this quite extraordinary 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign.
SOLD 2/4/2024

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Unique 1939 Proof Shilling struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint
FDC, fully brilliant reverse and peripheral brilliance on the obverse.
Spink Auctions March 1982 lot 739 • Spink Auctions April 1986 lot 1220 • Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
This 1939 Proof Shilling is unique. The coin was struck at the Melbourne Mint as a Coin of Record and no other examples are known. The owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins used his emotions when he acquired the piece for it represented his birth year. He also used his acumen, and knowledge of the rare coin market, for the coin is unique and the silver proofs out of this George VI era are inordinately scarce. Having been a collector for more than thirty years, he recognised the investment potential that extreme rarity holds.
SOLD 28/3/2024

Coins, Shilling
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1813 Holey Dollar struck on an 1803 Mexico Mint Charles IIII Spanish Silver Dollar
Original coin a high quality Good Very Fine, toned to a soft gun-metal blue grey, the surfaces smooth • Counterstamps a premium quality Extremely Fine and showing original silver lustre, the 'H' for Henshall as well formed as we have seen.
Sale by private treaty Barrie Winsor to Downies Coins 1999 • Johnson Family Collection • Private Collection Sydney
We like the quality of this Holey Dollar. Beautifully toned, the coin has fabulous eye appeal and glossy, lustrous surfaces. And we like the quality of the counter stamps. A top quality Extremely Fine, with original silver lustre, the 'H' for Henshall between the two twigs of leaves as well formed as we have seen. We also like the placement of the counter stamps, that 'New South Wales' and 'Five Shillings' are at the top of the coin, as they were always intended. Last, but by no means least, we like its price point. When it comes to buying a Holey Dollar, the price point of between $100,000 and $200,000 offers extreme value for your investment dollars. The buyer is taking up a coin that, to the naked eye looks relatively untouched and that has all its design details intact. (In comparison to those Holey Dollars priced below $100,000 that show obvious design wear and/or possible defects from usage.) The technical shots shown below confirm our glowing assessment of the coin.
Sold 20/3/2024

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1887 Young Head Shield Sovereign Melbourne Mint, the last year of the Queen Victoria Young Head Sovereign Series and a world class rarity.
Brilliant Uncirculated with proof-like mirror fields and the tell-tale kiss-curl in front of the ear.
Robert Jaggard 1989 • Paul Terry • Sale by private treaty 1992 Monetarium to Tom Hadley, Quartermaster Collection (Lot 73)
A coin that has a pedigree that includes Australia’s greatest gold coin collectors Bob Jaggard, Paul Terry and Tom Hadley will never disappoint. This 1887 Sovereign, a case in point. It is a rare date sovereign and it is the finest known. In Australia’s history, the year 1887 is unique in that it presented the Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint with two distinctly different reverse designs, St George and the Dragon or Shield. And as Queen Victoria celebrated her Golden Jubilee mid-1887, there were options of two distinctly different obverse designs, the Young Head or Jubilee portrait. With so many options, and no requirement to strike equal numbers of each, it was inevitable that a super-rarity would emerge. And it has in the form of this coin, the 1887 Shield Sovereign featuring the Young Head portrait of Queen Victoria. Extremely rare across all quality levels and this example the very finest at Brilliant Uncirculated. The technical shots, shown below, confirm its glorious state.
SOLD 17/3/2024

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1930 Penny, with handsome toning, the obverse featuring one side of the central diamond and six pearls.
Good Fine / About Very Fine
Sale by Coinworks 2018 Private Collector Canberra
This is a Classic 1930 Penny with a partial central diamond and six plump pearls. And it is priced below $30,000 which makes it the perfect entry point for buyers keen to acquire a nice 1930 Penny. Notice the inner beading in the area between the last 'A' in Australia and the '30' in the date. It is crisp and pristine which is very often NOT the case with 1930 Pennies. (Due to the strike this area can be flat.) We note the toning is even and handsome. Our summary conclusion is that this coin is impressive and you will be proud to show it off to your family and friends. This is an iconic 1930 Penny. The technical photos confirm its positive attributes.
SOLD 13/3/2024

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Proof 1935 Penny struck at the Melbourne Mint
A stunning FDC with full copper brilliance and one of the finest we have handled
Sold by private treaty to a Shepparton Collector, 2002
A Trans-Tasman connection was alive and kicking when New Zealander, Henry George Williams, financed the striking of a small number of Proof Pennies in 1935 at the Melbourne Mint. In so doing, Williams unwittingly created an Australian 'numismatic star'. The term 'numismatic star' falls well short in describing this particular Proof 1935 Penny. It is a NUMISMATIC SUPER-STAR for the coin has glass-like surfaces and original copper brilliance on both reverse and obverse. Heavy striations reflect zealous preparation of the dies resulting in a superb strike. This coin was sold to the vendor in 2002. It is Melbourne Mint proof coining at its best and offers quality that is seldom seen. A collector will wait decades to acquire proofs of this calibre.
SOLD 7/3/2024

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Unique 1933 Proof Shilling, a proof striking of Australia's rarest circulating shilling
FDC with stunning mirror fields, beautiful golden colours around the periphery. Heavy striations on both obverse and reverse reflect careful die preparation.
Barrie Winsor Collection, 2003 • Private Collection Sydney.
The Proof 1930 Penny • The Proof 1923 Halfpenny • The Proof 1933 Shilling. These three proof coins all share a common thread. They are proofs of rare date circulating currency and are extremely rare, very prestigious, highly sought after and highly valued. The 1930 Penny, Australia’s rarest circulating penny. The 1923 Halfpenny, the nation’s rarest circulating halfpenny. And the 1933 Shilling Australia’s rarest circulating shilling, the mintage a trifling 220,000 coins, the limited numbers due to the Depression. This 1933 Proof Shilling was struck as a presentation piece at the Melbourne Mint and is one of the truly great coins of Australian numismatics, a proof striking of Australia’s rarest circulating shilling. Enhancing its greatness, the coin is the only example available to collectors. And that's a powerful combination. The ultimate standing and the ultimate rarity.
SOLD 5/3/2024

Shilling, Coins
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Edward VIII / George VI Royal Mint 1937 Uniface Pattern Penny
Uncirculated, handsomely toned and superb glossy surfaces
Spink Auctions July 1987 Lot 1891, the coin selling for $8000 on a pre-sale estimate of $6000 • Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
Throughout history, extraordinary events have impacted on a nation’s currency. Triggering ad hoc measures to supplement a medium of exchange. Affecting mintages or inspiring new designs. The events create an environment that spawns numismatic superstars, coins that are overwhelmingly rare and supremely important. This 1937 Uniface Pattern Penny is one such numismatic superstar. The extraordinary event that triggered its star status was the cancellation of the coronation of Edward VIII. The Commonwealth Government planned to launch the flying kangaroo as Australia's new penny design in 1937 to coincide with Edward's coronation. The Royal Mint London prepared the master dies and struck prototypes of the design for the Government. Eight pennies were minted featuring the new kangaroo reverse designed by George Kruger Gray and the word 'MODEL' on the obverse. Edward VIII’s decision to abdicate the British throne AND the subsequent decision by the Australian Government NOT to issue circulating pennies in 1937 conferred a superstar status on the 1937 Uniface Penny. From the original mintage of eight coins struck at the Royal Mint London, six are now held by private collectors, with this coin noted as one of the finest.The technical shots below confirm the glorious state of this coin.
SOLD 25/02/2024

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Unique 1813 Holey Dollar, created from a Lima Mint Spanish Silver Dollar struck in 1789 during the reign of Charles IV and featuring the portrait and legend of the deceased monarch, Charles III
Original coin: A supreme quality Extremely Fine. Counter-stamps: A supreme quality Extremely Fine. As such, one of the finest.
Spink London privately from Andre de Cleremont 1989, Status International 2005, Mr Steven Sparkman • Exhibited at The Macquarie Bank, 2013 • The Royal Australian Mint Exhibition, 2019
A monarch’s death necessitates a currency change. But when a monarch dies, and a new portrait is unavailable, resourceful Governments introduce ad hoc measures to maintain coin production. It is an environment that can spawn a great coin rarity, a numismatic star. And this Holey Dollar is one such star. The original Spanish Silver Dollar was issued in 1789 during the reign of Charles IV yet features the portrait and legend of his father, Charles III, who died in 1788. Three hundred Holey Dollars survive today and of those, only two have this extraordinary design detail. The first is a well circulated example, the silver dollar issued at the Mexico Mint. And the second is this coin, the silver dollar enjoying minimal circulation, originating at the Lima Mint in Peru. This Holey Dollar is defined by superb quality, the rare Lima Mint and an extraordinary design detail. This is an historic offering of an important Holey Dollar, a coin that is unique and that plays a pivotal role in Australia's Holey Dollar story. A coin that has also been the highlight of two exhibitions, at the Macquarie Bank in 2013 and the Royal Australian Mint Canberra in 2019.
SOLD 23/2/2024

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1921 Kookaburra Square Halfpenny, one of the Commonwealth's great coin rarities
Choice Uncirculated with lustrous fields under soft antique toning
Jaggards, Roxburys Auction 2015
This is an outstanding coin rarity. In superb quality. The Kookaburra Square Halfpenny is one of the great Commonwealth coin rarities and has been so acknowledged since Australian Auction records began in the 1950s. And this example, dated 1921, is offered in the optimum quality of Choice Uncirculated. Every series has its highlights, the show-stoppers, the scene stealers. And in the case of the Kookaburra Square Coin series, the Halfpenny commands attention. The reason is simply due to its inordinate scarcity. Whereas approximately two hundred Kookaburra Pennies are available to collectors, of varying dates, designs and prices. A minuscule twelve Kookaburra Halfpennies are available to the same buying audience. It’s these numbers that have made the Square Halfpenny one of Australia’s most elusive and sought-after coin rarities. In demand from collectors of the kookaburra coin series. And in demand from buyers with a pure investment focus. The technical shots re-affirm our glowing assessment of the coin.
SOLD 18/2/2024

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1887 Proof Half Sovereign struck at the Melbourne Mint and the only known example
Superb FDC, brilliant and flawless
John G. Murdoch Collection Lot 625, sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge Auctioneers, 21 July 1903 • Spink Australia Auction November 1978 Lot 667 • Spink Australia Auction November 1981 Lot 1003 • Barrie Winsor sale by private treaty from the late Philip Spalding Collection.
This 1887 Proof Half Sovereign is the only known example of what is, a very important year in Australia's coining heritage. It is a 'Coin of Record' and was struck at the Melbourne Mint as a presentation piece to record a new design featuring Queen Victoria's Jubilee portrait. The coin's first public appearance was in 1903 when it sold at Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London as part of the famous John G. Murdoch Collection. Over the last century, no other examples have been sighted. The coin's extreme rarity is typical of this sector of the market and the very reason why they are so popular with collectors. And investors. Their scarcity simply gives people the reason - and the confidence - to buy.
SOLD 9/2/2024

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Brilliantly matched 1924 Proof Florin and 1924 Proof Shilling, both coins struck at the Melbourne Mint during the reign of George V and the tenure of Albert Le Souef as Deputy Master of the Mint.
• 1924 Proof Florin, FDC the reverse with brilliant fields, solid striations and stunning golden toning. The obverse a matte finish. • 1924 Proof Shilling, FDC the reverse with brilliant fields, solid striations and stunning golden toning. The obverse a matte finish.
• 1924 Proof Florin Nobles Auction August 2001 lot 1433 selling for $18,640 on a pre-sale estimate of $15,000, Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins. • 1924 Proof Shilling Nobles Auction March 1991 lot 1392 selling for $5300 on a pre-sale estimate of $3000, Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins.
One George V silver proof coin is a numismatic prize. A pair of George V silver proofs, such as the coins shown above, is numismatic bliss. The reason is simply that George V Silver Proofs are excruciatingly rare and are hotly contested whenever they appear on the market. Ask collectors why they pursue proof coins over circulating currency and the prestige of owning a proof coin is most likely at the top of their list. It's the euphoria that comes with owning something that very few other people can ever possess. An excitement that the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins experienced when he acquired this perfectly matched Proof 1924 Florin and Proof 1924 Shilling. The 1924 Proof Florin was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and only four others are known. The 1924 Proof Shilling, also a Coin of Record and two others are known. Given their extreme rarity, it is more than likely that this pair is unique.

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The Sir Marcus Clark Aborigine Threepence created by colonial silversmiths Julius Hogarth and Conrad Erichsen in 1860.
Struck in silver and presented in mint state, with proof-like surfaces.
Sir Marcus Clark KBE, sold by James R. Lawson Auctioneers 1954 • Exhibited, 'The Dollars & Dumps' Exhibition ANZ Gothic Bank Melbourne, 2007.
The Sir Marcus Clark 1860 Aborigine Threepence is unequivocally an Australian Numismatic Treasure and has been held by some of Australia’s leading coin dealers and collectors. Its reputation was firmly established in 1954 when it appeared at James Lawson’s Auctions in the sale of the collection of the late Sir Marcus Clarke, KBE. The earliest numismatic depiction of an Indigenous Australian, the quality was extraordinary, a superb mint-state, the piece selling for the massive price of £38. For the 50-plus years that I have been involved in the industry, it has always been known as “The Sir Marcus Clark Aborigine Threepence”. It is an industry icon and of the seven other known examples, this piece is the absolute finest of them all.

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1921 Kookbaurra Square Penny design type 11
Choice Uncirculated with proof-like surfaces, handsome toning and a deeply etched design
There have been great buying opportunities for collectors and investors in the Kookaburra Coin series over the last twelve months. Buyers have been taking advantage of subdued prices but, as recent auction results attest, competition for the coins is heating up. And prices are set to move. The Kookaburra Square Penny is a classic Australian coin rarity. The coins were struck in 1919, 1920 and 1921 at the Melbourne Mint. This Square Penny was struck in 1921 and has the design type 11. Another design was tested in 1921, known as the type 12. While both types are scarce, the Type 11 is the rarer of the two (by far). And visually, it is extremely attractive, the surfaces proof-like and compelling. Of course, how a coin starts at the mint - and how it ends up one hundred years later having passed through several collector's hands - can be poles apart. When you look at this Square Penny you can see that it has been cherished by its former owners for it has been brilliantly preserved.

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1947 Proof Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Perth Mint
A superb FDC brilliant violet-red proof and the finest known
Nobles Auction, Sydney, March 1996
There are some coins that can only be described as extraordinary. The state in which they are presented is so impactful, they make a lasting impression and are never forgotten. Nor can you forget the occasion when they were first sighted. And so it is with this Proof 1947 Penny. The quality is absolutely stunning, highly reflective violet-red fields, the coin simply glows. And the occasion .... Nobles Sydney Auction March 1996, the coin selling for $6600 on a pre-sale estimate of $3000. The photographs confirm its extraordinary condition. And we can confirm its rarity. We have only ever handled two other 1947 Proof Pennies, this coin the finest by far.

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Proof 1927 Canberra Florin
FDC, visually stunning with highly reflective silver fields and a hint of golden toning around the periphery
Sale by Private Treaty, April 2007
Name the top five all-time favourite Australian rare coins. Without doubt the 1930 Penny would be at the top of the list. But, the Proof 1927 Canberra Florin would, in all likelihood, be at position number two. It is a coin that resonates with all Australians and for many collectors it's not a matter of 'IF' I will buy a Proof Canberra Florin, it's 'WHEN' I will buy one. The coin is historically important and was struck to commemorate the opening of Parliament House in Canberra. And it is rare with numismatic authority Greg McDonald contending that the mintage could be as low as 150, an explanation as to why so few are appearing on the market. And this Proof 1927 Canberra Florin is a superb FDC with a highly detailed design set against a backdrop of smooth, brilliant fields. And for those that are technically minded, the strike has been well executed, there are heavy striations on both obverse and reverse and Parliament House shows the three parliamentary steps!
SOLD 22/1/2024

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1930 Proof Sovereign struck as a Presentation Piece at the Melbourne Mint and one of two known.
Sale by Private Treaty Monetarium Sydney 1990, Private Collection Perth.
This 1930 Proof Sovereign was struck at the Melbourne Mint as a Presentation Piece and is exceedingly rare. Only one other example has surfaced over the last century. Its extreme rarity is typical of this area of the market (proof gold) and the very reason why the coins are so popular with collectors and investors. The scarcity of the coin itself, that there are only two known, simply gives people the confidence to buy. And the notion that another proof example, with the same portrait design and a different date, might pop up tomorrow is almost non-existent for the entire George V sector (1911 to 1931) is represented by about ten proof coins. (See below for more information on their extreme scarcity.) This 1930 Proof Sovereign is a coin for the ages. The date 1930, the year of the Great Depression, ensures that it will always be relevant. And will always be sought after on a world-wide scale. Its superb quality and extreme rarity also ensures its relevance and its appeal.
SOLD 4/12/2023

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The only known example of the 1870 Sydney Mint Proof Sovereign.
John Brodribb Bergne Collection, Sothebys London 26 May 1873 • J Halliburton Young Collection, Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge 7 April 1881 • Montague Collection, Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge 1896 & 1897 Lot 309 • John Gloag Murdoch Collection, Sotheby 26 July 1903 Lot 619 • Captain Vivian Hewitt Spink 1967 • Baldwin Collection, London • Spink Australia November 1978 Lot 564 • Spink Australia July1981 Lot 989 • Spink Australia July 1988 Lot 2304 • Sale by Private Treaty Barrie Winsor to Downies 1999 • Sale by Private Treaty Coinworks to Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins 2000
Collectors and dealers seek out the unique. And collectors and dealers seek out the exquisite. For Barrie Winsor and for myself, and for all those that have come before us, we found what we were seeking in this 1870 Sydney Mint Proof Sovereign. The coin is a colonial gem. Perfection in gold, exquisite and unequivocally the finest of its kind. The finest and the rarest for this coin is the only known 1870 Sydney Mint Proof Sovereign. Extensive research by Barrie Winsor during a posting in London in the early 1970s confirmed a provenance that dated back to 1873, three years after the coin was struck at the Royal Mint London.
SOLD 16/11/2023

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1865 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign, the mintage of 62,000 is the lowest of the Type II Sydney Mint Half Sovereign Series
Choice Uncirculated, with proof-like surfaces and extremely rare in this quality
Sale by Private Treaty Winsor & Sons, 2007
This 1865 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is an exceptional piece. Exceptional because the 1865 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign has the lowest mintage of the Type II Half Sovereign series (62,000). And from the very worst quality to the very best quality, the coin is scarce with one - perhaps two - sighted at auction annually. This coin also is exceptional for its quality of Choice Uncirculated. Over the last twenty years, we have identified only three other premium quality examples. Of those only one is comparable to this coin, the other two having obvious identification marks. This 1865 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is a colonial gem. Highly lustrous, a cameo-perfect example with strong edges that frame the coin. The design is well-executed and the fields are super smooth. Quite amazing when you consider that the Half Sovereign was the lifeblood of the colony, manufactured for use in every-day commerce. Even more amazing that it survived the production process at the Sydney Mint where it would have hurtled down a chute and into a barrel. And this superb colonial gem is available now. The technical shots re-affirm its glorious state.
SOLD 28/10/2023

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1889 Proof Sovereign struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of two known.
FDC, brilliant and flawless
Spink Auctions Sydney March 1988, Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
There was an explosion in real estate prices in Melbourne in 1889. And land speculation on a grand scale. Melbourne was booming. So too were the coining presses at the Melbourne Mint, records indicating that the mint churned out 2.7 million sovereigns. To create a permanent and everlasting record of its achievements, the Melbourne Mint struck the 1889 Proof Sovereign as a Coin of Record. True to form, only two examples have been sighted over the past sixty years, this coin last publicly offered in March 1988 at the now famous Bicentennial Spink Auction. Noted as being brilliant and flawless, the coin sold for $9000 on a pre-auction estimate of $6000. Only one other example has surfaced over the last century and that was in March 1985, a pattern of long-term holding so typical of this area of the market.
SOLD 28/10/2023

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1926 Sydney Sovereign
Choice Uncirculated
Heritage Auctions 4 January 2016 Sale 3044, Lot 31087
Australia’s 1926 Sydney Sovereign has a reputation that extends well beyond our local market. The coin has standing world-wide, for its historical significance as the Sydney Mint’s very last sovereign. And for its extreme rarity. The coin is iconic but is rarely ever offered, a fact borne out by our research. We looked at what’s been happening in our local market examining the records of Australia’s four major auction houses and established that only five examples have been offered between them over the last sixteen years. In the same time frame two examples have been offered overseas, including this coin which sold in 2016 at Heritage Auctions in the US. Described by Heritage as ‘an exceptional coin for its beauty and rarity’ and a ‘nearly flawless and fully blazing gem’. We can only but agree. The technical shots shown below re-affirm the glorious state of this sovereign.
SOLD 28/10/2023

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1920 Kookaburra Square Penny Type 7, one of the glamour coins of the entire series
Choice Uncirculated with superb edges and proof-like fields
The Gilgunnia Collection
The Type 7 1920 Kookaburra Square Penny is exceedingly rare, and to offer an example in such superb quality is a privilege. Testimony to its rarity, a Type 7 last appeared at a major public auction seven years ago. And it was certainly nowhere near the quality of this coin. This is a Choice Uncirculated example of one of the nation’s glamour coins, the 1920 Kookaburra Square Penny. That the coin is priced at the same level as a Very Fine 1930 Penny (and yet is far scarcer) reflects the value that it offers.
SOLD 26/10/2023

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1852 Adelaide Assay Office Gold One Pound struck with the second reverse die (Type II)
About Uncirculated
Downies Sale by Private Treaty Perth Collection, 1998
The 1852 Adelaide Pound is a classic Australian coin rarity, with a unique status as the nation’s very first gold coin. And this example is impressive, highly lustrous with superb design detail. The coin looks good to the naked eye and when you take up the eye glass it continues to shine with a whisper touch of circulation to the high points and minimal marks in the fields. This is a well-priced example of the nation’s very first gold coin, offered in a premium quality level of About Uncirculated.
SOLD 26/10/2023

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Unique pair of Proof 1893 Sovereign and Proof 1893 Half Sovereign, struck as Coins of Record at the Sydney Mint.
Luxurious gold proofs, FDC, brilliant and flawless
Barrie Winsor, Private Collection Melbourne
Sovereign • $110,000 Half Sovereign • $110,000. Available as a pair • $200,000
Three mints were operating in Australia during the Veiled Head era of 1893 to 1901. The Sydney Mint, the Melbourne Mint and the Perth Mint. Irrespective of the mint, every gold proof coin out of this era is highly desirable. And rarely ever offered. If there is a prize amongst them, it is the coins struck at the Sydney Mint. Of the nine years defined as the Veiled Head era, 1893 to 1901, the Sydney Mint struck gold proof coins in only 1893. No proofs were struck at Sydney between 1894 and 1901. In every respect, these coins fulfill the minting ideals of the Royal Mint in the striking of Coins of Record. The Proof 1893 Sovereign and Proof 1893 Half Sovereign were struck as Coins of Record to document history, and in this case, the introduction of a new portrait on Australia’s gold coinage. And to preserve that history for future generations in its most beautiful form. The coins were struck with a plain edge, indicating they were destined for a museum. We know that only two pairs were minted and both are accounted for, this pair the only one available to collectors. And the other held in the Museum of Victoria, having come from the Sydney Mint Museum. This is the supreme prize for collectors. Two coins of the utmost historical significance, presented as a pair as they were originally struck, and the only examples available for collectors.
SOLD 24/10/2023

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Complete Australian Penny Collection, including a high quality 1930 Penny, the obverse featuring two, almost three. sides of the central diamond and six pearls.
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1930 Penny included in this collection is a star. It is simply a great 1930 Penny. The obverse is graded About Very Fine and the reverse a higher quality grading of Very Fine. The edges are complete and the important design details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. And the toning is a consistent and a handsome chestnut brown. Under the eye glass, the coin continues to shine showing two, almost three, sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls. We note the oval to the left of the band is almost complete, the coin justifiably awarded its About Very Fine obverse grading. The reverse is graded higher again at Very Fine. And while the quality of this 1930 Penny should be enough to gain buyer attention, its inclusion in a complete collection of Australian pennies (1911 to 1964) makes this offer irresistible buying. Technical shots are provided below.
SOLD 23/10/2023

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The 'Chase Manhattan' Presentation Set struck in 1953 at the Melbourne Mint depicting the new obverse portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
A specimen set struck to extraordinary quality levels, FDC and stunning
Sale by Private Treaty to 'The Woulfin Collection' 1998, Sale by Private Treaty to 'CSC Collection' 2002
The 'Chase Manhattan' Presentation Set is comprised of five coins, the penny, florin, shilling, sixpence and threepence. Each piece was struck to specimen quality, depicting the new monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, in her coronation year. The sets were struck to order, the request placed by the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York for their Currency Museum and only twelve sets were prepared. All were exported overseas. No sets were struck for the Australian collector market, meaning that this is the only Australian issue to mark the 1953 coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Four Chase Manhattan Sets have been sighted over the last fifty years, the first sighting at Spink & Son Melbourne Auction in 1975. A set was more recently sighted at auction in November 2001, where it sold for $39,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $18,000. Well preserved 1953 Sets are stunning ... see our comments below on the individual coins.
SOLD 5/10/2023

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Trinidad 1811 Holey Dollar, struck on an 1808 Mexico Mint Charles IIII Spanish Silver Dollar
Very Fine
Gordon Collection sold by Baldwins Sale 8 1996, Mark Freehill Collection
This extremely rare 1811 Trinidad Holey Dollar was created from an 1808 Mexico Mint Silver Dollar that was pierced to create a plain cut, octagonal edged hole. So, while Governor Lachlan Macquarie was coining his Holey Dollars in Sydney in 1813, similar schemes had already been hatched across the other side of the globe, including the British Commonwealth Island of Trinidad. Irrespective of the issuing authority - New South Wales, Trinidad, Dominica or Canada's Prince Edward Island - the Holey Dollar is an internationally respected colonial coin that began its life as a Spanish Silver Dollar. Extremely rare and highly sought after.
SOLD 4/10/2023

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1921 Square Penny design Type 12
Superb Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Perth
This 1921 Kookaburra Penny is engaging, its quality is stunning. So too is its price for it is being offered at less than the cost of a well circulated 1930 Penny. When you compare their rarity, the 1930 Penny with at least 1000 well circulated examples available to collectors, and this 1921 Square Penny a minuscule 35 to 40 coins, the value it represents is impressive. And if you think the reverse on this coin looks good, wait until you see the obverse. Spectacular!
SOLD 21/9/2023

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The Type I, 1852 Adelaide One Pound minted in the very first production run of the nation's first gold coin. Of the highest rarity and historical significance. .
About Uncirculated and as such, one of the finest
Private Collection Melbourne
The One Pound was the nation’s first gold coin struck in 1852 at Adelaide's Government Assay Office, twelve months after gold was discovered in Victoria. Two distinct One Pound types are available to buyers, the Type I from the first production run or the Type II from the second run. The first production run of Adelaide Pounds utilised a reverse die that had a beaded inner-circle as part of its design. Its usage was brief. The die cracked. And was replaced with a new die that had a completely different design, a style that was maintained for the entire second run. Because it was brief, coins from the first production run are extremely rare. Second production run coins are scarce, but nowhere near the exclusivity of those from the first production run. This Type I Adelaide Pound is a prized piece with four key characteristics that make it ripe for investment. Supreme quality. Extreme rarity. The ultimate historical standing of being the nation's first gold coin produced in the very first production run. And a conservative price. The technical shots below confirm the glorious state of this coin.
SOLD 29/9/2023

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1934 Proof Set, the first set of Australian proof coins produced and sold to collectors
Superb FDC
Downies Sale by Private Treaty CSC Collection 1996
The origins of striking proof coins for collectors of Australia’s circulating currency rests with this 1934 Proof Set. It is the very first commercially produced set of Australian proof coins and was issued at the Melbourne Mint. It is an integral part of one of the nation’s most historic collector series, the ‘Numismatic Influencers’ of 1916 to 1953. This particular 1934 Proof Set was acquired in 1996 and has been wonderfully preserved. The silvers are magnificent. The copper penny and halfpenny equally so. This is the fourth only complete and original set that we have sold in a career that spans fifty-plus years. And this is one of the very best that we have handled.
SOLD 12/9/2023

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1883 Young Head Shield Sovereign, Melbourne Mint. One of the key dates of the series.
Brilliant Uncirculated with satin-smooth fields and a highly detailed design
Robert Jaggard Collection 1989 • Private Treaty Paul Terry Collection • Quartermaster Collection (Tom Hadley) sold 4 June 2009 Lot 65
Some numismatic giants were created during the seventeen-year Young Head era of 1871 to 1887. Two sovereign reverse designs were used concurrently, the St George and the Dragon and the Shield. As no conventions were set as to the mintages other than an overall total, it was inevitable that one design would be favoured over the other. And that a low mintage super-star would emerge. And it has in the form of this coin, the Melbourne Mint’s 1883 Sovereign struck with the Shield reverse and the Young Head portrait. A personal notation of a 'Brilliant Coin' was detailed against this 1883 Sovereign when it appeared in the Quartermaster Auction Catalogue. The comment captured the essence of the coin. Offered as Lot 65, the 1883M was acknowledged as a 'rare date' and 'extremely rare' in the quality offered of Brilliant Uncirculated. In hindsight, it is what we have come to expect of a sovereign that was formerly owned by Robert Jaggard, Paul Terry and Tom Hadley, three of Australia's greatest gold coin collectors. You might sight a handful of circulated examples on the market annually. One as exceptional as this coin, perhaps once or twice in a decade. The technical shots (shown below) confirm the glorious state of this coin.
SOLD 7/9/2023

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The Hannibal Head Holey Dollar, created from a Spanish Silver Dollar struck in 1810 at the Lima Mint in Peru featuring the 'imaginary' portrait of the monarch. One of two held by private collectors.
Original coin obverse Very Good • reverse About Fine. Counter stamps obverse About Fine • reverse worn smooth but showing a hint of the Five Shillings
Private Collection Sydney
Throughout history, extraordinary events have impacted on a nation’s currency. Triggering ad hoc measures to supplement a medium of exchange. Affecting mintages or inspiring new designs. The events create an environment that spawns numismatic superstars. The Hannibal Head Holey Dollar is one such numismatic super-star. Called the ‘Hannibal Head' due to an act of political intrigue, the coin is legendary and only TWO Hannibal Head Holey Dollars are held by private collectors. And if you are wondering why this Holey Dollar is named but most others aren’t. Consider that the world's most famous diamond is named, the Hope Diamond. And Australia’s most famous nugget is called the Welcome Stranger. These icons are named so they can connect easily with the public, providing them with a lasting familiarity for generations to come. And so it is with Australia's leading Holey Dollars. They also are named. There is the Pillar Holey Dollar, a unique coin. The Madrid Holey Dollar, also for collectors unique. And the Hannibal Head Holey Dollar with two examples available to collectors. These four Holey Dollars resonate with collectors, their names ensuring a familiarity for generations to come. Highly prestigious, excruciatingly rare, we are truly honoured to be offering the celebrated Hannibal Head Holey Dollar.
SOLD 1/9/2023

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Australia's rarest penny, the 1945 Penny, struck at the Melbourne Mint
FDC, a spectacular proof strike, fully brilliant with a golden obverse and reddish brown reverse
The Museum of Victoria Collection
The Museum of Victoria joined with Spink Australia in July 1988 to create a gala coin auction as part of Australia's Bicentenary celebrations. The museum auctioned off some of its duplicates, coins of national significance such as the 1920 Star Florin and 1920 Star Shilling. And pieces that had never been seen before nor available to collectors, occasions when the entire mintage was placed in archives with none passed to officials or members of the public. Coins such as the 1902 Sydney Mint Two Pounds, struck in the last day of operation of the Sydney Mint. The 1946 cupro--nickel florin shown below. And this coin, Australia’s rarest Penny, the 1945 Penny. Now let's be clear. And don't get excited if you happen to have a 1945 Penny in your bottom drawer! More than ten million pennies were struck in 1945 at the Perth Mint making it one of Australia's most readily available pennies, a dot after the 'Y' in 'PENNY' or a dot after the 'A' in AUSTRALIA identifying that it was struck at Perth. The Melbourne Mint, on the other hand, struck only FOUR pennies in 1945 - minus the dot. The four prized coins were retained by the mint for posterity. And this example is one of the four. In a market that values rarity - and quality - above all else, this coin takes the prize for it is the nation's rarest penny. A superb FDC, with full brilliance on both obverse and reverse, this magnificent piece of Australian numismatic history is available now.
SOLD 1/9/2023

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1813 Dump, design type A/1
Very Fine
Sale by Private Treaty Downies 2016
When you look at the photo of this 1813 Dump, it almost leaps off the page! That's the sign of a Dump worth owning. Its strong physical presence is due to the fact that the coin has edge denticles all the way round (which many don't have). Adding to its appeal, the design is beautifully centred, the details crisp and clearly visible to the naked eye. We note the 'H’ for Henshall on the reverse, the mark left by the nation’s first mint master guaranteeing his fame. There is traces of the original Spanish Dollar design from which it was created (the castle) above the word FIFTEEN on the reverse. And there is intact edge milling, the minting authority's ploy to prevent clipping of slivers of silver from the edges. We also note that the eight reales used to create this Dump received a bit of harsh treatment before William got his hands on it. The surfaces marks are original and do not detract in any way from the overall aesthetics of this fabulous 1813 Colonial Dump.
SOLD 31/8/2023

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1930 Penny with a fabulous reverse, the obverse featuring two, almost three sides, of the central diamond and six pearls. On both reverse and obverse, solid edges and handsome toning.
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Sale by Private Treaty 2000 Monetarium
This is an extraordinary 1930 Penny and we note that it’s been two years since we last offered one of this calibre. The coin is elegant. The coin has finesse and it is for the collector that has been sitting back waiting for the ‘right’ 1930 Penny to come along. It is an exciting 1930 Penny, for the exceptional quality traits it possesses. The reverse is graded Very Fine, the coin having crisp upper and lower scrolls and well-defined inner beading. Yes, the coin has circulated which is reflected in our obverse grading of About Very Fine. BUT the years of usage have treated it very, very kindly. It is an original, intact, well struck 1930 Penny with glossy fields and minimal signs of usage. If there is one thing that the past fifty years in the business has taught us is that you do not see 1930 Pennies like this every day. Or every month. Or every year for that matter!
SOLD 30/8/2023

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1871 Young Head St George Sovereign, the first year of a new obverse and reverse design. An extremely important and rare date.
Brilliant Uncirculated with satin-smooth proof-like fields, highly detailed
Spink Auctions March 1981 lot 449 • Robert Jaggard Collection 1989 • Private Treaty Paul Terry Collection • Quartermaster Collection (Tom Hadley) sold 4 June 2009 Lot 75
As the only mint in operation in 1871, the Sydney Mint takes all the glory for issuing a new portrait design of Queen Victoria on Australia's sovereigns. Not just a new portrait, the Deputy Master of the mint was given a choice of two reverse designs, that of St George and the Dragon and the second option, that of the Shield. Both to run concurrently. It was inevitable that one design would be favoured over the other and that a low mintage super-star would emerge. And it has, in the form of this coin, the 1871 Sovereign featuring the St George and the Dragon reverse. This coin was one of the few Imperial sovereigns photographed in the Spink Auctions Catalogue in March 1981. Even though the photograph was in black and white, the elegance and refinement and smooth nature of the fields are obvious. Extremely rare across all quality levels and this example from the Spink Auctions March 1981 sale, one of the very finest with proof like satin-smooth fields. We note a provenance that includes three of the greatest gold coin collectors of our time ... Robert Jaggard, Paul Terry and Tom Hadley of Quartermaster fame. This is perhaps the greatest affirmation of its standing. (Technical shots are provided below and confirm the coin's glorious state.)
SOLD 14/8/2023

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Proof 1952 Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Perth Mint
FDC with a brilliant strike and full mint red on both obverse and reverse.
Nobles Auction March 1996 Lot 1574 • Private Collection Melbourne
This Proof 1952 Penny is spectacular. Molten copper and a full brilliant mint red. Strong design details, pristine denticles, polished edges. This is the consummate proof coin. And it is extremely rare. The coin was especially struck at the Perth Mint as a collector's item in a minuscule mintage of fifteen, the majority of which were gifted to museums and overseas monetary institutions. Very few were retained by the Perth Mint ... the reason for its scarcity in today's marketplace. This stunning Perth Mint Proof 1952 Penny is a showpiece of quality. And is available now.
SOLD 9/8/2023

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1852 Adelaide Assay Office Gold One Pound struck with the second reverse die (Type II)
Good Very Fine
Private Collection Sydney
The ‘miracle of numismatics’. We often use this term when the state in which a coin is found defies the odds. It is more often than not applied to examples found in uncirculated condition but it is equally appropriate for this well circulated 1852 Adelaide Pound. What is remarkable about this Adelaide Pound is that, despite its obvious usage, it has not sustained any damage. There are none of the gouges and knocks you would normally see in a well circulated gold coin. It's also pretty obvious from its state that the coin was originally well struck for the legend is strong and legible, particularly in the ASSAY OFFICE area which is notoriously weak in those Pounds struck using the second die. This is a much-loved example of the nation’s first gold coin available at a very affordable price. Check out the technical shots ... it's a great coin.
Sold 1/8/2023

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A Unique pair of Proof 1894 Sovereign and Proof 1894 Half Sovereign, struck as Presentation Pieces at the Melbourne Mint.
Superb FDC proofs, brilliant and flawless
Murdoch Collection, sold Sotheby Wilkinson and Hodge, London 1903 - 1904.
Sovereign • $85,000 Half Sovereign • $85,000. Available as a pair • $150,000
This is a ‘generational wealth’ opportunity. An 1894 Proof Sovereign and an 1894 Proof Half Sovereign, the only Melbourne Mint Gold Proof Pair that we have ever offered in fifty-plus years of trading. We have sold a handful of individual proof sovereigns out of this era. And even less proof half sovereigns. But never had the opportunity to offer the sovereign and half sovereign together as a pair. And that’s a powerful statement given that this is one area of the rare coin market that is our strength. The coins come with an illustrious history, the Proof Sovereign first publicly sighted at auction in 1903 in the sale of the John G Murdoch Collection. The Proof Half Sovereign, also owned by Murdoch and offered at the same auction in 1903. Gem frosted proofs struck as Presentation Pieces at the Melbourne Mint, brilliantly preserved, they are flawless. Extremely rare as individual proofs. And unique as a pair.
SOLD 1/8/2023

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1918 Half Sovereign Perth Mint
Private Collection Canberra
The Perth Mint has struck many of Australia's greatest coin rarities, including this 1918 Half Sovereign. It is an important coin on many fronts. Australia struck its last half sovereign in 1918, making it a critical and highly historical date. The end of an era. And it is extremely rare. Respected numismatic author, Greg McDonald, contends that 200 to 300 pieces only are available to collectors. (Our last recorded sale of an Uncirculated 1918 Perth Half Sovereign was more than two years ago.) Important. Extremely rare. And available at $14,000. Excellent value. The technical shots confirm this coin's superb state.
Sold 24/7/2023

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Proof 1916 Halfpenny struck as a record piece at the Bombay Mint, believed unique
Barrie Winsor 1996 • Status Auctions October 2012 • Private Collection Sydney
This Proof 1916 Halfpenny is everything a proof coin should be. Of the utmost rarity, we believe it is unique. It certainly is the only Proof 1916 Halfpenny we have ever handled or sighted. And the quality is glorious. The fields are as smooth as glass. And highly reflective, emanating intense emerald, pink and blue colours. Strong striations on both obverse and reverse reflect solid die preparation resulting in a superb strike. In fact, we would go one step further and say that this Proof 1916 Halfpenny is visually, the most impactful proof halfpenny we have ever sold.
SOLD 19/7/2023

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The 'Nullica' Hoard comprising five 1930 Pennies across a broad range of prices and qualities.
Rare coins are a storage of wealth. And rare coins are a joy to own. The owner of the ‘Nullica’ hoard held those views. A farmer, he bought his first 1930 Penny in the early 1990s and was so thrilled with his first purchase, he repeated the exercise many times over eventually acquiring seven 1930 Pennies, two of which were passed to his children. He was perceptive recognising that the 1930 Penny, as an Aussie icon, would at the very least retain its value. And given its popularity and limited numbers would more than likely increase in value. He was correct on all counts! Click the 'Learn More' button for individual photographs and price information.

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1946 Pattern Florin, struck in cupro-nickel and the only example held in private hands
Melbourne Mint Archives • Museum of Victoria • Spink Auctions Australia July 1988, Lot 954 • Noble Numismatics July 1991 Lot 1250.
Crazy economic times might be completely forgotten if it were not for the numismatic super-stars that emerged from these zany eras. And 1946 was a crazy year, escalating silver prices creating a financial nightmare for the Australian Government, still issuing currency in sterling silver. And this 1946 Florin is a numismatic super-star. An experimental strike minted in an alternative metal of cupro nickel and the only example available to collectors. Can a mint go broke striking currency? Well, the Sydney Mint certainly did and was closed in 1926. The Melbourne Mint was under extreme pressure to experiment with new alloys for the nation’s silver coinage and produced four florins using cupro nickel as an alternative metal. The work was considered so sensitive that none were passed to officials or members of the public, all were archived. Collectors first became aware of the existence of a 'cupro nickel' 1946 Pattern Florin in March 1980 in an article published in the Australian Coin Review. Collectors got a chance to get their hands on one in 1988 when this coin was released by the Museum of Victoria and offered at Spink Australia’s Gala Bicentenary Auction. Of great historical significance and of the utmost rarity, this Pattern 1946 Florin is available now.
SOLD 15/6/2023

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1852 Adelaide Assay Office Gold One Pound struck with the second reverse die (Type II)
Brilliant Uncirculated, superbly executed strike and fully lustrous on both obverse and reverse
Private Collection Perth (held in the same collection as the famous Nobleman One Pound)
The Nobleman One Pound is a world-class rarity and set a standard for quality that no other Type I has ever matched. And that few Type II Adelaide Pounds will ever equal. This coin was, however, its perfect match and sat alongside the Nobleman One Pound for the last thirteen years. Now both are being sold. As with the Nobleman One Pound, this Type II Adelaide Pound attracted a high-quality ranking of Brilliant Uncirculated. The strike has been superbly executed, the coin displaying its full design detail. And the surfaces are highly reflective, the coin’s state of preservation miraculous. It must have been plucked off the production line as soon as it was minted and has been given extra-special care ever since for the coin is fully lustrous on both obverse and reverse. We note the edge denticles are strong and complete, all the way around, as is the legend 'Government Assay Office Adelaide'. The inner circular beading and scalloped border is crisp and highly detailed, so too the crown with its two fleur-de-lis resting on pleated cloth. And the pleats in the cloth are defined as are the jewels in the band of the crown. This Adelaide Pound is outstanding, the technical shots shown below confirming the fine detail this coin presents.
SOLD 19/5/2023

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Proof 1880 Half Sovereign struck as a presentation piece at the Sydney Mint, featuring a grained edge
A brilliant frosted proof in flawless condition and one of two known
Noble Numismatics November 1978 (lot 657) • Noble Numismatics November 1983 (lot 525) • Sale by Private Treaty CSC Collection March 2004
This Proof 1880 Half Sovereign was struck as a Presentation Piece at the Sydney Mint and features the Young Head obverse portrait of Queen Victoria and the Shield reverse. The coin is one of two known. Its extreme rarity is typical of this area of the market (proof gold) and the very reason why the coins are so popular with collectors and investors. The scarcity of the coin itself, that there are only two known, simply gives people the confidence to buy. And the notion that another proof example, with the same Young Head design and a different date, might pop up tomorrow is almost non-existent for the entire Young Head sector (1871 to 1887) is represented by about eight proof coins. (See below for more information on their extreme scarcity.) Compelling quality, extraordinarily rare, highly important and available now.
SOLD 18/5/2023

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1920 Kookaburra Square Penny design type 9, also known as the 'Square Legend Kookaburra'
Uncirculated with proof-like reflectives surfaces, a sharp design and uniform edges
The Osborne Collection • Spink Noble Numismatics July 1993 Lot 1423
The year 1920 is considered one of the ‘great’ years of Australian numismatics, producing some of the nation’s most significant coin rarities, including this Kookaburra Square Penny. The Melbourne Mint tested five different designs in 1920, this coin referenced the type 9. The coin is an acknowledged super-star of the series for it features a new bust design by Douglas Richardson that is unique to the type, the legend GEORGEIVS D.G.BRITT: OMN:REX is around the rim, parallel to the edge as distinct from most kookaburra coin types that feature a circular legend. Aside from its unique design, the type 9 is excruciatingly rare with only seven coins believed available to collectors. Our experiences attest to the coin’s extreme scarcity. We have sold only four examples over the last fifty years.
SOLD 16/5/2023

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The Ultimate Kookaburra Pair - 1921 Kookaburra Square Halfpenny and 1921 Kookaburra Square Penny
Choice Uncirculated and beautifully matched both by design and in quality
The Type 2, 1921 Kookaburra Halfpenny. And the Type 12, 1921 Kookaburra Penny. Both coins share the same obverse portrait designed by Australian sculptor and medallist Bertram Mackennal. And they share the same reverse design of a plump kookaburra resting on a branch. Given the extreme rarity of the Halfpenny, having the two coins together is a rare opportunity. That the two coins are matched for quality makes this an extraordinarily rare opportunity. WE CHECKED. The last time a matched pair of Kookaburra Halfpenny and Kookaburra Penny appeared at auction was in 1993.
SOLD 10/5/2023

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1921 Kookaburra Square Penny design type 12
Superb Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Sydney
This 1921 Kookaburra Penny is engaging, its quality is stunning. So too is its price for it is being offered at less than the cost of a well circulated 1930 Penny. When you compare their rarity, the 1930 Penny with at least 1000 well circulated examples available to collectors, and this 1921 Square Penny a minuscule 35 to 40 coins, the value it represents is impressive. And if you think the reverse on this coin looks good, wait until you see the obverse. Spectacular!
SOLD 10/5/2023

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1921 Kookaburra Square Halfpenny, a great Commonwealth coin rarity.
Choice Uncirculated with strong design detail in the portrait of George V, the legend, the bird (even to the eye which is like a tiny pearl.) And very nice edges.
Sale by Private Treaty to CSC Collection March 1998
The Kookaburra Halfpenny is a great Commonwealth rarity. And incredibly scarce! • There are about 200 Kookaburra Pennies of various dates and designs available to collectors. • The crunch for penny buyers comes when they want to acquire a Kookaburra Halfpenny (as most do) for there are only about 12 in existence. So, 90 per cent of penny collectors are wiped out before they even start looking, as a coin will never become available. This 1921 Kookaburra Square Halfpenny is superb for quality. And if you think the reverse looks good, wait until you see the obverse for it is stunning! And this Choice Uncirculated 1921 Kookaburra Square Halfpenny is available now.
SOLD 10/5/2023

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The rarest Australian Commonwealth coin - the 1919 Shilling.
Nearly Extremely Fine
Spink Australia November 1981 lot 944 • Spink Auction March 1988 lot 1154 • Noble Numismatics March 1996 lot 1539
In an industry that values extreme rarity, the title "Australia's Rarest Commonwealth Coin" is impressive and it commands attention. And the title belongs to this coin, the 1919 Pattern Shilling. Whereas most Australian circulating coins were struck in the millions, only three shillings were struck in 1919. Whilst the mintage is remarkable. Even more remarkable, the coins were struck in a reduced alloy of .625 silver, instead of the normal .925, a fineness that had been adopted since the first Australian silver coin issue of 1910. One shilling was retained by the Mint for its archives and is currently held by the Museum of Victoria. Two coins were given to Government officials, including the Treasurer at the time. The political damage of having a debased coin accidentally getting out into circulation saw the application of an official counter stamp, to signify the coin's reduced silver content. Two 'S''s were officially counter stamped on both sides of the obverse and reverse fields. This coin is famous. This coin charts history. This coin is rare. And this coin is available now.
Sold 9/5/2023

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1852 Adelaide Pound Type II struck with a reverse die featuring the scalloped inner circle
Good Extremely Fine / About Uncirculated, highly reflective surfaces and great eye appeal
Downies sale by private treaty to the Peter Dawson Collection, 1999
The 1852 Adelaide Pound is the nation’s very first gold coin. And this example is impressive, highly lustrous with superb design detail. And that follows our first rule for acquisition ... acquire a coin that looks good to the naked eye. Take up the eye glass and it continues to shine with a whisper touch of circulation to the high points and minimal marks in the fields ... and that follows our second rule for acquisition. Ensure the technical details of the coin are sound and as described. Our final rule asks you to check out the coin again just to make sure nothing has been overlooked. This example passes our three-point rule with flying colours. It is a well-priced example of the nation’s very first gold coin, offered in a premium quality level. This is a coin that you will be proud to show family and friends.
SOLD 1/5/2023

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1930 Penny with two sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Sydney
The 1930 Penny is legendary, and its star status has made it one of Australia's most valuable rare coins. To assist collectors in their selection process, we offer one very basic tip ... acquire a 1930 Penny that is visually very attractive and has no major defects from its time in circulation. A glance at the technical photos, both obverse and reverse, of this coin shows that it is simply a great 1930 Penny. The obverse is graded About Very Fine and the reverse a higher quality grading of Very Fine. Collectors will note the partial central diamond and six plump pearls in the king’s crown. If you have been sitting back watching the market and waiting for a quality 1930 Penny to come along ... then this is the coin for you.
SOLD 1/5/2023

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The Commonwealth of Australia 1932 Florin, struck to specimen quality at the Melbourne Mint. One of two coins purchased from the Melbourne Mint for the State Collection in 1932 and unique in private hands.
Spink Auctions Australia July 1988, Lot 1000 where it sold for $10,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $6000
The Museum of Victoria joined with Spink Australia in July 1988 to create a gala coin auction as part of Australia's Bicentenary celebrations. The museum auctioned off some of its duplicates, coins of national significance such as the 1920 Star Florin and 1920 Star Shilling. And pieces that had never been seen before nor available to collectors, occasions when the entire mintage was placed in archives with none passed to officials or members of the public. Coins such as the 1902 Sydney Mint Two Pounds, struck in the last day of operation of the Sydney Mint. Australia’s rarest Penny, the 1945 Penny. The pattern cupro-nickel 1946 Florin, to be offered by Coinworks next month. And this specimen 1932 Florin. The '32 florin sold at the Spink Australia 1988 Auction for $10,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $6000. A further sale is recorded in 2006, by Monetarium to the current owner. This coin is the only specimen quality example available to collectors of this powerful, rare date florin.
Sold 27/4/2023

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1813 Holey Dollar created from an 1809 Ferdinand VII Spanish Silver Dollar
About Extremely Fine with Extremely Fine counter-stamps. Highly reflective, glossy surfaces and handsome toning.
Dr Mark Long, a foremost collector and numismatic author of the nineteenth century
This 1813 Holey Dollar has a distinctive edge. While most Holey Dollars were created from Charles IV Spanish Silver Dollars, this coin was minted from a Ferdinand VII Silver Dollar. And that makes it one of the rarest Holey Dollars. As evidenced by the photos, it also is supreme for quality. One hundred and ninety-three Holey Dollars are held today by private collectors. But, of those just THIRTEEN were created from Ferdinand VII Mexico Mint Silver Dollars. This coin is one of the thirteen and the very reason why we say it has a distinctive edge. This Holey Dollar is photographed on page 65 of the Mira Noble book, 'The Holey Dollars of News South Wales', a copy of which will be gifted to the new owner. Technical shots re-affirm the quality of this extremely rare Holey Dollar.
SOLD 25/4/2023

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1813 Dump, a textbook example of the nation's very first coin
Very Fine / Good Very Fine
The Dan Collection Queensland
When you look at the photo of this Dump, it almost leaps off the page. And that’s a sign of a high-quality Dump. Then, when you look at the coin in your hand, the fields are smooth and reflective and the design details crisp and clearly visible to the naked eye. And that’s also a sign of a high-quality coin. This is a superior quality example of the nation’s first coin, ranked in the top FIFTEEN per cent. Over and above its quality ranking this coin has attributes that are highly prized and the reason why we refer to it as a 'textbook' Dump. (Traits that you simply don't see in every Dump.) For a start there is the 'H’ for Henshall on the reverse, the mark left by the nation’s first mint master guaranteeing his fame. There also is strong evidence of the original Spanish Dollar design from which it was created. Intact edge milling, the minting authority's ploy to prevent clipping of slivers of silver from the edges. And edge denticles that act as a picture-frame to the design. There is additional information below that expands on our introductory comments.
Sold 21/4/2023

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The Hagley Proof 1930 Halfpenny struck as a Presentation Piece at the Melbourne Mint and one of three known
FDC with iridescent mirror surfaces that give off brilliant purple and emerald-green colours, highlighting the date 1930 and highlighting the legend on both obverse and reverse. The inner beading is pristine. The edge denticles immaculate. A stunning coin!
The late Sydney Hagley • Bowers & Ruddy Auction 6 November 1974 lot 1894 in the liquidation of the Dr Curtis Paxman Collection • Spink Auction November 1981 Lot 958 • Noble Numismatics March 2000 Lot 1378
The Proof 1930 Penny is legendary. And so is its lower denomination counterpart, the Proof 1930 Halfpenny. Both coins have a date that counts, ‘1930’, the year resonating with all Australians. And a year that guarantees their continuing popularity. This Proof 1930 Halfpenny is particularly famous and has a remarkable history that almost eclipses that of its higher denomination counterpart, the Proof 1930 Penny. The coin has a Syd Hagley provenance and is rare, with only two other known examples. It has made two auction appearances in Australia over the last forty-two years, the first offering in March 1981 where it fetched $13,000 on an estimate of $2000. A further appearance occurred in March 2000, this glorious proof selling for $39,100 on an estimate of $25,000. FDC with iridescent mirror surfaces that give off stunning purple and emerald-green colours, highlighting the date and highlighting the legend on both obverse and reverse. The inner beading is pristine. The edge denticles immaculate. This is a memorable coin!
Sold 18/4/2023

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A Complete Set of Australia's Wartime Silver Proofs struck at the Heaton Mint, Birmingham. Superb quality and a unique set.
Available individually as priced below. Or $245,000 for the set of three Heaton Proof Coins in a hand crafted Anton Gerner Presentation Case.
The years 1914 and 1915 are profoundly significant for all Australians. And they represent a major chapter in the nation’s history when Australia, as a dominion of the British Empire, was committed to war. The years 1914 and 1915 are also profoundly significant for coin collectors and represent a major chapter in Australia's numismatic history. The nation's coinage was stuck at the privately owned Heaton Mint in Birmingham creating some of Australia’s greatest coin rarities including these stunning silver proofs. The coins were unknown until the 1970s when they were discovered in the vaults of the Heaton Mint, a minuscule cache of flawless mint-state presentation pieces, their hibernation in a strictly static, controlled environment fostering a beautiful olive steel/grey patina.
Sold 2/4/2023

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Proof 1927 Shilling struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of two known
Brilliant FDC, stunning fields and heavy striations confirming careful preparation of the dies
Spink Auctions November 1978, Spink Auctions March 1982
This Proof 1927 Shilling is spectacular. And it is extremely rare. Just two examples of the Proof 1927 Shilling have surfaced over the last half century … this piece that was last offered at public auction in 1982. And one other coin that was offered in 1975 and has not been sighted since. (The limited appearances are typical of this area of the market). Aesthetically this Proof 1927 Shilling is magnificent, the fields as smooth as ice, and highly reflective. Almost too good to shut away, this coin has been displayed many times over attracting the interest of the collecting public and numismatic dealers alike. Take a look at the obverse. It is stunning.
Sold 24/3/2023

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Proof 1948 Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Perth Mint
Superb FDC with stunning reflective colours
Sale by Private Treaty to the Alan Long Collection 1998, Private Collection Queensland
This Proof 1948 Penny is compelling. Move the coin through the light and the colours are spectacular. The surfaces are superb glossy and smooth, the design details strong, the denticles pristine, the edges polished. This is the consummate proof coin. And it is extremely rare. This coin was especially struck as a collector's item at the Perth Mint in a minuscule mintage of sixteen. As was the custom at the time, the mint gifted the majority of the mintage to museums and overseas mints, retaining only a few for themselves. The very reason why it is scarce in today's collector market. We have sold only one other Proof 1948 Penny that we would describe as stunning, and that coin was acquired by us in 2007 and sold more recently in 2021. Look around and you can’t help but notice just how FEW truly fabulous Perth proofs are around. It is an ominous sign from a supply perspective.
Sold 17 March 2023

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Proof 1857 Queen Victoria Sydney Mint Half Sovereign struck at the Royal Mint London
A brilliant and frosted proof in flawless condition and one of perhaps three known
Barrie Winsor Collection 2004 • Private Collection Western Australia
Collectors of proof gold sovereigns and half sovereigns appreciate the extraordinary beauty of the coins. Pieces such as this Proof 1857 Half Sovereign that look like molten gold and have a depth of detail in their design that only a 'proof' striking could deliver. Collectors of proof gold also appreciate just how scarce the coins actually are. This piece is one of three known and was acquired from Barrie Winsor in 2004 and is having its first public offering in nearly two decades. Collectors of proof gold will not be the only interested party in the sale of this coin. We expect enquiries to come from numismatic investors, the buyers that will consider the coin’s extreme rarity and the price at which it is being offered and see its future investment potential. We also expect interest from collectors of Sydney Mint coins, this Proof 1857 Half Sovereign representing the very first year of a new Sydney Mint design. Compelling quality, extraordinarily rare, highly important Sydney Mint, value-priced and available now.
Sold 7 March 2023

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1930 Penny with a nearly full central diamond and six very plump pearls
Nearly Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The old saying, 'success breeds success' is very true when it comes to the 1930 Penny. Every year, demand for the coin is getting stronger as more collectors seek to acquire the nation's iconic coin rarity. The increased demand means that supplies are slowly drying up. And prices are steadily increasing. It's a trend we don't see abating, particularly with the '1930 - 2030’ Centenary just seven years away. This 1930 Penny is impressive. The coin. has a nearly full central diamond and six plump pearls and it is these two aspects, the diamond and the pearls, that classifies this coin as one of the very best, in the top ten per cent. The important details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. Moreover, the toning is a consistent and a handsome chestnut brown, the fields glossy and highly reflective.
Sold 1 March 2023

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1930 Penny, a coin that defies the odds because to the naked eye you would hardly know it had circulated.
About Fine / About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1930 Penny was struck during the Great Depression, and with unemployment raging, no one could afford to put the coin away as a keepsake. They were used. With the majority well used sustaining the inevitable knocks and gouges that comes with extensive circulation. This 1930 Penny defies the odds. It has circulated, but you would never know it by looking at the coin in the flesh. It’s a handsome coin with nice edges and even brown toning and that all important ‘1930’ date is prominent. The coin continues to shine under the eye glass for under magnification, there are no nasty knocks or unsightly horrible gouges. On the obverse, the coin is technically graded About Fine, with the top right-hand side of the central diamond just starting to peak through. The six pearls are evident, with the sixth just showing slight wear. The reverse is graded higher at About Very Fine. This is a grand opportunity to acquire an extremely attractive example of Australia's favourite coin rarity for $25,000.
Sold 22 February 2023

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The Proof 1923 Halfpenny, a unique Presentation Piece of Australia's rarest halfpenny
FDC with underlying copper brilliance in the central area of the reverse and around the periphery, highlighting the legend and the date. The inner beading is pristine. The edge denticles immaculate. The fields, satin smooth. The obverse also shows much underlying brilliance and, under magnification, there are striations reflecting careful preparation of the dies.
Noble Numismatics Auction November 1999, Private Collector Sydney
The Proof 1923 Halfpenny was struck as a presentation piece at the Melbourne Mint and is acknowledged as one of the ‘great coins of Australian numismatics'. Enhancing its greatness, the coin is the only example available to collectors. And that's a powerful combination. The ultimate standing and the ultimate rarity. 'Great' coins capture the 'big moments' in history. Or the 'big moments' in numismatics. They are the story tellers. And they are either, a proof or specimen striking of a coin that was struck for circulation. Or they are a pattern, a test piece of a coin that never went into circulation. The Proof 1930 Penny comes immediately to mind as one of the industry's great coins. So too, the 1937 Pattern Penny. The 1920 Kookaburra Halfpenny. And this coin, the Proof 1923 Halfpenny. To add to their greatness, they are excessively rare. The Proof 1930 Penny is one of three in private hands. The 1937 Pattern Penny one of seven privately held. The Kookaburra Halfpenny is one of three known. And this Proof 1923 Halfpenny is the ultimate in rarity, it is unique.
Sold February 2023

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1813 Holey Dollar created from a Charles IV Spanish Silver Dollar that was struck at the Mexico Mint in 1805
Original Eight Reales About Fine with glossy reflective fields. Counter stamps Obverse Good Fine • Reverse About Fine
Roy Farman, Ray Jewell, Noble Auctions July 2005 Lot 1246, Mira Noble Reference 1805/10 Page 52
This 1813 Holey Dollar has three overwhelming features that will place it front and centre for many collectors. The first feature is that despite its extensive circulation, the coin has retained all the essential elements that collectors want in an example of Australia’s very first coin … the design details and the counter stamps. It has great eye appeal, the fields are glossy and there are no knocks or gouges. Circulation has treated this Holey Dollar very kindly. The second feature, is the obvious one, it is priced below $100,000 bringing it into the reach of a wide collector audience. And the third feature? The coin is photographed and officially recorded as one of the almost 200 privately owned examples in ‘The Holey Dollars of New South Wales’ by Messrs. Mira and Noble, page 52.
Sold 23 February 2023

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1813 Holey Dollar created from an 1809 Ferdinand VII Spanish Silver Dollar
Original coin obverse About Fine • reverse Very Good. Counter stamps obverse Good Fine • reverse worn smooth.
W J Noble Collection • Mark Freehill Collection • Spink & Son Australia November 1978 Lot 514 • Spink Auctions July 1984 • Mira Noble Reference 1809/11.
This coin has been priced to engage the collector that wants an affordable Holey Dollar. It is one of only thirteen Holey Dollars to feature the portrait of the Spanish King Ferdinand VII. And that makes it an extremely rare and extremely important type. It is a well-used example of the nation’s first coin … but that's how most of them come. And it is what Governor Lachlan Macquarie intended when he imported 40,000 Spanish Silver Dollars into the penal colony of New South Wales and converted them into Holey Dollars. The colony was starved of a circulating medium and Macquarie wanted them used to stimulate the economy. The price of $35,000 reflects its usage and the extreme scarcity of Ferdinand VII Holey Dollars. We note the coin appears on page 67 of the Reference Book 'The Holey Dollars of New South Wales' authored by the late Bill Mira and Jim Noble. We also note that it was once held in the collection of one of the authors - Jim Noble - a foremost dealer and Holey Dollar authority. .
Sold 23 February 2023

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1930 Penny with a full central diamond and six very plump pearls (and our New Year bonus offer of a 1923 Halfpenny)
Very Fine-Plus, and one of the best
Private Collection Melbourne
Consistent chestnut toning and highly reflective, smooth fields. Well defined inner beading, strong upper and lower scrolls and solid edges, these are the hallmarks of a great 1930 Penny. This 1930 Penny is defined by a superb reverse. And an equally superb obverse. Under the eye-glass the coin continues to shine for the central diamond is complete and solid. The oval to the left of the diamond is almost complete. There are six very plump pearls and the area of the design that includes the seventh and eighth pearl is flattened yet evident. Now, it is a fact that the most frequently sighted 1930 Penny is a well circulated Fine. This coin, at Very Fine-Plus, is at least four to five grades higher. A 1930 Penny at this quality level would be offered on the market, perhaps once annually. This frequency is minuscule when you consider the popularity of the 1930 Penny.
Sold January 2023

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1813 Holey Dollar created from a Charles IV Spanish Silver Dollar that was issued at the Mexico Mint in 1804. Of particular note, the vertical alignment of the obverse counter-stamps - 'New South Wales' and '1813' - with the date '1804'. This is the optimum position of the counter-stamps and was rarely ever achieved by mint master, William Henshall.
Original coin: Very Fine, the surfaces highly reflective with subtle grey toning. Counter-stamps: Good Very Fine.
Money Company California, 1980. Noble Numismatics Auction April 2004, Lot 1383 selling for $114,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $90,000. Mira/Noble Reference 1804/13 page 49.
We like the quality of this Holey Dollar. The coin has fabulous eye appeal. And we like its technical attributes, the vertical alignment of the counter-stamps 'New South Wales', '1813' with the date '1804', a trait that is seen in only a handful of Holey Dollars and is keenly sought and highly valued. Last, but by no means least, we like its price point. When it comes to buying a Holey Dollar, the price point of between $100,000 and $200,000 offers extreme value for your investment dollars. The buyer is taking up a coin that, to the naked eye looks relatively untouched and that has all its design details intact. (In comparison to those Holey Dollars priced below $100,000 that show obvious design wear and/or possible defects from usage.) The technical shots shown below confirm our glowing assessment of the coin.
Sold 31/10/2022

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Proof 1956 Penny struck at the Perth Mint and featuring the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Full blazing copper, a superb Gem FDC
This Proof 1956 Penny is intensely beautiful. The strike is highly detailed, the coin brilliantly preserved showing full copper brilliance. A Perth Mint copper proof out of this era, and in such a heady quality, could only have come from one source. Melbourne Collector Kevin Tierney. Kevin is an expert on Australian proof coinage, a passionate and very knowledgeable collector. He acquired his proofs in America, in the 1980s, while he was residing overseas. Australian coins bought in the US? Now, while that may come as a surprise to many readers, it is a further endorsement on the quality of these coins. The Perth Mint had developed a large export market for its early commercial proofs, US collectors its prime target. And it is acknowledged that the quality of those coins sold into the US were far superior to those sold locally.
Sold 24/10/2022

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The unique Proof 1921 Star Shilling struck as a Presentation Piece at the Sydney Mint
Spink Auctions March April 1984 Lot 607, Spink Auctions March 1988 Lot 1167, Barrie Winsor Collection
This Proof 1921 Star Shilling is unique. And this Proof 1921 Star Shilling is acknowledged as one of the ‘great' coins of Australian numismatics. And that's a powerful combination. The ultimate rarity and the ultimate standing. Great coins capture the 'big moments' in history. They are the story tellers. And they are either, a proof striking of a coin that was struck for circulation. Or they are a pattern, a test piece of a coin that never went into circulation. The Proof 1930 Penny comes immediately to mind as one of the industry's great coins. So too, the 1937 Pattern Penny. The 1920 Kookaburra Halfpenny. And this coin, the Proof 1921 Star Shilling. To add to their greatness, they are excessively rare. The Proof 1930 Penny is one of three in private hands. The 1937 Pattern Penny one of seven privately held. The Kookaburra Halfpenny is one of three known. And this Proof 1921 Star Shilling, is the ultimate in rarity, it is unique. To offer this coin is a privilege. To own this coin and claim it as your own, is an even greater privilege. The technical shots (see READ MORE section) confirm the glorious state of this coin.
Sold 13/10/2022

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1813 Holey Dollar created from an 1809 Ferdinand VII Spanish Silver Dollar
Original Coin: About Fine Counter-stamps Very Fine
American Collector W D Koonce, Spink Australia July 1983 Lot 801, Mira Noble Reference 1809/12 Illustrated on Page 66
How exciting is it to pick up a major reference book and find your Holey Dollar illustrated and detailed. And then flick through the book and do the numbers and realise that your Holey Dollar is also one of the rarest. Those pleasures await the buyer of this Ferdinand VII Holey Dollar. This Holey Dollar was created from a Ferdinand VII Spanish Silver Dollar. Yes it is well circulated, but it also is extremely rare and that makes it a stand-out piece. One hundred and ninety-three Holey Dollars are held today by private collectors. But of those, just THIRTEEN were created from Ferdinand VII Mexico Mint Silver Dollars. Even rarer, take a look at the counter-stamps. They are in the optimum position, the fleur de lis and twig of leaves in the same vertical vista as the date 1809. As is the legend New South Wales and the date 1813 in alignment with the crown. To add to the pleasure of this purchase, the book, 'The Holey Dollars of New South Wales' by Messrs Mira and Noble will be provided.
Sold September 2022

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Proof 1955 Penny and Proof 1955 Halfpenny struck at the Perth Mint and featuring the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Full blazing copper, a superb Gem FDC
The Collection of Kevin Tierney
Just one glance at these coins, and you know they are special. Under the eye glass they are even more special, the heavy striations indicating very careful preparation of the dies to facilitate a strong strike. This pair of Proof 1955 Penny and Proof 1955 Halfpenny are awesome and you simply don’t see quality like this around! We realised, as soon as we saw them, that they could only have come from one source. Melbourne Collector Kevin Tierney. Kevin is an expert on Australian proof coinage, a passionate and very knowledgeable collector. He acquired his proofs in America, in the 1980s, while he was residing overseas. Australian coins bought in the US? Now, while that may come as a surprise to many readers, it is a further endorsement on the quality of these coins. The Perth Mint had developed a large export market for its early commercial proofs, US collectors its prime target. And it is acknowledged that the quality of those coins sold into the US were far superior to those sold locally.
Sold September 2022

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1967 Coombs Randall Twenty Dollars Consecutive Pair
Private Collection Geelong Victoria
Will King Charles III appear on Australia's $5 banknote? If he doesn’t, whose face will adorn our lowest denomination note? Questions that are already intriguing the public. Either way there will be a flurry of decimal banknote activity next year with new collectors swelling an already vibrant market. They will add pressure to those pockets of the decimal banknote market that are already scarce. Banknotes such as these Coombs Randall Twenty Dollar notes. The 1967 Coombs Randall Twenty Dollar banknote is Australia's rarest issued decimal note. In fact, the Australian banknotes that have the Coombs Randall signature combination are scarce in all denominations from the One Dollar up to the Twenty Dollar. And the ‘Coombs Randall Twenties’ are the scarcest and most sought after of them all. While most banknotes are issued throughout a year, the Coombs Randall Twenty Dollar notes were issued for only a matter of weeks, from mid-September 1967 until October 1967. The 'Coombs Randall Twenties' are the absolute ‘key’ to the Australian banknote series and this pair is a great one to put away for the future. See technical shots below.
Sold September 2022

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Proof 1924 Sixpence struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of five known
Downies, sold by private treaty to the Woulfin Collection, 1999
We are not sure which excites us more. The coin. Or the asking price. This Proof 1924 Sixpence was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint during the tenure of Mr A M Le Souef as the mint’s Deputy Master. Extremely rare, it is offered at $10,500. Visually it is stunning. It's as though you are looking at a pool of molten silver. And the depth of detail in the design is amazing. This Proof 1924 Sixpence has broad appeal, catering to collectors and numismatic investors. And it is available now.
Sold September 2022

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Proof 1954 Coat of Arms Florin struck as a Presentation Piece at the Melbourne Mint and featuring the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Brilliant FDC and possibly unique in private hands
Spink Auctions Melbourne 1999, March 28 & 29, Lot 342
This Proof 1954 Coat of Arms Florin is historically significant. The very first proof coin to depict the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. It is a noted piece and it is rare. The coin made its first auction appearance in Melbourne in 1999, the sale conducted by Spink London. Some of the proofs on offer, including this coin, had never been sighted before, Spink indicating that they were the property of a senior official of the Royal Mint London, said to be that of H G Stride OBE. Of further significance for collectors, we believe this coin is unique.
Sold September 2022.

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Proof 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign and Proof 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign, the only pair held in Australia.
Flawless FDC, ultra cameo, glowing with mirrored lustre
Detailed individually below
$220,000 (Sovereign), $220,000 (Half Sovereign)
This Proof 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign and Proof 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is the only pair available in Australia. Only one other pair is known, held overseas. The coins are an integral part of Australia's coining history. Treasures of the Sydney Mint, they were struck at the Royal Mint London prior to the opening of the Sydney Mint in 1855. Visually stunning with a provenance that can be traced back to 1903, the coins were held as part of the esteemed John G. Murdoch Collection. And these stunning ultra-rare 1855 Cameo Proofs are available now. Copies of the Catalogues attesting to their provenance will be provided.
Sold August 2022

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The Spanish Silver Dollar, cut and counter stamped - a collection of four pieces.
As detailed below.
Available individually or as a complete collection for $18,000 (a saving of $2000).
The Spanish Silver Dollar was fabled as pirate plunder, the famous ‘piece of eight’ of the Spanish empire with a diameter of 39mm and weighing 27.70 grams of pure silver. The coin was used the world over for centuries. Used and abused for it was defaced by private individuals, banks and government authorities in the eighteenth and nineteenth century by being holed, cut into smaller pieces and counter stamped. This collection is comprised of four coins, all of which originated as a Spanish Silver Dollar. They are available individually or as a complete collection with a savings of $2000.
Sold August 2022

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High quality 1930 Penny with our bonus offer of a Choice Uncirculated 1930 Sovereign
Very Fine with a full central diamond and six plump pearls and in the top ten per cent of surviving examples.
Private Collection NSW
This Very Fine 1930 Penny is an elite coin. One of the very best it rests in the top ten per cent. It is a technically sound coin and visually very attractive. The ideal combination for the collector and the investor. To the naked eye, the coin has even chestnut toning and strong design detail, including the upper and lower scrolls and the all-important ‘1930’ date. But it’s under an eyeglass that this coin really shines and upholds its Very Fine status. The central diamond is complete and solid. And there are six very plump pearls. Now, it is a fact that the most frequently sighted 1930 Penny is a well circulated Fine. This coin, at Very Fine, is at least four grades higher. A 1930 Penny at this quality level would be offered on the market, perhaps once or twice every year. This is an impressive 1930 Penny made even more impressive with our bonus offer of a Choice Uncirculated 1930 Sovereign. The technical shots (in the READ MORE section) confirm its superior quality.
Sold 7/10/2022.

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1864 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign, and one of the smallest mintages of the Sydney Mint Half Sovereign Series
Uncirculated, with proof-like surfaces and very rare in this condition
Quartermaster Collection sold by Monetarium 4 June 2009, lot 243
The name, Barrie Winsor, is legendary. And so is the collection he formed, the Quartermaster Collection. Winsor, had an eye for detail. He could spot a great coin 'a mile away'. And he had the experience and knowledge built up over fifty-plus years in the industry to make a relative assessment on each coin. Which coin was better. Which coin was, in his opinion, the best. And he used both his eye and his experience to assemble the Quartermaster Collection for Queensland collector, Tom Hadley. It took twenty years to complete the task! There is no greater endorsement of this 1864 Half Sovereign than it was acquired to become part of the Quartermaster Collection. The coin is highly lustrous, a cameo-perfect example with strong, unblemished edges that frame the coin. Given the limitations in size, the design is well-executed and the fields are super smooth. Quite amazing when you consider that the Half Sovereign was the lifeblood of the colony, manufactured for use in every-day commerce. Even more amazing that it survived the production process at the Sydney Mint unscathed where it would have hurtled down a chute and into a barrel. And this superb colonial gem is available now. The technical shots re-affirm its glorious state.
Sold August 2022

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1930 Penny, a fabulous coin with a full central diamond, six very plump pearls and traces of the elusive seventh and eighth pearls
Good Very Fine
Private Collection Queensland
This Good Very Fine 1930 Penny is an elite coin. One of the very best it rests in the top five per cent. It is a technically sound coin and visually very attractive. The ideal combination for the collector and the investor. To the naked eye, the coin has solid edges, even chestnut toning and strong design detail, including the all important ‘1930’ date. But, it’s under an eye-glass that this coin really shines and upholds its Good Very Fine status. The central diamond is complete and solid. The oval to the left of the diamond also is complete and there are six very plump pearls with traces of the elusive seventh and eighth pearl. And the fields are smooth and show minimal signs of circulation. Now, it is a fact that the most frequently sighted 1930 Penny is a well circulated Fine. This coin, at Good Very Fine, is at least five grades higher. A 1930 Penny at this quality level would be offered on the market, perhaps once every few years. Already have a 1930 Penny? Then consider trading it back as part-payment on this stunning coin. The technical photos of both obverse and reverse are provided below and re-affirm its fabulous state.
Sold July 2022

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1813 Holey Dollar created from a Spanish Silver Dollar that was minted in 1800 at the Lima Mint, a Holey Dollar that is unique for the date and mint combination
Original coin: A supreme quality Good Very Fine with superb design detail, the surfaces highly reflective enhanced by handsome light grey toning. Counter-stamps: Nearly Extremely Fine
Edward Wills Collection, Syd Hagley Collection, Nobles Auction November 2005 lot 1220. Photographed and detailed as Holey Dollar 1800/1 on page 38 of the reference book, "The Holey Dollars of New South Wales. A Pictorial Record.
This 1813 Holey Dollar was created from a Spanish Silver Dollar that had been minted in 1800 at the Lima Mint, Peru. The coin has a distinctive edge. Most Holey Dollars were created from silver dollars produced at the Mexico Mint. This coin, however, was created from a Spanish Silver Dollar that was struck at the LIMA MINT. And that makes it one of the rarest Holey Dollars. One hundred and ninety-three Holey Dollars are held by private collectors and of those twenty were created from Lima Mint Silver Dollars. And this coin is one of the twenty. The ‘edge’ that this coin possesses extends well beyond a ‘rare mint’. The original silver dollar, a supreme quality Good Very Fine, resisted the force applied by William Henshall in cutting out the hole. The result is a Holey Dollar that has retained a circular, even shape and that displays the design details to the max giving it fabulous eye appeal. The coin also comes with a celebrated former owner. Syd Hagley was famous for his ownership of the Proof 1930 Penny and, history contends, created and drove the Australian rare coin industry. While the Syd Hagley Proof 1930 Penny may be an impossible dream for many collectors, the Hagley Holey Dollar is available now.
Sold July 2022

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Proof 1927 Canberra Florin, an exceptional quality piece and one of the finest we have handled.
Brilliant FDC with rich golden toning.
International Auction Galleries 2005, Private Collection Melbourne
Name the top five all-time favourite Australian rare coins. Without doubt the 1930 Penny would be at the top of the list. But, the Proof 1927 Canberra Florin would, in all likelihood, be at position number two. For many collectors, it's not a matter of 'if' I will buy a Proof Canberra Florin, it's 'when' I will buy one. The coin is historically important and was struck to commemorate the opening of Parliament House in Canberra. And it is rare with numismatic authority Greg McDonald contending that the mintage could be as low as 150, an explanation as to why so few are appearing on the market. And this Proof 1927 Canberra Florin is superb, its glorious state prompted aggressive bidding when it first appeared at auction in 2005, setting a new price record. And price records only happen when the coin warrants it! A superb FDC with a highly detailed design set against a backdrop of smooth, brilliant fields enhanced by rich golden toning. And this record-breaking 1927 Proof Canberra Florin is available now.
Sold July 2022

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1930 Penny with two sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls.
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The old saying, 'success breeds success' is very true when it comes to the 1930 Penny. Every year, demand for the coin is getting stronger as more collectors seek to acquire the nation's iconic coin rarity. The increased demand means that supplies are slowly drying up. And prices are steadily increasing. It's a trend we don't see abating, particularly with the '1930 - 2030’ Centenary just eight years away. This 1930 Penny was held by a Coinworks client and is very impressive. It is a classy coin. The edges are solid and the important design details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. Flip the coin, over and the monarch's crown shows two sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls. Moreover, the toning is a consistent and a handsome chestnut brown, the fields glossy and highly reflective. The technical shots re-affirm the grading and the aesthetics of this quality 1930 Penny.
Sold July 2022

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1823 Macintosh and Degraves Tasmania Silver Shilling and one of two known at this quality level
Nearly Uncirculated, a brilliant strike, brown / grey toning with underlying proof-like brilliance and one of the finest known.
Spink & Son London sold to Guy Newton-Brown by private treaty 1968. Nobles Auction July 1998 in the liquidation of Newton-Brown's Collection, selling for $12,100 on a pre-sale estimate of $12,000. Sold with historical papers from Spink London dated November 1968.
This 1823 Tasmania Shilling is Australia’s first private coin issue. It is extremely rare with perhaps thirty pieces known, this being one of the finest. The issue was financed by British entrepreneurs, Hugh McIntosh and Peter Degraves, the design featuring a kangaroo and the name 'Tasmania', both of which are noteworthy. It was the earliest depiction of a kangaroo on an item of decorative art available for private ownership. And the first item of decorative art to feature the name Tasmania, rather than Van Diemen's Land. According to Australian author Greg Jeffreys these two gentlemen ultimately changed the course of Australia's history for by 1834 they had built two mills, founded the Cascade Brewery that today is Australia's oldest continually operating brewery. Spearheaded the establishment of Australia's oldest theatre, the Theatre Royal in central Hobart. And facilitated the writing of Australia's first novel by convicted forger and author, Henry Savery. This Macintosh & Degraves Shilling brings history to life with a direct link to two men who were "movers and shakers" in Tasmania’s colonial economy.
Sold June 2022

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1886 Young Head Shield Sovereign Melbourne Mint, the key coin of the Queen Victoria Young Head Sovereign Series.
Uncirculated with proof-like fields
Barrie Winsor Collection
The shield design appeared on Australia's Sovereigns between 1871 and 1887 inclusive and featured Queen Victoria's Young Head portrait on the obverse. The series boasts three extremely rare dates, all struck at the Melbourne Mint - '1880', '1886' and '1887'. Of those, the year '1886' is the jewel of the series, a world-class rarity and definitely the one to own. Our offer of this coin is made even more remarkable because the highest quality ranking available to collectors of the Melbourne Mint's 1886 Shield Sovereign is Uncirculated. The strike is virtually faultless even to the kiss-curl in front of the ear. Simply miraculous!! Also verging on the miraculous, the coin's state of preservation. This sovereign must have been plucked off the production line soon after it was minted and has been well looked after in the interim. The fields are proof-like. The technical shots shown below confirm the fabulous strike.
Sold June 2022

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Proof 1925 Shilling and the only known example held in private hands
Superb FDC
Downies sale by Private Treaty 1993. Private Collection Melbourne
We are not sure which excites us more. The coin. Or the asking price. This Proof 1925 Shilling is stunningly brilliant. It is the only known example held by a private collector. And is visually stunning. It's as though you are looking at a pool of molten silver, the obverse in particular is simply spectacular. Under the eye glass we note heavy striations on both obverse and reverse indicating that the dies have been well brushed to ensure precise design definition.
Sold June 2022

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1921 Kookaburra Square Penny
Private Collection Victoria
There has never been a better time to buy a Kookaburra Square Penny. The coin is a 'blue-chip' coin rarity. Yet in 2022, prices are a little subdued. This Uncirculated 1921 Kookaburra Penny is offered at $25,000. The price is indicative of a market that has simply forgotten just how extremely rare and important the coin is. We are not phased. It's a pattern that we have seen before amongst Australia's top coin rarities, including the iconic 1930 Penny. Yes, even Australia's favourite copper coin, the 1930 Penny, went through a quiet phase in the lead up to 2022. And it's now taken off and prices have accelerated! Shares, property and rare coins ... subdued prices present great buying opportunities. And at $25,000, this Kookaburra Square Penny is one such opportunity. It’s rare, the quality is fabulous and it’s a definite one-off. The technical shots below re-affirm its superb state.
Sold June 2022

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Proof 1931 Penny struck at the Melbourne Mint and one of only three known.
Superb FDC with full brilliance on both obverse and reverse
Australian Coin Auctions 28 February 2002, Lot 1689
A provenance says a lot about a coin. And in the case of this Proof 1931 Penny, it speaks volumes. The coin made its first public appearance at Australian Coin Auctions sale in February 2002. The auction was a water-shed moment for the numismatic industry offering proofs that had never been seen before. And realising prices that also had never been seen before. The quality was unprecedented. And twenty years down the track we still haven’t seen anything like it. The vendor indicated that he had bought the collection in the 1950s from renowned collector Roy Farman, who in turn was a close friend of Albert Le Souef, the Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint. We attended the auction and the competition for acquisition was amazing, the coins selling for prices that trampled pre-auction estimates and catalogue values. This Proof 1931 Penny is a Brilliant FDC, simply a stunning coin. The year '1931' also is one of the scarce dates of the penny series. The combination of quality and rare date saw the coin sell for $26,000, thirty-six per cent over its then catalogue price.
Sold June 2022

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1798 Holey Dollar struck from a 1797 Mexico Mint Spanish Silver Dollar And 1798 Dump. Both issued by the British Colony of Dominica.
Holey Dollar - Good Very Fine. Dump - Nearly Extremely Fine.
Barrie Winsor Collection
The Spanish Silver Dollar was the coin that ruled the world. Fabled as pirate plunder, it was the famous ‘piece of eight’ of the Spanish empire and it was the coin that was used – and abused – by nations across the globe. In 1813, Governor Lachlan Macquarie holed and counter stamped the Spanish Silver Dollar to create Australia’s first coins, the Holey Dollar and Dump. And while Macquarie is lauded for his stroke of genius, the reality was the practice of cutting a hole in silver dollars and adapting them as local currency, had been done before, as early as 1760, by the British Colony of Dominica in the Caribbean. This extremely rare 1798 Dominica Holey Dollar was created from a 1797 Mexico Mint Silver Dollar that was pierced with a hole etched by 15 notches. The Dump, also issued in 1798, was the centre plug that fell out of the hole during the striking of the Holey Dollar and features 15 notches, a well-defined script ’D’ and a small star within the ‘D’. Both the Holey Dollar and the Dump show minimal circulation and are extremely well preserved. Moreover the pair is affordable.
Sold May 2022

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The 1919 Kookaburra Square Penny, extremely rare and featuring the unique type 3 design
Choice Uncirculated with impeccable mirror surfaces
Private Collection Melbourne
There has never been a better time to buy a Kookaburra Square Penny. The coin is a 'blue-chip' coin rarity. Yet in 2022, prices are a little subdued. This Choice Uncirculated 1919 Kookaburra Penny is offered at $35,000. The price is indicative of a market that has simply forgotten just how extremely rare and important the coin is. We are not phased. It's a pattern that we have seen before amongst Australia's top coin rarities, including the iconic 1930 Penny. Yes, even Australia's favourite copper coin, the 1930 Penny, went through a quiet phase in the lead up to 2022. And it's now taken off and prices have accelerated! Shares, property and rare coins ... subdued prices present great buying opportunities. And at $35,000, this Kookaburra Square Penny is one such opportunity. It’s rare, the quality is fabulous and it’s a definite one-off. The technical shots below re-affirm its superb state.
Sold May 2022

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1813 Colonial Dump Type A/1
About Fine
Downies, Private Collection Canberra
Every coin has a story to tell. Whose hands it has passed through. Where it has been. What commodities did it buy. This 1813 Dump could fill a book! It is a much used – and much loved – example of the nation’s first coin, the 1813 Dump. What is remarkable about this Dump is that, despite its obvious usage, it has not sustained any damage. Circulation has treated it very kindly. The fields are smooth and reflective, the coin has toned to a very handsome light-grey. It is just a really, really pleasant example of the nation’s very first coin and perhaps a great one to put away for children or grandchildren.
Sold May 2022

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1852 Adelaide Pound, an exhibition piece acknowledged industry-wide as the finest example of the nation's first gold coin.
Gem Uncirculated, a virtually faultless strike and brilliant satin fields.
Sale by private treaty to Harold Hastings-Deering. Gifted to Dr. W. Smith under instructions from the Will of the late Hastings-Deering. Barrie Winsor sale by Private Treaty to Queensland Collection 1998. Barrie Winsor sale by private treaty to Melbourne Collection 2005. Exhibited ANZ Dollars & Dumps Exhibition Melbourne 2007. Traders & Investors Expo Melbourne 2007. Eminent Colonials Exhibition Melbourne 2012.
This 1852 Adelaide Pound has attracted the highest quality ranking of Gem Uncirculated and is the only example of the nation’s first coin to be so awarded. It is acknowledged industry-wide as the absolute finest. The strike is virtually faultless. Miraculous. At the same time the strike is confounding, that such precision could be achieved given the production problems that were occurring in Adelaide's Government Assay Office. Also verging on the miraculous, the coin's state of preservation. It must have been plucked off the production line as soon as it was minted and has been given extra-special care ever since.
Sold April 2022

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A 'Diamond' 1930 Penny with a complete central diamond and six plump pearls
Very Fine on both obverse and reverse
The Patterson Collection, Private Collection Sydney
One of the most gratifying aspects of owning a top-quality 1930 Penny is that its design attributes are clearly visible to the naked eye. You do not have to rely on an eye glass to take in its positives. And that's the case with this 1930 Penny. The coin has a complete central diamond and six pearls, strong upper and lower scrolls and well defined inner beading. The surfaces are smooth and highly reflective on both obverse and reverse. That classifies this coin as one of the best, putting it in the top ten per cent. This coin will appeal to the buyer that has always wanted a 1930 Penny and has been looking for a top-grade example. It will also appeal to the investor for high quality 1930 Pennies, such as this coin, are extremely rare. We estimate that we would handle one, or at the very tops two, Very Fine 1930 Pennies annually. Technical shots are provided.
Sold April 2022

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Classic 1930 Penny, with a partial central diamond and six plump pearls
Good Fine / Very Fine, and one of the most impressive 1930 Pennies we have sold with perfect edges and minimal marks in the field, it is a coin that defies the odds.
Private Collection Melbourne
Perfect edges and minimal marks in the fields. That's enough to make a 1930 Penny buyer pounce! This 1930 Penny has been part of the Coinworks stable of rarities for as long as we can recall. Formerly owned by a member of famous 60's Australian rock band, ‘The Groop’, we remember this coin as much for its ties to its legendary owner as to its fabulous quality. It’s one of the nicest 1930 Pennies we have sold. Acquire this 1930 Penny and you will be eager to show it to your family and friends. Even better, it’s such an impressive coin, you know you will get positive feedback. (And perhaps even a touch of envy.) You certainly won’t have to make excuses for the gouges or the rough and ready marks that are evident in most 1930 Pennies. Selecting a good-looking coin is our firm rule for buying 1930 Pennies, irrespective of the quality level. It's a principle that really counts when it comes time for you to realise on your investment and sell. The obverse of this 1930 Penny is graded Good Fine and has a partial central diamond and six plump pearls. The reverse is graded Very Fine and is particularly impressive with strong upper and lower scrolls, prominent ‘1930’ date and intact inner beading.
Sold April 2022

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1813 Dump struck with the A/1 dies
About Extremely Fine
Private Collection Perth
We like the superior quality of this 1813 Dump and the technical aspects that it presents. And we particularly like the price. At $45,000 you are acquiring a Dump that is in the top ten percent for quality. The fields are highly reflective and the design is sharp and strongly three-dimensional. Technically, it has the 'H’ for Henshall on the reverse, the mark left by the nation’s first mint master guaranteeing his fame. Evidence of the original Spanish Dollar design from which it was created. Intact edge milling. And the elusive ‘dot’ above the ‘3’ in 1813 that author Greg McDonald indicates is rarely ever seen. This is a fabulous example of the nation's first coin. And is available now.
Sold April 2022

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A Holey Dollar defined by a rare monarch, remarkable quality, an early date and outstanding credentials. This 1813 Holey Dollar was created from a Charles III Spanish Silver Dollar that was issued at the Mexico Mint in 1777
Original silver dollar: Extremely Fine, the surfaces highly reflective and attractively toned. Counter-stamps: About Uncirculated with original silver lustre, the 'H' for Henshall at the intersection of the two twigs is well formed.
First publicly offered Jacques Schulman Auction Amsterdam, 30 March 1914. Second public offering Künker Auction Berlin, 4 February 2016. Illustrated in Burgio's Diccionario De La Moneda Hispanoamericana, Volume II, page 135 Santiago 1958. Historical papers and catalogues attesting to the coin's provenance will be provided.
This 1813 Holey Dollar was struck from a Spanish Silver Dollar that was minted in 1777 during the reign of King Charles III of Spain. Now, when it comes to Holey Dollars, Charles III is important. And extremely rare. Of the one hundred and ninety Holey Dollars held by private collectors, only twenty-two were created from silver dollars struck during the reign of Charles III. And this Charles III Holey Dollar is the finest of them all. In fact, we would go one step further and say that its quality state is nothing short of ‘miraculous’. ‘Miraculous’ simply because somehow, the silver dollar escaped the rigours of circulation for thirty-six years from the day it was struck in 1777 until 1813 when it finally came into the hands of the nation’s first mint master, William Henshall, who grabbed it from a barrel. And pounded a hole into it. Its state of preservation is extraordinary and inexplicable and the very reason why at its last auction appearance in Europe, the coin set a new price record. At Extremely Fine this is the finest Charles III Holey Dollar available to collectors. And with the original silver dollar minted in ‘1777’, it is the earliest Charles III Holey Dollar available to collectors.
Sold April 2022

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A 'Diamond & Pearl' 1923 Halfpenny with a full central diamond and eight crisp pearls
Uncirculated and extremely rare at this quality level
Monetarium Adelaide 2007, Private Collection Queensland
This 1923 Halfpenny is fabulous. Fabulous, because the coin has great eye appeal, highly reflective fields, crisp design details and superb edges. But, it's under the eye glass that this coin truly shines. The collector that owns this 1923 Halfpenny, also owned the Holey Dollar and Adelaide Pound we sold late last year. Sold in a flash we add. He pursued Australia's classic coin rarities, the 1930 Penny, 1923 Halfpenny, Holey Dollar and Adelaide Pound, his priorities always that the coins had to be visually appealing. And they had to be technically correct. He waited a long time to acquire this coin and our research confirms the reason why. High quality 1923 Halfpennies are excruciatingly rare. This is the second only Uncirculated 1923 Halfpenny we have sold in our entire career. (Technical shots are provided in the READ MORE section and attest to its supreme state.)
Sold March 2022

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Proof 1935 Halfpenny struck at the Melbourne Mint
An exceptional coin, a stunning FDC with full copper brilliance. And one of the finest we have handled.
Sold by private treaty to a Shepparton Collector, 2002
A Trans-Tasman connection was alive and kicking when New Zealander, Henry George Williams, financed the striking of a small number of Proof Halfpennies in 1935 at the Melbourne Mint. In so doing, Williams unwittingly created an Australian 'numismatic star'. The term 'numismatic star' falls well short in describing this particular Proof 1935 Halfpenny. It is a NUMISMATIC SUPER-STAR for the coin has glass-like surfaces and original copper brilliance on both reverse and obverse. Heavy striations reflect zealous preparation of the dies resulting in a superb strike. This coin was sold to the vendor in 2002. It is Melbourne Mint proof coining at its best and offers quality that is seldom seen. A collector will wait decades to acquire proofs of this calibre.
Sold March 2022

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1913 Presentation Note of the Commonwealth of Australia's first paper currency. A Ten Shillings hand-numbered M000091 in red ink and secured in a ballot by Jim Mathews, Federal Member for Melbourne Ports, 1906 - 1931. The only known example signed by the then Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher. Sold with official Treasury letter confirming original ownership.
Virtually Uncirculated, with NO pin holes and NO folds. One of the absolute finest of seventeen known.
Spink Auctions, March 1984, Spink Noble March 1988, Madrid Collection of Australain Rare Coins
Prime Minister Andrew Fisher fulfilled a promise to the nation when he introduced the Commonwealth of Australia’s first banknote in 1913. The note, a Ten Shillings with the signatories of James Collins and George Allen, enjoyed a grandiose release on 1 May 1913 at Melbourne's King’s Warehouse in front of Australia's political and social elite. The notes were printed in sheets of four and cut into single banknotes. Precisely at 3pm, under the supervision of Note Printer Thomas Harrison, a numbering ceremony began, each note individually numbered by hand in red ink. One hundred and two Presentation Notes were distributed by ballot to ensure a fair distribution, paid with the equivalent of a half sovereign. This Presentation Note is hand-numbered M000091 and was secured in the ballot by Jim Mathews, Federal Member for Melbourne Ports and is sold with his letter confirming success in the ballot. The pristine state of the note suggests that Mathews may have collected his prize (as distinct from being pinned to the letter and sent by mail to the recipient) for this Ten Shillings does not have pinholes. Nor has it been folded. Mathews also managed to secure the signature of the Prime Minister Andrew Fisher on the reverse. This Presentation Note and accompanying ballot letter is an investment in history and is available now.
Sold February 2022

1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign, a high quality and lustrous example of Australia's very first sovereign
Good Extremely Fine / About Uncirculated with original lustre on both obverse and reverse
Private Collection Queensland
This 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is impressive. In the flesh, the coin sparkles under the light. And the edges are fabulous. The surfaces are highly lustrous and there are minimal marks in the fields. Quite remarkable for a piece that was struck one hundred and sixty-seven years ago. And was denied any kid-gloves treatment during the manufacturing process. Impressive and extremely rare. We might see an 1855 Sovereign, at this quality level, once every year. The 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign has always been one of our preferred coins. It's the nation’s first official gold currency minted at the Sydney Mint, the nation’s very first mint. Given its history, the coin will always be in demand, today and in the future. And it is the combination of quality, history and rarity that underpins this sovereign's value and its potential into the future for capital growth. And this stunning 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is available now, offered at $35,000. For collectors with an eye for detail, there is amazing strength in the crown and in the word 'AUSTRALIA'. The technical shots attest to the glorious state of this coin.
Sold February 2022

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The 1923 Halfpenny, Australia's rarest halfpenny, and this example one of the best with a complete central diamond and eight pristine pearls
Choice Uncirculated
Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins, The Dan Collection
This Choice Uncirculated 1923 Halfpenny is spectacular. To the naked eye it has proof-like highly reflective fields that sparkle and there is underlying copper brilliance. But, it’s under an eye-glass that this coin really shines and upholds its Choice Uncirculated status. The design has been brilliantly executed during the minting process, the diamond is three-dimensional, so too the pearls and the gems in the crown. The tell-tale design elements of the band in the crown, moustache, eyebrow, ear, hair and robes … untouched. Finding a 1923 Halfpenny at the quality level of Choice Uncirculated is extremely challenging. Its the highest quality level you can find and only three are known. (Technical shots are provided in the READ MORE section.)
Sold February 2022

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1930 Penny with an almost complete central diamond and six plump pearls
Nearly Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
New Year Offer of $35,000 (Normal RRP $39,500)
Acquire this 1930 Penny and you will be eager to show it to your family and friends. Even better, it’s such an impressive coin, you know you will get positive feedback and perhaps even a touch of envy. You certainly won’t have to make excuses for the gouges or the rough and ready marks that are evident in most 1930 Pennies. Selecting a good-looking coin is our firm rule for buying 1930 Pennies, irrespective of the quality level. It's a principle that really counts when it comes time for you to realise on your investment and sell. The obverse of this 1930 Penny is graded Nearly Very Fine and has an almost complete central diamond and six plump pearls. The oval to the left of the diamond is almost complete. The edge of the crown is complete. The reverse is graded Very Fine and also is impressive with strong upper and lower scrolls, prominent ‘1930’ date and intact inner beading. And to kick-start the New Year we are offering this 1930 Penny WITH A PRICE ADVANTAGE of $4500. Technical shots re-affirm our comments.
Sold January 2022

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Proof 1927 Canberra Florin offered to celebrate Australia Day
Superb FDC
Private Collection Perth
Our special Australia Day celebratory price of $23,500 (Normal RRP $30,000)
What better way to celebrate Australia Day than with an Aussie icon, the Proof 1927 Canberra Florin. Particularly with one that is as magnificent as this piece. You are in no doubt when you view this florin that it is indeed a specially struck PROOF 1927 Canberra Florin. A superb FDC with a highly detailed design set against a backdrop of smooth, brilliant fields. And if you think Parliament House looks impressive on the reverse, wait until you see the obverse. The design detail of George V is awesome and the silver fields, which occupy a greater area than the reverse, are like mirrors and blemish-free. They sparkle reflecting the light. It is simply stunning, and our photographer has captured the detail, the smoothness and the coin's brilliance. And if you are technically-minded then we confirm there is heavy striations on both obverse and reverse reflecting solid preparation of the dies producing a pristine strike. And the clincher … there are three solid, uninterrupted Parliamentary steps.
Sold January 2022

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1813 Dump, an 'exhibition-worthy' example of the nation's first coin
Nearly Extremely Fine, supreme quality and exceedingly rare as such
Osborne Collection sold by Noble Auctions July 1993. "All That Is Holey" Exhibition, Royal Australian Mint Canberra 2019
The buyer of this 1813 Dump will take pride in knowing that the coin was formerly held as part of the legendary Osborne Collection. The buyer will also take pride in knowing that this Dump was exhibited in 2019, at the Royal Australian Mint Canberra, in the 'All That Is Holey' Exhibition. The coin was a natural contender for inclusion in the exhibition. It was struck from the very rare D/2 dies. And with a quality grading of Nearly Extremely Fine, rests in the top three per cent of D/2 examples. It is clearly one of the best. But it was the strong evidence of the original Spanish Dollar design, that was the clincher for its inclusion in the Exhibition. It is acknowledged that Australia's first Mint Master, William Henshall, applied heat during the coining process to obliterate the original Spanish Dollar design from the Dump. He majorly slipped up with this coin for there is extensive evidence of the design elements of the original Spanish Dollar, the lion and the castle and the cross bars of the shield. Traces of the Spanish Dollar design are rarely seen and highly prized. This 1813 Dump is an acknowledged industry showpiece and is available now.
Sold November 2020

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1813 Dump, a textbook example of the nation's very first coin
Good Very Fine / About Extremely Fine beautifully toned with highly reflective surfaces
Private Collection Melbourne
When you look at the photo of this Dump, it almost leaps off the page. And that’s a sign of a high-quality Dump. Then, when you look at the coin in your hand, the design details are crisp and clearly visible to the naked eye. The fields are smooth and reflective and have toned to a beautiful charcoal grey. This is a supreme quality example of the nation’s first coin, ranked in the top EIGHT per cent. Over and above its quality ranking this coin has attributes that are highly prized and the reason why we refer to it as a 'textbook' Dump. They are traits that you simply don't see in every Dump. For a start there is the 'H’ for Henshall on the reverse, the mark left by the nation’s first mint master guaranteeing his fame. There also is evidence of the original Spanish Dollar design from which it was created. Intact edge milling, the minting authority's ploy to prevent clipping of slivers of silver from the edges. And edge denticles that act as a picture-frame to the design. There is additional information below that expands on our introductory comments as well as technical shots that re-affirm the superior state of this 1813 Dump.
Sold October 2021

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1813 Holey Dollar created from a Spanish Silver Dollar that had been struck at the Lima Mint, Peru, in 1808.
Good Extremely Fine with handsome toning and glossy fields, making it the finest known Lima Mint Holey Dollar.
Exhibited at the "Holey Dollar - A Symbol of Innovation", Macquarie Bank 1 Martin Place Sydney 2 October to 18 October 2013. Also at the "All That Is Holey" Exhibition, Royal Australian Mint Canberra 16 August to 3 November 2019.
This Holey Dollar was created from a Spanish Silver Dollar that was minted in 1808 at the Lima Mint in Peru. The two words ‘LIMA MINT’ are particularly important when it comes to Holey Dollars. Of the two hundred Holey Dollars held by private collectors, perhaps twenty have ties to the Lima Mint which is why we say that while all Holey Dollars are rare, some types are far rarer than others. We note that in a career that is approaching the half-century mark, this is only the FIFTH Holey Dollar we have offered that has ties to the Lima Mint. At Good Extremely Fine, this coin is the very finest Lima Mint Holey Dollar available to collectors. Its superior quality and aesthetic appeal was the very reason why it was included in two major Holey Dollar Exhibitions. At the Macquarie Bank, 1 Martin Place Sydney in 2013. And at the Royal Australian Mint, Denison Street Canberra in 2019.
Sold October 2021

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Copper rarities struck in the 1920s and '30s
Six coins detailed individually below
Six coins detailed individually below
Australians just love their coppers ... the Penny and the Halfpenny. They are the coins that were within financial reach of the 'man in the street'. Whereas the sovereign was the domain of the privileged few, a copper coin could be enjoyed by everyone. And in top quality or struck to glorious proof quality, the coin became a numismatic treasure. We have put together a treasure trove of six coins for you to enjoy, four stunning proof coins struck at the Melbourne Mint. And two elite coins that were struck as circulating currency, also at the Melbourne Mint. By virtue of their quality and rarity, each coin is at the pinnacle of its type.

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Proof 1936 Halfpenny struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of five known
FDC with highly reflective glass-like fields radiating superb colours
Noble's Auction July 2001
This Proof 1936 Halfpenny was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint. It is dramatic. And it is impressive. Furthermore it is extremely rare. The coin first came to our attention in July 2001, when it was offered at Noble's Auction, Melbourne. The auction house acknowledged its superb state by classifying it as FDC and setting a sale price estimate of $6000, considered a strong price at the time. Bidders at the auction were in agreement with Noble's assessment of the coin. Solid bidding took the final price to $7015, seventeen per cent over the anticipated sale price. This coin in the flesh reflects the light like a piece of glass and radiates stunning colours. The edges are well polished. Whoever brushed the dies to prepare them for the strike did so with gusto, for there are strong striations on both sides of the coin indicating that the dies were carefully prepared to ensure a crisp and strongly three-dimensional design. One of only five known, this stunning, yet affordable Melbourne Mint proof striking is available now.
Sold September 2021

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Proof 1956 Penny struck at the Perth Mint.
A magnificent FDC, an intense blazing orange
Dr Vincent Verheyen
This is a magnificent Proof 1956 Penny struck at the Perth Mint and the quality is what we have come to expect from Dr. Vince Verheyen. The colour is vivid and intense, the surfaces impactful. The designs of the flying kangaroo and Queen Elizabeth II are beautifully etched. Furthermore, the coin shows the classic high squared-off rims that the Perth Mint was, at the time, renowned for. The Proof 1956 Penny is one of the greatest rarities to come out of the Perth Mint, struck in a very tight mintage of 417 coins. That makes it extremely rare. Dr. Vince Verheyen is one of the most revered Australian proof coin collectors and an authority on proof coinage. This is unequivocally, one of the best Perth Mint Proof 1956 Pennies around.
Sold September 2021

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Proof 1917 Sixpence struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of two known
The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins, Private Collection Melbourne
This Proof 1917 Sixpence is a heritage piece. It is a clue to our past and is an acknowledgment of the evolution of the Australian numismatic industry. In 1916, the Melbourne Mint commenced striking Australia's silver coinage. Consumed with striking coins for circulation, the Melbourne Mint did not strike any proofs. The Mint continued its obligations to Treasury in striking circulating currency in 1917 but took up the mantle of striking proofs. Which means that this stunningly rare Proof 1917 Sixpence is the Melbourne Mint's very first proof striking of the nation’s silver coinage. It is a Coin of Record in the truest sense and is one of two known in private hands. Testimony to its importance, an example is held for posterity in the archives of the Museum of Victoria. You can tell by looking at this coin that it was minted as a presentation piece. The original silver blanks have been polished to achieve a dazzling mirror shine. And there is strong striations in the fields indicating that the dies were heavily brushed and well prepared to achieve a brilliant strike. We note that it was once held in 'The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins'.
Sold September 2021

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A 'Diamond & Pearl' 1930 Penny with a complete central diamond and eight clear pearls. And the finest we have handled.
Good Extremely Fine and ranked number three for quality
Private Collection Sydney
We are going to let the photographs do most of ''the talking" on this impressive ‘Diamond and Pearl’ 1930 Penny. Suffice to say that at Good Extremely Fine, this 1930 Penny has a complete central diamond and eight clear pearls. And it is the presence of the eight pearls in the crown that makes this coin particularly special, identifying it as a leading 1930 Penny and an exception to those most commonly sighted. Of the one thousand-plus 1930 Pennies in existence today, we rate this coin as Number 3 in the pecking order. (Technical shots are provided.)
Sold 31 August 2021

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Proof 1936 Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint. One of four known
Supeb FDC
Nobles Auction July 1997, Private Collection Perth
This Proof 1936 Penny was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint. And while eighty-five years have elapsed since the coin was minted, it retains its copper brilliance on both reverse and obverse having been brilliantly preserved. The fields are like copper-glass, the edges are well polished. Whoever brushed the dies to prepare them for the strike did so with gusto, for there are strong striations on both sides of the coin indicating that the dies were carefully prepared to ensure a crisp and strongly three-dimensional design. We close off with the comment that Coinworks has, over the last two years, sold some magnificent copper proofs all of which have come back from clients that have held them for close to two decades. And that stock has been steadily diminishing. This coin is quite possibly one of the last of the George V copper proofs to come from our 'original' inventory. It is an ominous sign from a supply perspective. It may also be a sign that prices are set to rise.
Sold August 2021

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Proof 1923 Penny struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and the only known example held by a private collector
Superb FDC
Nobles Auction 1998, Private Collector Perth
The Proof 1923 Penny is an acknowledged ‘great’ Australian coin rarity. It is unique. And to add further to its fame, the year is connected with Australia’s rarest halfpenny in the 1923 Halfpenny. The Proof 1923 Penny was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and is a glorious proof striking, the fields as smooth and as reflective as glass. Under magnification, striations are noted on both obverse and reverse. There is underlying copper brilliance on the reverse and also on the obverse. The design is strongly three-dimensional, the denticles crisp and uniformly spaced, the edges highly polished. This stunning Proof 1923 Penny appeared at auction in July 1998, the coin selling for $9900, more than triple its pre-auction estimate. While the quality was enough to gain bidder attention, it was the rarity that drove the price for up until July 1998, a Proof 1923 Penny had never been sighted. And to this day it is the only Proof 1923 Penny known in private hands.
Sold August 2021

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1921 Kookaburra Square Penny design type 11
Choice Uncirculated, almost proof-like with handsome antique toning and highly reflective mirror fields
Private Collection Queensland
The Kookaburra Square Pennies were struck in 1919, 1920 and 1921 at the Melbourne Mint. Only two designs were tested in 1921 and they are known as the Type 11 and the Type 12. In our view, the Type 11 is the one to own. While both are scarce, the Type 11 is the rarer of the two (by far). And visually, it is extremely attractive, the surfaces proof-like and compelling, perhaps due to the appointment of passionate collector, Albert Le Souef, to the role of Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint. Of course, how a coin starts at the mint - and how it ends up one hundred years later having passed through several collector's hands - can be poles apart. When you look at this Square Penny you can see that it has been cherished by its former owners for it has been brilliantly preserved. Technical shots are provided and they confirm its stunning qualities.
Sold August 2021

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1920 Kookaburra Square Penny
Choice Uncirculated, a sculpted three dimensional design and stunning mirror fields combine to make this coin the very finest Type 7 Kookaburra Square Penny we have handled.
The Dan Collection, Queensland
The Kookaburra Pennies were struck in 1919, 1920 and 1921. If you are fortunate enough to be offered all three dates, then you should pounce on the coin dated 1920, simply because of its extreme rarity. That scarcity has underpinned considerable capital growth. This 1920 Kookaburra Square Penny has what we call the Type 7 design. In the early 70s, you could pick up a Type 7 for less than $1000. By the 80s prices had moved to $5000 and doubled to $10,000 by the 90s. In 2000 we note we sold a Type 7 Kookaburra Penny for $20,000. Today more than twenty years later, this 1920 Kookaburra Square Penny is offered at $65,000. That is a consistent and enviable growth path for one of Australia's leading coin rarities.
Sold July 2021

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Proof 1924 Sixpence struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint and one of five known
A superb Gem FDC
Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins, Private Collection Victoria
This Proof 1924 Sixpence was struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint during the tenure of Mr A M Le Souef as the mint’s Deputy Master. It is a superb Gem FDC. The Melbourne Mint reached its pinnacle during Le Souef’s term, particularly in the striking of its silver proofs, perhaps a reflection of his personal passion for silver coinage. This Proof 1924 Sixpence was not struck for collectors as part of any mass-marketing sales campaign. It was struck for the mint's archives and the privileged few. Because it was a specially arranged striking of presentation pieces, only a handful were struck. The original silver blanks were hand selected and polished to achieve a dazzling mirror shine. Furthermore, the coin has strong striations in the fields indicating that the dies were heavily brushed and well prepared to achieve a brilliant strike. This Proof 1924 Sixpence is well preserved and has obviously been cherished in the intervening years. We note that it was formerly held in 'The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins'.
Sold July 2021

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1930 Penny with two sides of the central diamond and six plump pearls.
About Very Fine obverse and a Very Fine reverse
Sold by private treaty to a collector in Shepparton, 2003
There are some coins that stay firmly fixed in your memory. Coins that are exciting for the extraordinary quality traits they possess. And this 1930 Penny is one of them, last sighted by us in 2003 when we sold it to a Shepparton collector. Yes, the coin has circulated which reflects our obverse grading of About Very Fine. BUT the years of usage have treated it very, very kindly. It is an original, intact, well struck 1930 Penny with glossy fields and minimal signs of usage. If there is one thing that the past eighteen years has taught us is that you do not see 1930 Pennies like this every day. Or every month. Or every year for that matter!
Sold June 30, 2021

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1918 Half Sovereign struck at the Perth Mint.
Choice Uncirculated , with lustrous obverse fields and a satin reverse
Private Collection Melbourne
The Perth Mint has struck many of Australia's greatest coin rarities including this fabulous 1918 Half Sovereign. The coin is offered in the premium grade of Choice Uncirculated and it is the addition of the word ‘CHOICE’ that makes this coin the absolute exception, a step up from Uncirculated and poles apart from those 1918 Half Sovereigns most frequently sighted. The coin has lustrous obverse fields and majestic satin reverse fields. The strike is strong, the design highly detailed. We remark on the strength in the rider’s leg …. an inherent area of weakness in most 1918 Half Sovereigns. We also remark that this is only the fourth Choice Uncirculated 1918 Half Sovereign we have sold. This is a great coin offered at a great price of $18,000.
Sold June 30 2021

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1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign, the rare date in the George V Half Sovereign series.
Private Collection Perth
The Perth Mint has struck many of Australia's greatest pre-decimal coin rarities, including this 1918 Half Sovereign. It is an important coin on many fronts. Australia struck its last half sovereign in 1918, making it a highly historical date. The end of an era. And it is extremely rare. Respected numismatic author, Greg McDonald, contends that only 200 to 300 pieces are available to collectors. Important. Extremely rare. And available at $12,500. Excellent buying.
Sold June 2021

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A 'Diamond and Pearl' 1930 Penny with a complete central diamond and strong evidence of pearls numbered seven and eight.
Good Very Fine and one of the very best
The Dan Collection, Queensland
A 'Diamond and Pearl' 1930 Penny is for the buyer that is seeking one of the best examples of the nation's favourite copper coin. The obverse is impressive and shows a full central diamond and the smudging of the seventh and eighth pearls and its their presence that places this 1930 Penny in the 'extremely rare' category. The reverse is equally impressive with well-defined inner beading, crisp upper and lower scrolls and a strong '1930' date. On both obverse and reverse, the toning is even and handsome. The fields show minimal signs of circulation and are smooth. We rank this coin in the top five per cent with the comment that a 1930 Penny of this calibre might be offered once every two to three years. Already have a 1930 Penny? Then consider trading it back as part-payment on this stunning coin. Technical photos of both obverse and reverse are provided below and confirm our assessment of the coin.
Sold June 2021

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Proof 1928 Florin, struck as a Coin of Record at the Melbourne Mint.
Brilliant silver fields on both reverse and obverse, a magnificent FDC, with fabulous reverse iridescent toning. A stunning coin that exemplifies the Melbourne Mint proof strikings of the 1920s.
Noble Auctions 2001, Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
Following the closure of the Sydney Mint in 1926, the responsibility for striking Australia's circulating currency fell on the Melbourne Mint. In 1928 the Melbourne Mint was at full capacity striking every denomination of Australia’s coinage, the copper penny and halfpenny and the four silver coins of the florin, shilling, sixpence and threepence. If you include the sovereigns that were struck in 1928, the Melbourne Mint churned out more than 16 million coins! To create an everlasting record of their minting achievements, the Melbourne struck each denomination as a Coin of Record, the coins struck to proof quality. This coin is one such COIN OF RECORD and is a PROOF 1928 FLORIN. Three are known, this example noted as selling at Nobles Auction in 2001 for $23,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $19,500. The coin was eventually sold to the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins where it has remained ever since.
Sold June 2021

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Proof 1893 Half Sovereign depicting the Jubilee portrait of Queen Victoria. One of three known.
A brilliant FDC
Nobles Auction July 2005, Private Collection New South Wales
This Proof Half Sovereign was struck at the Melbourne Mint in 1893 and is exceedingly rare. Only two other examples have surfaced over the last century. At its first and only auction appearance in 2005, the coin sold for $56,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $30,000. Testimony to the scarcity of coins in this sector of the market, another proof half sovereign of this date and design has not surfaced since.
Sold June 2021

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The finest 1813 Dump struck with the rare D/2 dies
About Uncirculated
Sotheby's London, March 1901 in the sale of the W J Davis Collection. Sotheby's London October 1920 in the sale of the Dr Hubert Peck Collection. Virgil Brand Collection. Stacks New York January 2004 in the sale of the John J. Ford Collection. Exhibited at the "Dollars & Dumps" Exhibition ANZ Gothic Bank Collins Street Melbourne November 27 - 30 2007. Exhibited again at at the "Holey Dollar - A Symbol of Innovation", Macquarie Bank 1 Martin Place Sydney 2 October to 18 October 2013. And more recently at the "All That Is Holey" Exhibition, Royal Australian Mint Canberra 16 August to 3 November 2019.
This 1813 Dump comes with impeccable credentials. The coin set a new world record in 2004 when it was offered at Stacks Auction, New York. The coin was at the time the personal property of influential American dealer, John J. Ford. What makes a coin a record-breaker? The answer is simple. When the design has been so well executed during the minting process that the coin is the exception rather than the rule. And when its state of preservation verges on the miraculous. John J Ford's 1813 Dump has quality traits that are unique to this coin. The strike is exceptionally strong. And its state of preservation is miraculous.
Sold May 2021

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1930 Penny with one side of the central diamond and six plump pearls. And our bonus offer of Australia's rarest halfpenny, the 1923 Halfpenny
Good Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This 1930 Penny is very impressive. It is a classy coin. The edges are complete and the important design details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. And the toning is a consistent and handsome chestnut brown. Take up a magnifying glass and you notice that the fields on both obverse and reverse show minimal signs of circulation. And while the quality should be enough to gain buyer attention, the gifting of Australia's rarest halfpenny, the 1923 Halfpenny, makes this 1930 Penny irresistible buying. Technical shots are provided below.
Sold May 2021

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1813 Dump struck with the very rare E/3 dies
Private Collection Sydney
This 1813 Dump is a very rare example of the nation’s first fifteen pence. Struck from a die combination that historians refer to as obverse die ‘E’ and reverse die ‘3’, less than twenty examples are known. Historians suggest that due to the crude nature of the E/3 Dumps, they may have been trials presented to Governor Lachlan Macquarie before production officially commenced. We note the traces of the original Spanish Dollar design (undertype) on the reverse. This is the only E/3 example that we have seen or handled to show the undertype.
Sold April 2021

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Complete Australian Penny Collection, including the extremely rare and iconic 1930 Penny
1930 Penny Fine-plus / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1930 Penny that is in this collection is a star in its own right. The coin is very impressive. The edges are complete and the important design details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. And the toning is a consistent and a handsome chestnut brown. Take up a magnifying glass and you notice that the fields on both obverse and reverse show minimal signs of circulation. And while the quality of this 1930 Penny should be enough to gain buyer attention, its inclusion in a complete collection of Australian pennies (1911 to 1964) makes this offer irresistible buying. Technical shots are provided below.
Sold April 2021

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Extremely rare Proof 1924 Penny. One of four known.
FDC with full copper brilliance on the reverse and stunning purple / blue colours on the obverse
Barrie Winsor, Philip Spalding
The collecting pursuits of legendary numismatist and author Philip Spalding extended well beyond the nation's colonial coins. Spalding was a long-term owner of Australia's proof coinage: a collection that included this spectacular Melbourne Mint, Proof 1924 Penny. He appreciated the magnificence of proof coins. And with full copper brilliance on the reverse and stunning purple / blue colours on the obverse this Proof 1924 Penny is indeed a magnificent proof. Spalding also relished the exclusivity of Australia's proof coins. And with only three other known examples, this Proof 1924 Penny had the exclusivity that Spalding was seeking. And Philip Spalding's Proof 1924 Penny is available now.
Sold April 2021

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1813 Dump, struck using the very rare C/4 dies
Good Fine / About Very Fine
Private Collection Queensland
This 1813 Dump is an inordinately rare example of the nation’s first fifteen pence. Struck from a die combination that historians refer to as obverse die ‘C’ and reverse die ‘4’, eight examples are known. Historians suggest that due to the crude nature of the C/4 Dumps, they may have been trials presented to Governor Lachlan Macquarie before production officially commenced. Over and above the rarity of the C/4 Dumps, the quality of this coin is superior. It is one of the finest of the C/4s.
Sold March 2021

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1930 Penny, with a full central diamond and six plump pearls
Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This 1930 Penny has a full central diamond and six plump pearls and it is these two aspects, the diamond and the pearls, that classifies this coin as one of the very best, in the top ten per cent. This coin will appeal to the buyer that has always wanted a 1930 Penny and has been looking for a top-grade example. It will also appeal to the investor for high quality 1930 Pennies, such as this coin, are extremely rare. We estimate that we would handle one, or at the very tops two, Very Fine 1930 Pennies annually.
Sold March 2021

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A complete Australian Penny Collection, including the extremely rare and iconic 1930 Penny, presented in a Dansco Album
1930 Penny Good Fine / About Very Fine with smooth and highly reflective fields. The few edge bumps do not impact on the aesthetic appeal of this iconic rarity.
Private Collection Melbourne
Nine times out of ten, when people approach us about selling their collection of pennies, the holding is missing the elusive 1930 Penny. That was not the case with this collector. A retired pharmacist, his interest in numismatics commenced in his late teens when he began working in his father’s chemist shop. When the time came to take over the family business, he had the financial capacity to fill the last hole in his collection and acquire the very valuable and iconic 1930 Penny. This offer is comprised of a complete collection of Australian pennies 1911 to 1964 housed in a Dansco Album (78 coins).
Sold March 2021

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Unique 1919 Square Penny struck in Sterling Silver
Superb FDC
The Collection of Albert Malet Le Souef, Deputy Master Melbourne Mint, 1919 to 1926
The Kookaburra Square Penny was planned as a new Australian coinage, a new shape, a new design and the new metal of cupro-nickel. The coins that were produced as part of this test phase were handed to dignitaries and politicians to assess their reaction. But, this particular Square Penny was never going to be passed around or handed over. It was especially struck as a collector’s item in STERLING SILVER for the personal collection of Mr. Albert Malet Le Souef, Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint. It is unique. This coin is a numismatic prize, a trophy piece. A Square Penny depicting the Type 4 design, struck in Sterling Silver.
Sold February 2021

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Proof 1928 Shilling, Melbourne Mint, extremely rare with perhaps three known in private hands
Brilliant FDC
Ray Jewell Collection, Nobles Auction July 1993, Nobles Auction July 2000, The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
Ray Jewell was a foremost Australian collector and a highly respected professional, his involvement in the industry spanning more than three decades. He set the bar very high when it came to collecting proofs. A coin that was owned by Ray Jewell had to be rare and had to be top quality, traits that were duly acknowledged by the broader collector market whenever his coins came up at public auction. This Proof 1928 Shilling was a crowd-pleaser and a record breaker all along the way, selling in July 1993 for $11,000 on an estimate of $4000. And in the year 2000 selling for $22,540 on a pre-auction estimate of $15,000. In 2003, this numismatic gem was sold to the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins where it has remained ever since.
Sold February 2021

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1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign, Australia's rarest circulating coin
Extremely Fine
The Dan Collection
There is an expectation that Coinworks will always be able to provide a high-quality rare coin 'at the drop of a hat' ... that we will always have access to top quality material. While it is true for most of Australia's classic coin rarities, in the case of the nation's first half sovereign - the 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign - that is a formidable, almost impossible ask. There are perhaps forty examples of the 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign available to collectors which is in itself a tiny number. And of those, we deem that only three coins are problem-free and have great eye appeal and, interestingly, they have all come from noted collections. This coin is one of the three, ranked as number two in the pecking order. This is a momentous offering.
Sold January 2021

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Proof 1924 Halfpenny, Melbourne Mint
FDC, with full brilliance on both the obverse and reverse
Philip Spalding, Private Collection Sydney
Albert Le Souef was Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint when this Proof 1924 Halfpenny was struck. His passion for numismatics - and his commitment to quality - is somehow entrenched in the proofs out of this era. Visually this Proof 1924 Halfpenny is a stunner. We have not handled finer. The coin glows like 'molten copper', with full brilliance on the obverse and the same molten glow on the reverse. The design definition is sharp, the fields ice-smooth and highly reflective. This is proof coining at its very best. What makes a great coin even greater is that it is extremely rare. And comes with a revered provenance. This Proof 1924 Halfpenny is one of only four known and has been previously owned by the legendary Philip Spalding.
Sold January 2021

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Our Australia Day offering of a 1930 Penny with one side of the central diamond and six plump pearls in the King's crown
Good Fine / About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$23,500 - our special Australia Day celebratory price
Every couple of years we come across a 1930 Penny that is a genuine bargain. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does happen, we grab it with both hands knowing that Australia’s classic coin rarity is wanted at all dollar levels. And all quality levels. This 1930 Penny has one side of the central diamond and six pearls on the obverse. The reverse has strong upper and lower scrolls and complete inner beading. This is an impressive 1930 Penny offered at an even more impressive price of $23,500. Technical shots are shown below.
Sold Australia Day 2021

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1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign, a rare date in supreme quality
Choice Uncirculated
The Montgomery Collection
There are two aspects to this 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign that must be noted. The first is that the coin is presented as Choice Uncirculated. The addition of the word ‘CHOICE’ takes the quality to a level that is the absolute exception and very rarely seen. A step up from Uncirculated, the coin has satin fields and a strong strike. We remark on the strength in the rider’s leg …. an inherent area of weakness in most 1918s. The second aspect that must be noted is that the 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign is rare. Respected numismatic author, Greg McDonald, contends that only 200 to 300 pieces are available to collectors. This is a world class coin rarity presented in the supreme quality of Choice Uncirculated and, for the record, this coin is only the third example - in Choice Uncirculated - that we have ever handled. Also for the record, this 1918 Half Sovereign has an obverse vertical die crack that runs from the head of George V to the moustache, adding further to its appeal. (Technical shots are provided below.)
Sold January 2021

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1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign, the rare date in the George V Half Sovereign series
Private Collection Melbourne
The Perth Mint has struck many of Australia's greatest pre-decimal coin rarities, including this 1918 Half Sovereign. It is an important coin on many fronts. That Australia struck its last half sovereign in 1918 makes it a highly historical date. The coin signals the end of an era. And it is extremely rare. Respected numismatic author, Greg McDonald, contends that only 200 to 300 pieces are available to collectors. In summary, the 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign is an historically important coin. It is extremely rare. And is available at $12,500. Which all adds up to excellent buying. (Technical shots are provided.)
Sold December 2020

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1920 Cerutty Collins Fifty Pounds, first issue with prefix/serial number Y110704
Good Very Fine, crisp body and strong colours
Photographed in Mick Vort Ronald’s, "Australian Banknote Pedigrees", Second Edition, page 396
The very first issue of the Cerutty Collins Fifty Pounds occurred in 1920 - a century ago - the notes featuring a 'Y' prefix with serial numbers in the range 083846 to 176000. Which means that this fifty quid, with serial number Y110704, came from the first issue of the Cerutty Collins Fifty Pounds. FIRST ISSUE. Two words that are music to a banknote collector’s ears. Now add another two words that are particularly special to collectors. EXTREMELY RARE for only three other examples out of the first issue of the Cerutty Collins Fifty Pounds exist. A validation of the respect held for this note, it is photographed in Mick Vort Ronald’s reference book, Australian Banknote Pedigrees, Second Edition, page 396.
Sold December 2020

Proof 1901/51 Federation Florin struck at the Royal Mint London and one of three held in private collections
Private Collection Queensland
This Proof 1901/1951 Florin was struck as a presentation piece at the Royal Mint London as the prototype of Australia’s newly designed Federation florin. Extremely rare, three are held by private collectors and this coin is one of the three. A fourth is held in the Museum of Victoria, acquired by the museum in 1986, the salient point here being that it was bought by (and not gifted to) the museum. There is one thing we know for sure about Australian museums and public institutions and their coin acquisitions. They hardly ever go out into a collector environment and buy inventory unless the piece is integral to Australia’s national story. And the Proof 1901/1951 Federation Florin was integral to the museum's story and integral to our national story.
Sold December 2020

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Proof 1927 Canberra Florin
Superb FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
You are in no doubt when you view this 1927 Florin that it is indeed a PROOF 1927 Canberra Florin. The silver fields are like mirrors. They sparkle reflecting the light and are the perfect backdrop to the regal design of Parliament House on the reverse and King George V on the obverse. There is magnificent pale peach toning on the periphery of the obverse. And a hint of same on the reverse. This is a superb proof striking from the Melbourne Mint celebrating the opening of Parliament House in Canberra.

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Proof 1924 Shilling, Melbourne Mint. Of the highest rarity as one of only three known.
Superb FDC
Philip Spalding
Mr A. M. Le Souef was Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint when this Proof 1924 Shilling was struck ... and doesn't it show. The coin was not struck for collectors as part of any mass-marketing sales campaign. It was struck for the mint's archives and the privileged few and Le Souef would have been the impetus behind the strike. Because it was a specially arranged striking of proof quality presentation pieces, only a handful were struck. The original silver blanks were hand selected and polished to achieve a dazzling mirror shine. Furthermore, the coin has strong striations in the fields indicating that the dies were heavily brushed and well prepared. Strong striations in the fields equate to a brilliant strike and this is indeed the case with this coin. Over and above its brilliant strike, this coin is well preserved and has obviously been cherished in the intervening years. We note that it bears the name Philip Spalding as one of its former owners.
Sold November 2020

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1930 Penny, with a complete central diamond and strong evidence of the seventh and eighth pearls. As such, one of the best.
Good Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This coin is for the buyer that is seeking a supreme quality 1930 Penny. On the obverse, the coin has a full central diamond and strong evidence of the rarely seen seventh and eighth pearls. The reverse is equally impressive with well-defined inner beading, crisp upper and lower scrolls and a strong '1930' date. On both obverse and reverse, the toning is even and handsome. The fields show minimal signs of circulation and are smooth. We would place this coin in the top five per cent of surviving examples. Now, it is a fact that the most frequently sighted 1930 Penny is a well circulated Fine. This coin, at Good Very Fine, is at least five grades higher. A 1930 Penny at this quality level would be offered on the market, perhaps once every few years. And this great coin rarity is available now. Already have a 1930 Penny? Then consider trading it back as part-payment on this stunning coin. Technical photos of both obverse and reverse are provided below.
Sold November 2020

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1930 Penny and our added bonus of a Choice Uncirculated Melbourne Mint 1930 Sovereign
Fine-plus / Very Fine
Private Collection Queensland
This 1930 Penny is very impressive. It is a classy coin. The edges are complete and the important design details such as the upper and lower scrolls, the inner beading that circles the value of ‘ONE PENNY’, the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. And the toning is a consistent and handsome chestnut brown. Take up a magnifying glass and you notice that the fields on both obverse and reverse show minimal signs of circulation. And while the quality should be enough to gain buyer attention, the gifting of a Choice Uncirculated Melbourne Mint 1930 Sovereign makes this 1930 Penny irresistible buying. Technical shots are provided below.
Sold November 2020

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1813 Dump, a classic example of the nation's first coin offered at an attractive price
About Very Fine
Private Collection Victoria
Governor Lachan Macquarie enlisted the services of convicted forger William Henshall to carry out the role of Australia's first mint master. Henshall manufactured the nation's first coins in 1813, a Fifteen Pence and a Five Shillings. We know them today as the Dump and the Holey Dollar. For the buyer that is keen to grab a piece of Australian history and acquire an 1813 Dump, we offer six reasons why this coin is worth owning. At About Very Fine this Dump is, quality-wise, well above average. The design is well centred, the legend and crown clear and legible. Importantly, the edge denticles are complete. The oblique milling (a deterrent for clipping) is fully evident. Henshall's mark of his initials 'H' is present. And the sixth reason to own this coin? That has got to be the price, for this 1813 Dump is offered at the very attractive price of $20,000.
Sold November 2020

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Circa 1855 Kangaroo Office Sixpence struck in silver, plain edge
Choice Uncirculated with superbly toned proof-like iridescent surfaces.
Barrie Winsor 2007, Private Collection Victoria
History has judged British entrepreneur William Taylor a 'big noter'. He aspired to own and operate a private mint in Melbourne and create a new gold coinage for the colonies. The mint was called the Kangaroo Office and opened in 1854. Taylor ultimately embraced other metals and struck coins in silver and copper, aluminium and even pewter. Taylor’s coins were described in the Numismatic Chronicle of 1864 as “An interesting record of what the most prosperous colony England has ever founded intended as their national coinage." The coins issued by the Kangaroo Office are great colonial rarities and have been owned by leading international collectors, the U.K.'s Hyman Montague, Egypt's King Farouk and America's John Jay Pitman. And respected local collectors include Philip Spalding and Tom Hadley, of Quartermaster fame. We can certainly attest to their rarity having sold only two plain edged Silver Kangaroo Office Sixpences over the last twenty years.
Sold October 2020

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1968 Phillips Randall First Prefix Ten Dollar Star Note (R303SF)
Private Collection W.A.
This Ten Dollar Phillips Randall banknote has the prefix/serial number ZSF 16769*. Key points of this banknote are as follows. The six-pointed asterisk indicates that it is an especially printed Star replacement note. The prefix ZSF indicates that this note was printed in the very first print run of Phillips Randall Ten Dollar Star Notes and that makes this note particularly important. Brilliantly preserved, the note is offered in Uncirculated quality. FIRST PREFIX and UNCIRCULATED. Three words that are music to a banknote collector’s ears. Now, let us add another two words that are particularly special to collectors. EXTREMELY RARE for fewer than ten comparable quality first prefix Phillips Randall Ten Dollar ‘stars’ have come onto the market over the last twenty years.
Sold October 2020

Proof 1932 Halfpenny, Melbourne Mint
FDC, a magnificent strike and stunning mirror-like fields
Nobles Auction August 1999
This Proof 1932 Halfpenny was first publicly offered at auction in August 1999. Auctioned as lot 3183, the appearance of both the Proof 1932 Halfpenny and its higher denomination counterpart, the Proof 1932 Penny, instigated frenetic bidding, the halfpenny selling for nearly forty per cent above its pre-auction estimate. This coin has all the hallmarks of proof coining. Glossy square edges. Superb mirror-like fields on both obverse and reverse, the opaline colours emanating from the reverse are in particular simply glorious. Extremely rare, this coin is one of only two known examples of the Proof 1932 Halfpenny, this being the finer of the two.
Sold September 2020

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Unique 1774 Two Reales struck at the Lima Mint Peru and counter stamped 'T. Knight'.
Private Collection Sydney
$ 17,500
If only this coin could talk. This Spanish Two Reales began its life in 1774 at the Lima Mint in Peru and features the portrait of the Spanish King Charles III. Somehow it ended up nearly 13,000 kilometers away in the penal colony of New South Wales and was formally counter stamped with the name of the mysterious 'T. Knight'. And it is the counter stamp that clearly identifies this piece as having circulated in the colony and confirms its status as a coin from the Proclamation era. Furthermore, this piece is unique.
Sold September 2020

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Proof 1928 Penny, Melbourne Mint
FDC, a brilliant proof and almost full mint red
Spink Auctions 1981, Nobles Auction 1991 in the sale of the Richard Williams Collection
This Proof 1928 Penny was first offered at Spink Auctions in 1981. And made a second appearance at Nobles Auction in 1991. On both occasions the coin sold, the prices realised far exceeding the pre-auction estimates. Looking at the coin in the flesh its easy to understand why. The extent of original copper brilliance is simply awesome. The surfaces are like a copper mirror. This is proof coining at its best. Moreover the coin is rare. Six examples of the Proof 1928 Penny are known, this being one of the finest of the six. This is a rare opportunity to acquire an important piece of Australia's minting history formerly owned by renowned Commonwealth coin collector, Richard Williams.
Sold September 2020

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Proof 1924 Florin, Melbourne Mint. One of only five known.
Superb FDC
Spink Auctions March 1982, Philip Spalding
Mr A. M. Le Souef was Deputy Master of the Melbourne Mint when this Proof 1924 Florin was struck ... and doesn't it show. The coin was not struck for collectors as part of any mass-marketing sales campaign. It was struck for the mint's archives and the privileged few and Le Souef would have been the impetus behind the strike. Because it was a specially arranged striking of proof quality presentation pieces, only a handful were struck. The original silver blanks were hand selected and polished to achieve a dazzling mirror shine. Furthermore, the coin has strong striations in the fields indicating that the dies were heavily brushed and well prepared. Strong striations in the fields equate to a brilliant strike and this is indeed the case with this coin. Over and above its brilliant strike, this coin is well preserved and has obviously been cherished in the intervening years. We note that it bears the name Philip Spalding as one of its former owners.
Sold September 2020

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Proof 1929 Penny, Melbourne Mint
FDC, with full copper brilliance on the reverse
Spink Auctions (Australia) 1984, Private Collection Victoria
The essential characteristics of proof coins are highly polished fields, fully reproduced designs free from any flaw, and square edges. This description provided by numismatist and author Greg McDonald may well have been written for this Proof 1929 Penny. Struck at the Melbourne Mint to create an everlasting vestige of its role in striking Australia’s copper coinage in 1929, this coin is as important as it is rare. Only three other examples are known. This Proof 1929 Penny has full copper brilliance on the reverse and underlying brilliance on the obverse. The fields are smooth, the design deeply etched.
Sold September 2020

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Proof Coin Collection from Australia's 'Proclamation' era (nine coins)
FDC, superbly struck, highly detailed and well preserved
Spink London, Wayte Raymond, J. J. Pitman Collection
Amazing but true, proof coining is a tradition that goes back centuries, as evidenced by this fabulous collection of nine 'Proclamation' proof coins from the era 1787 to 1804. For most collectors, the Proclamation era is seen as the beginning of numismatics in Australia.
Sold August 2020

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1910 Presentation Set in original case of issue
Believed from the collection of Sir Robert Johnson, Deputy Mint Master of the Royal Mint London, Spink Auctions 1984, Barrie Winsor
Every dealer has an item, be it a coin or a banknote, that is close to their heart. In the case of industry figurehead, Barrie Winsor, that item is this 1910 Presentation Set. Winsor has always viewed it as the ‘ultimate’. Struck as a Presentation Set at the Royal Mint London - in its original case of issue - the set is comprised of four silver coins, the 1910 Florin, 1910 Shilling, 1910 Sixpence and 1910 Threepence minted to glorious SPECIMEN quality. Furthermore, it is unique in private hands. Only one other set is known, held in the Museum of Victoria Archives. Only a person of influence within the minting hierarchy could ever have access to such a striking and Winsor's research revealed that it must have come from Sir Robert Johnson, Deputy Mint Master of the Royal Mint London.
Sold August 2020.

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The 1813 Holey Dollar made famous as the front-cover coin of Philip Spalding's book, 'The World of the Holey Dollar'.
The original coin - a glossy Good Very Fine. The counter stamps - About Extremely Fine and in the optimum position.
Exhibited at "The Holey Dollar - A Symbol of Innovation", 1 Martin Place Sydney 2 October to 18 October 2013. Goldstein Collection, Lawson's 29 June 1949, Roy W. Farman, Ray Jewell, Colin Pitchfork, Philip Spalding.
It's not every day a collector will have the opportunity of buying a Holey Dollar. Particularly one that is as famous as this coin. It was the piece Philip Spalding selected to grace the front cover of his literary masterpiece, 'The World of the Holey Dollar'. That exposure has given this Holey Dollar a powerful edge and has guaranteed its place in history as one of the most recognised of its specie. A signed "First Edition" copy of Spalding's book - numbered '15' - and inscribed by the author will be presented with the sale of this coin. Technical shots are provided.
Sold August 2020.

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1916 Presentation Set in original case of issue
Private Collection Victoria
A 1916 Presentation Set in an original case of issue always commands buyer attention. A Presentation Set of coins records an important moment or event in a nation's history and, for Australia, the year 1916 is indeed a significant one. Now add the final touch of the four words - original case of issue. The case is a stamp of authority and approval indicating that the coins are presented today as they were originally intended more than a century ago. This 1916 Presentation Set is a classic piece of Australiana that is as distinctive as it is rare. Especially created at the Melbourne Mint in 1916 to commemorate the mint’s inaugural striking of Australia’s Commonwealth coins, the set is comprised of the florin, shilling, sixpence and threepence struck to superb specimen quality. Only seven cased presentation sets have been observed at auction over the last half-century.
Sold August 2020

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1930 Penny
Good Fine
Jaggards Sydney 1985, Private Collection N.S.W.
Let there be no doubt, one of the prime reasons for the popularity of the 1930 Penny is its financial reliability. It is a solid coin. And in times such as we are experiencing, this genuinely counts. In fact, we would go one step further and say that over the long term it has probably been one of our most consistent and trustworthy numismatic performers. This 1930 Penny is graded Good Fine with nice edges and a strong ‘1930’ date. Take up a magnifying glass and you will see that the obverse has one side of the central diamond and six pearls. And while the quality should be enough to gain buyer attention, it is the price that makes this 1930 Penny irresistible buying. We are offering it at $24,500. Technical shots are shown below.
Sold August 2020

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Proof 1927 Canberra Florin
A superb Gem FDC. A brilliant proof with stunning iridescent colours and one of the finest we have handled.
Nobles Auction March 2007, Private Collection NSW
This Proof Canberra Florin set a new price record when it sold at auction in March 2007. Noted by the Auction House as having a quality of Gem FDC. and detailed as 'one of the finest', this stunning proof sold for nearly 50 per cent over its pre-auction estimate, bidders driven by its exceptional quality. The assessment of Gem FDC and its ranking as 'one of the finest' stands true to this very day. The photographs have done justice to this coin. It is simply magnificent.
Sold August 2020

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1813 Dump, Type A/1 with super-smooth, highly reflective fields and handsome blue-grey toning.
Nearly Extremely Fine, supreme quality and exceedingly rare as such.
Ray Jewell Collection, Noble Numismatics April 2004
A Nearly Extremely Fine 1813 Dump is a supreme-quality piece and rests in the top 5 per cent of surviving examples. A coin of this calibre is genuinely hard to find and is a chance opportunity. Now let’s factor in the provenance of Ray Jewell for a Nearly Extremely Fine Dump that has the name Ray Jewell attached to it, is a once-in-a-decade opportunity. Jewell was a foremost dealer and collector and a founding father of Australia’s rare coin industry. He was as learned as he was well-respected, and this Dump was part of his prized collection. It is a coin that has all the attributes that a collector could ask for in an 1813 Dump including a well-executed central design, traces of the original Spanish Dollar design details, strong denticles and the presence of the ‘H’ for Henshall on the reverse.
Sold July 2020.

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1893 City Bank of Sydney Ten Pounds
Spink London 2010
You will have a fabulous insight into Australia’s early financial history with this extremely rare, high denomination, 1893 City Bank of Sydney Ten Pounds. London engravers Bradbury Wilkinson incorporated some classically Australian design elements into this pre-federation gem. The finely etched Emu above Britannia, and the Kangaroo below. And on the back of the note, an exquisite maritime design featuring an indigenous Australian standing shoulder to shoulder with an English sailor.
Sold July 2020


Proof 1935 Penny and Proof 1935 Halfpenny matched pair
FDC. A perfectly matched pair, with full underlying brilliance on both penny and halfpenny
Sold by private treaty to Coinworks 2002, Private Collection Sydney
A Trans-Tasman connection was alive and kicking when New Zealander, Henry George Williams, financed the striking of a small number of 1935 Proof Pennies and 1935 Proof Halfpennies at the Melbourne Mint. In so doing, Williams unwittingly created an Australian 'numismatic star'. The term 'numismatic star' falls well short in describing these particular 1935 Proofs. The coins are perfectly matched, with glass-like surfaces and original copper brilliance, and are in every respect NUMISMATIC SUPER-STARS. We would be lucky to sight such quality '35 proofs on the market once every five years.
Sold July 2020

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A collection of Perth Mint Proof Coins, 1957 to 1963
Superb blazing orange proofs. FDC.
Private Collection Melbourne
A 20th anniversary celebratory price of $15,000 (normal R.R.P. $21,000)
On 1 July 2020, Coinworks will have been trading twenty years. We are kick starting the celebrations and for one week only, we are offering this collection of twelve stunning copper proofs at a celebratory price of $15,000 (normal R.R.P. $21,000).
Sold June 2020

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Proof 1932 Penny, Melbourne Mint
FDC, with full underlying brilliance, on both obverse and reverse
Spink Auction 1999
Numismatic history and numismatic catalogues were re-written in 1999, when this Proof 1932 Penny appeared at auction. Up until then no one knew that a Proof Penny from 1932 even existed. As you would expect, the market reacted and frenetic bidding saw the coin sell for nearly seventy per cent above its pre-auction estimate. This is a stunning coin with impeccable mirror fields, full underlying copper brilliance on both obverse and reverse. The opaline colours of the obverse in particular are simply glorious.
Sold June 2020

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1930 Penny, with a complete central diamond, and traces of the seventh and eighth pearls. As such, one of the best.
Good Very Fine
Private Collection Sydney
This coin is for the buyer that is seeking a supreme quality 1930 Penny. On the obverse, the coin has a full central diamond and traces of the seventh and eighth pearl. The reverse is equally impressive with well-defined inner beading, crisp upper and lower scrolls and a strong '1930' date. On both obverse and reverse, the toning is even and handsome. The fields show minimal signs of circulation and are smooth and glossy. We would place this coin in the top 5 per cent of surviving examples. Now, it is a fact that the most frequently sighted 1930 Penny is a well circulated Fine. This coin, at Good Very Fine, is at least five grades higher. A 1930 Penny at this quality level would be offered on the market, perhaps once every few years. And this great coin rarity is available now. Already have a 1930 Penny? Then consider trading it back as part-payment on this stunning coin.
Sold May 2020

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Complete Australian Penny Collection, including the extremely rare and iconic 1930 Penny
1930 Penny About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
Christmas offer of $30,000 (Normal RRP $35,000)
The 1930 Penny that is in this collection is a star in its own right. The coin is very impressive and is graded About Very Fine with at least two sides of the central diamond showing and six plump pearls. The edges are complete. And the legend and the date ‘1930’ are all prominent. Moreover, the toning is a consistent and handsome chestnut brown. Take up a magnifying glass and you notice that the fields on both obverse and reverse show minimal signs of circulation. And while the quality of this 1930 Penny should be enough to gain buyer attention, its inclusion in a complete collection of Australian pennies (1911 to 1964) makes this offer irresistible buying. Technical shots are provided below.
Sold January 2022

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1939 Five Pounds with the signatories of Sheehan & McFarlane printed in blue (R45)
Private Collection NSW
Original & Uncirculated. Two words that are music to a banknote collector's ears. ORIGINAL ... indicating that the note has been brilliantly preserved, crisp and vivid in colour. UNCIRCULATED ... indicating that it has never been used. These two words are particularly powerful when you consider that this banknote was issued more than eighty years ago - in 1939 - at the commencement of World War II. Over and above its superb original state, this Sheehan McFarlane Five Pounds is historically significant as the first Five Pounds of the George VI era. Furthermore, it is extremely rare for the note has the lowest recorded print run of the entire George VI era. At $8,500 it is affordable and a sensible piece to tuck away for the future either for yourself, for your children or your grandchildren.
Sold December 2021

1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign
Uncirculated, a die crack is noted on the forehead.
Private Collection Perth
If Australian collectors needed a reminder about the potency of the Perth Mint's gold coin rarities, they certainly got it at the recent Zurich auction. A Perth Mint Proof 1901 Sovereign fetched a dazzling record price, nearly double that of a comparable Melbourne Mint proof. The coin offered here, the 1918 Half Sovereign, is yet another of the Perth Mint's great coin rarities that commands respect and attracts solid interest. Particularly in the quality offered here. It is an important coin on many fronts. Australia struck its last half sovereign in 1918, this coin marking the end of an era. Enhancing its popularity further, it is extremely rare. Respected numismatic author, Greg McDonald, contends that only 200 to 300 pieces are available to collectors. In summary. This 1918 Half Sovereign is important. Premium quality at Uncirculated. A world-class rarity. A product of the Perth Mint. And available at $15,000. Excellent buying! The technical shots shown below re-affirm the quality of this stunning coin.
Sold December 2021

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1852 Adelaide Pound design type II, a textbook example of the nation's first gold coin
Good Extremely Fine with strength in the legend and denticles, well preserved retaining its golden brilliance
Private Collection Queensland
The collector that owns this Adelaide Pound, also owned the Holey Dollar that we sold this month. Sold in a flash, we might add. We described the Holey Dollar as ‘the coin that had it all’. And we would describe this Adelaide Pound using the exact same phrase. This coin has everything that a collector would want in an Adelaide Pound, including the price. Fabulous eye appeal, lustrous fields, minimal effects from circulation and a strong ‘Government Assay Office’ legend. And importantly, edge denticles that are intact all the way round. The latter two traits - the legend and the denticles - are rarely strong and complete in even the very best of examples. The 1852 Adelaide Pound is the nation's first gold coin. Acquire this example and you will be keen to show it off to your family and friends.
Sold November 2021

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1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
About Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne
There are two things we know about high quality 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereigns. NUMBER ONE. They are extremely rare. You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereigns we have sold at this quality level. NUMBER TWO. They are exceedingly important. The '55 Sovereign is the nation's very first sovereign and will always have pride of place in any collection. So, if quality 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereigns are difficult to find today, then they are going to be even more difficult to find as the years roll on. Which is why we believe that high quality 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereigns are great coins to tuck away for the future.
Sold May 2020

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Proof 1928 Halfpenny, Melbourne Mint
FDC with highly reflective, almost glass-like fields
Australian Coin Auctions March 2001, The Madrid Collection of Austraian Rare Coins
Prices of Australian pre-decimal proofs rocketed between 2001 and 2002 when a collection of elite Proof Melbourne coppers came up at auction. This Proof 1928 Halfpenny was a part of the collection. The coins had never been sighted before, the vendor indicating that he had bought them from renowned collector Roy Farman in the 1950s. Farman, in turn, had held them from the day they were struck. We attended the auction and the competition for acquisition was as strong as we have ever seen. A case in point, this Proof 1928 Halfpenny, sold for $13,400 on a pre-auction estimate of $7500 and it is noted that the auction estimate reflected price guides at the time. And the reason for the heady prices?
Sold May 2020

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1813 Dump, a textbook example showing full details of the original Spanish Silver Dollar design. As such, extremely rare.
Good Very Fine / About Extremely Fine
Private Collection New South Wales
The Numismatic Association of Australia (N.A.A.) is one of the industry's most venerated institutions. Their journal is professionally bound and presented to subscribers annually, the contributors to the journal are some of the finest numismatists of our time. When the N.A.A. decided to publish an article on William Henshall and his role as Australia's first Mint Master in striking the Holey Dollar and Dump ... they chose this coin as the sole front cover item of their publication. And with good reason. This Dump has unique qualities. Notice the outline of the lion. And the castle, with its battlements and windows. These are the design elements of the original Spanish Silver Dollar that Henshall used to create this coin. Its presence is highly prized. We have handled only one other Dump that so clearly displays its Spanish Silver Dollar origins. (A copy of the N.A.A. Journal will be provided with this coin.)
Sold May 2020

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Proof 1928 Penny, Melbourne Mint
FDC with highly reflective, almost glass-like fields
Australian Coin Auctions March 2001, The Madrid Collection of Austraian Rare Coins
Prices of Australian pre-decimal proofs rocketed between 2001 and 2002 when a collection of elite Proof Melbourne coppers came up at auction. This Proof 1928 Penny was a part of the collection. The coins had never been sighted before, the vendor indicating that he had bought them from renowned collector Roy Farman in the 1950s. Farman, in turn, had held them from the day they were struck. We attended the auction and the competition for acquisition was as strong as we have ever seen. A case in point, this Proof 1928 Penny, sold for $19,000 on a pre-auction estimate of $10,000 and it is noted that the auction estimate reflected price guides at the time. And the reason for the heady prices?
Sold May 2020

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1930 Penny, with an almost complete central diamond and six plump pearls.
Nearly Very Fine / Very Fine
Held since the early '90s in a private collection, Melbourne
$29,500 (Normal R.R.P. $34,500)
This is a superb 1930 Penny, in the top 15 per cent of surviving examples, with an obverse grading of Nearly Very Fine and a reverse grading of Very Fine. Collectors will note the almost full central diamond and six very plump pearls in the king’s crown. Collectors will also take on board the price. Presented in a quality level of Nearly Very Fine, this coin is available at the same price as one graded two notches down at Good Fine and that's a $5000 price advantage over our normal R.R.P. So, if you have been sitting back watching the market and waiting for the "right" 1930 Penny to come along ... then this is the coin for you. Technical shots are provided in the READ MORE section below.
Sold April 2020

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1852 Adelaide Pound Type II
About Uncirculated
Held since 2002 in a private collection, Melbourne.
There are two aspects we always consider when we are checking out an Adelaide Pound Type II. First up is the eye appeal. For us, the coin must look good. And secondly, we look at the strength of the strike, just how well the design was executed during the minting process. This Adelaide Pound scores highly on both counts. It is an impressive example of the nation’s first gold coin, well preserved with original golden lustre, particularly strong on the reverse. And the design has been well executed, the crown is strong, the edge denticles are complete (making it a definite exception to those most commonly found) and the legend Government Assay Office is exceptionally strong (again an exception). And this stunning Adelaide Pound Type II is available now. Technical shots are in the READ MORE section.
Sold April 2020

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1930 Penny, with a partial central diamond and six pearls.
Good Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$25,000 (Normal R.R.P $29,500)
This is simply a great 1930 Penny. The obverse is graded Good Fine and the reverse a higher quality grading of Very Fine. Collectors will note the partial central diamond and six plump pearls in the king’s crown. Collectors will also take on board the price. Presented in a quality level of Good Fine, this coin is available at the same price as one graded one notch down at Fine. It is our MARCH/APRIL SPECIAL, offering a price advantage of $4500 over our normal R.R.P. If you have been sitting back watching the market and waiting for the 'right' 1930 Penny to come along ... then this is the coin for you.
Sold March 2020

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1930 Penny, with a full central diamond and eight pearls. One of the absolute finest.
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne.
This coin is for the buyer that is seeking one of the absolute finest examples of Australia’s famous 1930 Penny. We rate it as number FOUR in the pecking order of known 1930 Pennies. The enormity of this offer becomes clear when you consider that there are quite likely one thousand (or more) 1930 Pennies in existence today. Given the clear and defining quality traits of this piece, it is in every respect a ‘miracle’ coin. In the READ MORE section, we have included close-up photographs of this coin and, as a point of comparison, an average quality 1930 Penny. It makes for interesting viewing.
Sold March 2020

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1893 Bank of Adelaide One Pound
Private Collection Sydney
You will have a fabulous insight into Australia’s early financial history with this extremely rare 1893 Bank of Adelaide One Pound. The Bank of Adelaide was incorporated by an Act of Parliament under a Deed of Settlement on 5 December 1865, with an authorized capital of £250,000 in 50,000 £5 shares. Regarded as a pillar of the Adelaide establishment, the Bank of Adelaide was named after the city in which it was formed. This One Pound Specimen note survives today as one of twenty known examples.
Sold February 2020

1813 Holey Dollar, struck from an 1800 Mexico Mint Spanish Silver Dollar.
Private Collection New South Wales
The 1813 Holey Dollar is the nation's first coin. Its standing means that it is a very valuable piece. The coin also is extremely rare with less than 200 examples available to collectors. Over the past few years that has been a noticeable increase in demand for Holey Dollars, steadily pushing prices higher. Securing a quality Holey Dollar priced below $100,000 has become a very difficult task. Which is why this coin is so appealing. Yes, it has circulated but the design details of the original Spanish Dollar are clear. And the over-stamping of New South Wales and the date 1813 is strong. This coin will make owning a Holey Dollar a reality for just one buyer. It is affordable. Conservatively priced, it offers excellent buying value.
Sold February 2020

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1813 Holey Dollar, counter-stamped 'T. Knight'
Good Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection New South Wales
If you can incorporate the word ‘exceptional’ into a coin’s description, its investment value is enhanced. Exceptional quality. Exceptional rarity. That word ‘exceptional’ is simply the qualification that your coin stands out from the rest making it more appealing to any potential buyer. And so, it is with this coin. This Holey Dollar is distinguished as being the very finest of the T. Knight counter-stamped Holey Dollars.
Sold February 2020

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1813 Holey Dollar struck from an 1805 Mexico Mint Silver Dollar
Good Very Fine / Extremely Fine
Maurice Eschwege, Captain H. Paget, Albert Bagnall, Philip Spalding.
There is an immeasurable pride in owning an example of Australia’s first coin, the Holey Dollar. And if you can open not one, but TWO, of the most respected books on Holey Dollars and see your coin detailed and illustrated, then the feelings go even deeper. It is an affirmation of the proud history that accompanies your coin. And so it is with this Holey Dollar. It is illustrated in Philip Spalding's esteemed book, “The World of the Holey Dollar”. And the internationally respected “Holey Dollars of New South Wales” by Messrs. Mira & Noble. And it is true that only a handful of collectors can ever lay claim to having their Holey Dollars in both books.
Sold February 2020

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1930 Penny with a hint of the central diamond and six pearls
Private Collection Melbourne
Every couple of years we come across a 1930 Penny that is a genuine bargain. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does happen, we grab it with both hands knowing that Australia’s classic coin rarity is wanted at all dollar levels. And all quality levels. This 1930 Penny has the hint of a central diamond and six pearls on the obverse. The reverse has strong upper and lower scrolls and complete inner beading. This is an impressive 1930 Penny offered at an even more impressive price of $21,000.
Sold February 2020

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1877 City of Melbourne Bank Ltd Five Pounds
Bradbury & Wilkinson Archives, Spink London 2010
This 1877 City of Melbourne Bank Ltd Five Pounds is an extremely rare, historically important pre federation banknote from Melbourne’s golden era. It offers a fabulous insight into Australia’s early currency history.
Sold February 2020


1813 Dump, design type A/1
Good Very Fine
Dr. John Chapman
A Good Very Fine 1813 Dump is a high quality piece and is genuinely hard to find. A chance opportunity. A Good Very Fine 1813 Dump that has been owned by Dr. John Chapman is a once-in-a-decade opportunity. Dr John Chapman has been involved in the Australian numismatic market as a foremost collector for as long as we can remember. He is as learned as he is well respected and this Dump was part of his prized collection. It is a coin that has all the attributes that a collector would look for in a colonial Dump including the original Spanish Dollar design (particularly strong), complete denticles and the presence of the ‘H’ for Henshall on the reverse. It is an impactful coin, the very reason why respected author and numismatist Greg McDonald features it in his annual Pocket Price Guide. And has so for many, many years. Technical shots are provided.
Sold January 2020

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Proof 1936 Penny
Australian Coin Auctions February 2002, Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
Prices of Australian pre-decimal proofs rocketed between 2000 and 2002 when a collection of elite Proof Melbourne coppers came up at auction. This Proof 1936 was a part of the collection. The coins had never been sighted before, the vendor indicating that he had bought them in the 1950s from renowned collector Roy Farman. He, in turn, had held them from the day they were struck. We attended the auction and the competition for acquisition was amazing, as strong as we have ever seen. A case in point, this Proof 1936 Penny, sold for more than three times its pre-auction estimate of $8000 and it is noted that the auction estimates reflected price guides at the time. And the reason for the heady prices?
Sold January 2020

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1852 Adelaide Pound with crenelated inner circle (Type II)
Uncirculated with underlying golden lustre, the obverse fully lustrous and proof-like
Private Collection New South Wales
This 1852 Adelaide Pound is offered in a remarkable state. The grading level is Uncirculated, so it has never been used. And the coin is lustrous, in fact fully lustrous on the reverse and almost proof-like. There is only one explanation that we can offer as to its condition. The coin must have been tucked away soon after it was created. Dealers are aware. As are collectors. This coin offers a level of quality that is rarely offered. This is the second only Uncirculated Type II Adelaide Pound that we have offered over the past five years.
Sold January 2020

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Proof 1926 Halfpenny, Melbourne Mint
Spink Noble Numismatics, July 1993
This Proof 1926 Halfpenny impressed the market when it came up at auction in July 1993. Competitive bidding saw it sell for $3000, well in excess of its then catalogue value and pre-auction estimate of $2000. The competitive bidding reflects the defining properties of the coin and its outstanding quality traits. This Proof 1926 Halfpenny was struck at the Melbourne Mint as a Coin of Record. Take it under the light and it is everything that you would expect from a proof coin. Super smooth, mirror-like surfaces radiating stunning colours. The extra bonus is that the coin has retained some original copper brilliance, particularly on the obverse. Furthermore, it is rare. This coin is the only Proof 1926 Halfpenny we have sold.
Sold November 2019.

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The Mortimer Hammel 1852 Adelaide Pound Type 2
Brilliant Uncirculated
Private Collection Sydney
There are Adelaide Pounds. And then there is the HAMMEL Adelaide Pound, so named because it was formerly owned by one of the world's greatest 20th century gold coin collectors, Mortimer Hammel. It is one of the absolute finest examples of Australia’s first gold coin and when viewed it simply glows. Its highly lustrous, brilliant state implies that the coin must have been put aside soon after minting and has had special care ever since its striking. The person who acquires this Adelaide Pound will take their place in history, permanently associating themselves with both the coin and the famous Hammel name.
Sold October 2019.

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1852 Adelaide Pound EF rev September 2017
1852 Adelaide Pound
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Victoria
For most Australian rare coin collectors, acquiring an 1852 Adelaide Pound fulfils a lifetime’s ambition. The coin holds a special place in Australia’s history and in the hearts of Australian rare coin collectors like no other. Struck one year after gold was discovered in Victoria in 1851, it is the nation’s very first gold coin. The Adelaide Pound is rare, so finding an example that doesn't break the bank is no easy task. Which is why we are so excited about this coin. It is genuinely tough to secure an Adelaide Pound that fits our protocols, is well presented and is suitable to most collector's budgets. This is an extremely attractive 1852 Adelaide Pound and shows minimal effects of circulation. It is a piece that you will be proud to show your family and friends.
Sold October 2019.

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1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set FDC February 2019
1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set - and our bonus offer of a 1963 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
Private Collection Victoria
When this 1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set came across the counter our eyes lit up. It is unequivocally one of the finest we have seen. The 1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set is notoriously difficult to acquire in top quality mainly due to the state of the copper penny and halfpenny. The coins tone. And while toning is quite obviously acceptable in the numismatic industry, for whatever reason the 1959 Proof Penny and the 1959 Proof Halfpenny tend to tone to a different degree and look mismatched. It is the state of the copper proofs within the 1959 Proof Set that leads us to say that, if you are a collector that is driven by quality, the 1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set is the most difficult to acquire out of the entire series. As the photograph shows, the four silver coins are stunning, the two coppers superbly matched with original copper brilliance under a very light smoky toning.
Sold October 2019.

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Five Pounds front March 2019
1939 Sheehan McFarlane Five Pounds R45
Private Collection Adelaide
Original Uncirculated quality. "Music" to a banknote collector's ears. Particularly when you are referring to a note that was issued at the commencement of World War II. Over and above its brilliant state, this 1939 Sheehan McFarlane Five Pounds is historically significant as the first Five Pounds of the George VI era. It is extremely rare and very affordable and is a far-sighted piece to tuck away for the future either for yourself, for your children or your grandchildren.
Sold September 2019.

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1930 Penny
Very Fine. High quality and extremely attractive.
Private Collection Melbourne.
This 1930 Penny has a full central diamond and six plump pearls and it is these two aspects, the diamond and the pearls, that classifies this coin as one of the very best, in the top ten per cent. This coin will appeal to the buyer that has always wanted a 1930 Penny and has been looking for a top-grade example. It will also appeal to the investor for high quality 1930 Pennies, such as this coin, are extremely rare. We estimate that we would handle one, or at the very tops two, Very Fine 1930 Pennies annually. And price watchers will note that this 1930 Penny has been favourably priced.
Sold September 2019.

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The Mortimer Hammel 1852 Cracked Die Adelaide Pound
Mortimer Hammel Collection, sold Stacks New York September 1982
This coin is a prized piece. It ticks all the boxes. Quality. Rarity. Pedigree. And historical standing. The 1852 Cracked Die Adelaide Pound has an exalted position in Australia’s currency history as the nation’s first gold coin. Furthermore it was minted in the very first production run of Adelaide Pounds. What we know today is that forty Cracked Die Adelaide Pounds are in collector’s hands and most of them have circulated with more than fifty per cent heavily circulated. The reality is that of the forty known Cracked Dies, only three are Uncirculated and this coin is one of the three, formerly owned by renowned gold coin collector, American Mortimer Hammel.
Sold August 2019.

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1921 Square Penny
Private Collection Adelaide
This coin, the 1921 Square Penny, is the most popular coin in the entire kookaburra square coin series. It has the exclusivity that rare coin buyers are seeking. One high quality Square Penny of this style would appear on the market perhaps once every year ... rare in anyone's language. And importantly, for buyers, this Square Penny is affordable.
Sold July 2019.

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1955 Melbourne Mint Proof Set - and our bonus offer of a 1963 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
Private Collection Melbourne
A proof penny with original copper brilliance. And three glorious silver proofs, the shilling, sixpence and threepence. The four coins together make up a complete 1955 Melbourne Mint Proof Set. This Set is as IMPORTANT as it is RARE. Rare because only 1200 sets were issued. (This being one of the finest around.) Important because '1955' was the very first year that the Melbourne Mint commenced a proof coining program for collectors. And this 1955 Proof Set kick-started the series. (This 1955 Melbourne Mint Proof Set has attracted our BONUS OFFER of a free 1963 Melbourne Mint Proof Set. See below in the Read More section.)
Sold July 2019.

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1930 Penny about VF rev March 2019
1930 Penny - and our bonus offer of a Choice Uncirculated Melbourne Mint 1930 Sovereign.
about Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
We love this coin. And in fact, we were the under bidder when it was offered at a Sydney Auction several years ago, outgunned by a very determined and experienced Victorian collector. (The same vendor also owned the third finest known 1930 Penny that we sold last year for $150,000 so he has a great eye for quality.) The collector has been passionate about coins since he was a child. Now approaching retirement, he has consigned this prized gem to Coinworks for private sale. Our view on the coin today is exactly the same as it was a few years ago when we entered the auction room. It's just a really impressive 1930 Penny made even more impressive by our bonus offer of a Choice Uncirculated 1930 Melbourne Mint Sovereign.
Sold July 2019.

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1921 Proof STAR Shilling rev March 2019
Proof 1921 Star Shilling
Private Collection Melbourne
The greatness and the historical significance of Australia’s proof coinage is exemplified in the Proof 1930 Penny. And this coin, the Proof 1921 Star Shilling. Both coins are numismatic greats and capture grand moments in time. And both coins are rare. Three examples of the Proof 1930 Penny are privately held. And only ONE of the Proof 1921 Star Shilling. This coin.
Sold June 2019.

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1921 Square Halfpenny
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Queensland
We estimate there are about 150 Square Pennies available to collectors, of varying dates and designs. At the same time there are about 12 Square Halfpennies. So, if you are a Square Penny collector and you want a Square Halfpenny, then consider that there could be at least TEN other buyers searching for that same prized halfpenny acquisition. It’s these odds that have made the Square Halfpenny one of Australia’s most elusive and sought-after coin rarities. In demand from collectors of the kookaburra coin series. And in demand from buyers with a pure investment focus.
Sold June 2019.

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1930 Penny - and our bonus offer of a Choice Uncirculated Melbourne Mint 1930 Sovereign.
Fine Plus / about Very Fine
Private Collection New South Wales
With this 1930 Penny you can tick the box for QUALITY. The coin has survived its time in circulation with minimal affect. You can also tick the box on PRICE for at $24,500 this 1930 Penny is advantageously priced. But there is a third box relating to this coin that must also be ticked. And that's the box titled VALUE FOR MONEY for over the next three weeks we are giving away a Choice Uncirculated 1930 Melbourne Mint Sovereign with every 1930 Penny sold. A great 1930 Penny has now become even greater with our bonus offer.
Sold June 2019

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1931 Proof Penny FDC Reverse February 2019
Proof 1931 Penny
Noble Numismatics July 2001, The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins.
A provenance can say a lot about a coin. And it speaks volumes about this superb Proof 1931 Penny for it was especially selected for the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare coins in 2001. A passionate collector of Australian proof coppers, his clear buying focus was for QUALITY and RARITY and he found both with this coin. Superb crisp design detail under handsome light smoky toning. Smooth fields. His quest for rarity was satisfied in the knowledge that only three Proof 1931 Pennies were known. There was one other attribute that inspired the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins. He respected and appreciated the importance of 'key dates' and sought them out whenever the opportunity arose. And he was keenly aware that the year '1931' is an important date in the penny series.
Sold June 2019

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1882S Young Head Shield Gem Unc obv October 2018
1882 Sydney Mint Young Head Shield Half Sovereign
Gem Uncirculated
Barrie Winsor Collection
The 1882 Half Sovereign struck at the Sydney Mint is one of the absolute key dates of the Young Head Series. And this coin at Gem Uncirculated is the finest known. That’s a powerful combination. The finest. Of the scarcest. Two attributes that make this coin an ideal choice for the pure investor or the collector that wants to relish in the pleasure of owning the very best. And note the provenance. The coin was acquired from Barrie Winsor who indicated that it came from Knightsbridge Coins, London, the same source that provided the example housed in the Quartermaster collection. Technical photos are provided in the READ MORE section.
Sold May 2019.

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1810 Holey Dollar Obv Mood August
1813 Holey Dollar struck from a Ferdinand VII 1810, Mexico Mint, Spanish Silver Dollar.
About Extremely Fine
John Gartner (Editor of the Australian Coin Review), Philip Spalding. Technical references ... Philip Spalding No. 197 (Page 220), Mira Noble 1810/2 (Page 67 )
The opportunity to acquire one of the finest - and one of the rarest - Holey Dollars comes to very few collectors. Struck from a Ferdinand VII Spanish Silver Dollar this Holey Dollar is one of the absolute rarest. Only TWELVE Ferdinand VII Holey Dollars are privately owned. And with coin and counter stamps at about Extremely Fine, this Holey Dollar is absolutely, one of the finest. The accolades continue with this coin. Philip Spalding rated this coin as “One of the Top Dollars” and featured it in his book "The World of the Holey Dollar". We rate it similarly. It is one of the very best.
Sold March 2019

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1852 Adelaide Pound Type II Choice Unc rev February 2019
The Eliasberg 1852 Adelaide Pound Type II
Brilliant Uncirculated
Louis E. Eliasberg
There are Adelaide Pounds. And then there is the ELIASBERG Adelaide Pound, so named because it was formerly owned by one of the world's greatest 20th century collectors Louis E. Eliasberg. It is one of the absolute finest examples of Australia’s first gold coin and when viewed it simply glows. Its highly lustrous, brilliant state implies that the coin must have been put aside soon after minting and has had special care ever since its striking. The person who acquires this Adelaide Pound will take their place in history, permanently associating themselves with both the coin and the famous Eliasberg name. Technical shots shown in READ MORE.
Sold March 2019.

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1920 Melbourne Mint Proof Penny FDC reverse February 2019
1920 Proof Penny (dot below scroll)
Prices of Australian pre-decimal proofs rocketed in the year 2000 following the appearance of this 1920 Proof Penny at a Melbourne Auction. The only known example in private hands, the coin was the showpiece of a small collection of proof coppers that had been struck at the Melbourne Mint between 1920 and 1932. The coins had never been sighted before. The vendor indicated that he had bought the collection in the 1950s from renowned collector Roy Farman who had held them from the day they were struck. We attended the auction and the competition for acquisition was amazing, as strong as we have ever seen. The coins sold for prices that were almost double estimate and it is noted that pre-auction estimates reflected price guides at the time. And the reason for the heady prices?
Sold February 2019.

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1855 Sydney Mint Sov date side mood July 2018
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is presented in Extremely Fine, with minimal marks in the field and original lustre in the legend on both the obverse and reverse. Given the superior quality of this coin we ask the question. Which coin is the more difficult to acquire in this superior state? The 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign or the 1852 Adelaide Pound? First gold sovereign or first gold pound? From an examination of auction records – and our own experience - the answer is very clearly, the 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign. In fact, our first sovereign is four times harder to find than the Adelaide Pound. Technical shots are shown below and we have included a chart that shows the genuine scarcity of the 1855 Sovereign in the upper quality levels.
Sold February 2019.

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1930 Penny good Fine 2 rev November 2018
1930 Penny
Good Fine / About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1930 Penny is legendary, and its star status has made it one of Australia's most valuable rare coins. Because the dollars involved in acquiring a 1930 Penny are considerable, we offer one very basic tip for buyers to assist them in their decision-making process. Select a 1930 Penny that is visually very attractive and has no obvious defects from its time in circulation. This simple point will really count when, further down the track, it comes time for you to sell your coin and realise on your investment. The 1930 Penny that we have for sale fits that profile in every respect and is as per the photographs above and at right. The coin has a technical obverse grading of Good Fine. The reverse is graded higher again at About Very Fine with strong upper and lower scrolls and well defined inner beading.
Sold February 2019.

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1923 Halfpenny date side July 2018
1923 Halfpenny
Choice Uncirculated
Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
This Choice Uncirculated 1923 Halfpenny was acquired in 2008 by the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins. It was, at the time, one of two elite 1923 Halfpennies that came to the market for private sale. The first coin was the unique Proof 1923 Halfpenny. The second coin was this example: a coin that was originally struck for circulation but had survived the production process and preserved in an almost proof-like state. Our client was not influenced by the dollars involved, he had the capacity to acquire both pieces. But he opted for the latter. He is one of many collectors that respect the magnitude of top quality ‘circulating’ coins over of the substance of proof coinage.
Sold January 2019.

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scan 1 1934 Riddle Sheehan £1 Rev
1933 Riddle Sheehan One Pound R28
That great value is to be had in the banknote market is clearly evidenced in this George V Riddle Sheehan One Pound. Every box is ticked. The note introduced a new design, and that’s important to collectors. It offers quality that can’t be improved upon at Uncirculated. Issued in an era that is especially popular, George V. And available at a price that is very affordable.
Sold December 2018.

20 Spanish Dollars front view November 2018
Bank of New South Wales, Twenty Spanish Dollars, issued 1 January 1824
Good Fine
The Ross Pratley Collection. The Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins.
Retired numismatic dealer, Ross Pratley, was passionate about Australia’s history and the role that currency plays in defining and recording our past. He indulged his passion through the acquisition of pre-federation banknotes, including this spectacular colonial rarity. And by accumulating one of the finest collections of Australian half sovereigns the nation has ever seen for as a dealer, he had access to the very best. This 1824 Bank of New South Wales Twenty Spanish Dollars was issued on 1 January 1824 and entered in the bank’s ledger as note number 31164. It was Pratley’s prized possession. A profoundly important piece of colonial history. Tangible evidence of the brief window in Australia’s past when the influence of the Spanish Silver Dollar was at its zenith and the finances of the penal colony of New South Wales were expressed in Spanish Silver Dollars. Our first decimal banknote as such. Made even more important by the note’s rarity. While two examples are held as museum pieces in Westpac Archives, this is the only example privately held. Collectors and investors alike will appreciate the value that this wonderful piece of Australiana presents when you consider that 200 Holey Dollars are available to collectors. And only one of this banknote.
Sold November 2018.

1852 Adelaide Pound Type II about EF rev Large Mood October 2018
1852 Adelaide Pound, second die with crenelated inner circle
good Very Fine - about Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1852 Adelaide Pound holds a very special in Australia's history as the nation's first gold coin. It was struck at the Government Office in Adelaide from 22 carat gold brought from the Victorian goldfields. Its status as our first gold coin ensures that it will always be sought after and underpins its investment value. Its investment value is also preserved by its rarity for the industry estimates that perhaps 250 examples are available to collectors, across all quality levels. The Adelaide Pound is a valuable coin so finding an example that doesn’t break the bank can be challenging which is why we are so excited by this coin. The coin has fared extremely well during its time in circulation, is well presented and is offered in a price range that is suitable to most collector's budgets.
Sold November 2018

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1856 Sovereign date side replacement 160928-9907
1856 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Good Extremely Fine / About Uncirculated
Private Collection Sydney
$ 35,000
A fascination with coins as a child, and a passion for colonial history as an adult, saw a Sydney resident pursue the Sydney Mint Sovereign series over a twenty year period. His focus was on quality, but in the case of rare date sovereigns (such as the 1855 and 1856) he held a number of examples. This superb 1856 Sydney Mint Sovereign is one such coin from his collection.
Sold November 2018

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1930M Proof Sovereign rev Large November 2018
Proof 1930 Melbourne Mint Sovereign
Superb FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
In 2018, proof gold has emerged as one of the most fiercely contested areas of the rare coin market. Over the last twelve months, prices paid at auction for proof sovereigns and proof half sovereigns have surged by about 20 per cent, the consequence of increased demand. Now while it is true that gold is Australia’s most popular collecting metal, the key to the growth in proof gold has been its inordinate scarcity. Buyers know that there is never a chance that the market will be flooded with examples. The scarcity has simply given the market the confidence to buy. This coin is a case in point. We are aware of two Proof 1930 Melbourne Mint Sovereigns. This coin, sold by private treaty in the 1990s through Monetarium Sydney and now in our hands. And one other example that appeared at public auction in 1988. But that’s as far as it goes for the year 1930. And proof sovereigns. The Sydney Mint was not producing coins having closed in 1926 and it is on record that the Perth Mint did not strike proofs in 1930, the year of the Great Depression.
Sold November 2018

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1927 Proof Canberra Florin rev Large April 2018
1927 Proof Canberra Florin
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 25,000
The original intention of proof coining was to create a numismatic masterpiece that would represent an era in Australia's history and tell a story that was an indelible part of our nation's past. The Melbourne Mint created a numismatic masterpiece when it struck the 1927 Proof Canberra Florin. The Duke of York officially opened Parliament House in Canberra on 9 May 1927. To commemorate the occasion, the Government authorised the minting of the Canberra Florin featuring Parliament House on the reverse and George V on the obverse. The Melbourne Mint issued 400 limited edition collector coins struck to proof quality. This coin is a superb example from the original mintage.
Sold November 2018

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1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign good EF about Unc B&B December 2017
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Good Extremely Fine
Private Collection Sydney
Every collector that embraces the Australian sovereign series will at some point in time contemplate the purchase of an 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign. That’s understandable given that it is the nation’s very first sovereign. Two matters will be foremost in a buyer’s mind. A budget. And the quality that those dollars will deliver. But there is another consideration for potential buyers of the 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign and that’s availability. For while well circulated examples are reasonably readily available, coins such as this Good Extremely Fine ’55 sovereign are genuinely scarce. More than 18 months have elapsed since we last offered a ’55 sovereign at this quality level. This coin is rare. Technical shots have been included in the READ MORE section.
Sold November 2018.

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1930 Penny good Fine - about Very Fine rev October 2018
1930 Penny
Nearly Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This is simply a great 1930 Penny. Market watchers will note the almost full central diamond and the six very plump pearls. Market watchers will also take on board the price. It is our OCTOBER SPECIAL, offering a price advantage of $7500 over our normal R.R.P. This coin offers genuine value and for that very reason we really don't believe it will sit on the shelf for long. The vendor has held the coin for many, many years but is now eager to facilitate a quick sale. So if you have been sitting back watching the market and waiting for the "right" 1930 Penny to come along ... then this is the coin for you. Technical shots have been included in the READ MORE SECTION. In a presentation befitting the coin, this 1930 Penny is presented in a handsome black presentation case, with accompanying photographs and Certificate of Authenticity.
Sold November 2018.

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1955-63 PDP's Group Shot October 2018
Collection of Melbourne and Perth Mint Proof Coins (1955 – 1963)
Private Collection
Available individually
The Melbourne and Perth Proofs struck from 1955 to 1963 come high on our list of recommendations to clients. For themselves. For children. Or a nice little nest-egg to tuck away for grandchildren. So, when Melbourne journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten-coin rarities that were priced below $5000 and, that we believed, were destined for growth. The Melbourne and Perth Mint Proofs were at the very top of our list. The sets are visually attractive and very affordable, appealing to a wide buying audience. Each is a stand-alone rarity, so they can be acquired progressively one year at a time with no pressure on buyers to complete the series.
Sold November 2018

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1793 Holey Dollar Rev Mood August 2018
1813 Holey Dollar struck from a 1793, Mexico Mint, Spanish Silver Dollar
You hold history in your hand when you own a Holey Dollar. And you will create 'new' history by joining its former owners, the collectors for whom this coin was a prized possession. In the case of this Holey Dollar, its first recorded sale occurred in 1889 when it was purchased by E. Best, resident of Tasmania and subsequently passed to one of his relatives circa 1927. The impact of owning such a great historical piece is even more profound when you open the book, ‘The Holey Dollars of New South Wales’ by Messrs. Mira and Noble and find your coin photographed and officially recorded as one of the almost 300 surviving examples. A copy of the Catalogue accompanies the sale.
Sold September 2018.

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1794 Holey Dollar Obv Mood August 2018
1813 Holey Dollar struck from a 1794, Potosi Mint, Spanish Silver Dollar
Good Fine
Spink Australia Auction 14, November 1984
This Holey Dollar has the two words ‘POTOSI MINT’ in its description and those two words place it in a class all on its own. Holey Dollars that were created from silver dollars struck at the Potosi Mint in Bolivia are the RAREST of the rare. In 1988 Messrs. Mira and Noble catalogued and published a record of the known surviving Holey Dollars identifying those that were held by private collectors and those held in institutions. Only 15 privately owned coins had ties to the Potosi Mint. Next up for availability was the Lima Mint in Peru with 17 available; the Mexico Mint being the most frequently sighted with 143 recorded examples. We note that we have only ever handled four Potosi Mint Holey Dollars, and this coin is one of the four.
Sold August 2018

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1813 NSW Dump A1 Unc reverse Large SEO March 2018
1813 Dump
About Uncirculated
The 1813 Dump, and its partner the 1813 Holey Dollar, were the first coins struck in Australia, the innovation of Governor Lachlan Macquarie. Not only are they rare, but their fascinating history has made them two of the world's most famous coins. They are as recognised, respected and sought after on the international stage as they are on our home shores. What is also recognised is that, in the highest quality levels, the Dump is the scarcer of the two. This 1813 Dump is for the buyer seeking the absolute finest example of Australia's first silver coin. It is ranked NUMBER ONE in the pecking order. The enormity of this offer becomes clear when you consider that there are quite likely 1000 Dumps in existence today, with 200 housed in public institutions and the balance available to collectors. This Dump is in every respect a 'miracle' coin.
Sold August 2018.

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1930 Penny about Very Fine rev June 2018
1930 Penny
About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$29,500 (Normal R.R.P. $34,500)
We are celebrating the start of a new financial year with some sensational offers on Australia's classic copper rarity, the 1930 Penny. This 1930 Penny has undergone a little more circulation than the Very Fine example shown above, but clearly reflects our prime rule for buying a 1930 Penny. Acquire a coin that is visually very attractive. It also comes with our new financial year price bonus. Presented in a quality level of About Very Fine, this coin is available for the same price as one graded one notch down at Good Fine. THAT'S A $5000 PRICE ADVANTAGE. Family heirloom. Or an investment in history. This 1930 Penny is both. Technical shots have been included in the READ MORE section. In a presentation befitting the coin, this 1930 Penny is presented in a handsome black presentation case, with accompanying photographs and Certificate of Authenticity.
Sold July 2018.

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1937 Proof Crown REV B&B October 2017
1937 Proof Crown
Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins
One million crowns were minted for circulation in 1937 which means that the circulation-strikes are today readily available. Their availability tends to cloud collectors perception of the scarcity of the 1937 PROOF CROWN. With only 100 struck, they are exceedingly difficult to procure, particularly in top quality. This 1937 Proof Crown was sold in 1995 to the owner of the Madrid Collection of Australian Rare Coins. And while the name of the Collection might suggest that the owner was a resident of Spain, in fact our client resides in Sydney. Over the past three decades he formed one of the foremost collections of our time, his collecting mission to acquire the very best and the rarest, including this 1937 Proof Crown. The coin is a superb example from the original mintage of 100 and one of the finest we have handled. That great collectors only ever hold great coins is clearly evidenced with this very impressive 1937 Proof Crown.
Sold July 2018.

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1915 Collins Allen Ten Shillings Front July 2018
1915 Collins Allen Ten Shillings (R2e)
Good Extremely Fine
Spink Auctions 1981, Spink Auctions 1986
This 1915 Collins Allen Ten Shillings has been safely tucked away for the past 32 years. The note first appeared at auction in 1981, in what is on record one of Australia’s most important Numismatic Auctions. The note returned to auction in 1986 when successful purchaser, Barrie Winsor, fought off considerable opposition to secure it for $3400, well up on its pre-auction estimate of $2000. Winsor recalls the auction with clear recollections of the note and its original state. And his mindset at the time. That he always had the greatest faith in quality notes from the George V era; a conviction that he holds to this very day. He sold the note to a Sydney collector immediately after the auction, where it has been held ever since. Historical records indicate that a minuscule 38 examples of this Ten Shillings remain from the original issue of 2 million, this being the equal finest. It is also on record that the remaining examples are well circulated.
Sold July 2018

1930 Penny VF rev May 2018
1930 Penny
Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$40,000 (Normal RRP $50,000).
We are celebrating the start of a new financial year with some sensational offers on Australia's classic copper rarity, the 1930 Penny. This coin is an extremely rare, high quality 1930 Penny ranked in the top eight per cent of surviving examples. Presented in a quality level of Very Fine, this coin is available for the same price as one graded one notch down at Nearly Very Fine. THAT'S A $10,000 PRICE ADVANTAGE. Family heirloom. Or an investment in history. This 1930 Penny is both. Technical shots have been included in the READ MORE SECTION. In a presentation befitting the coin, this 1930 Penny is presented in a handsome black presentation case, with accompanying photographs and Certificate of Authenticity.
Sold July 2018.

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$2 Coombs Randall Star Pair
1968 $2 Coombs Randall Star Consecutive Pair
Private Collection Western Australia
COOMBS. RANDALL. STAR. UNCIRCULATED. Four words that define the extreme rarity of these notes. It is a fact that the Coombs Randall signature combination is the scarcest in the $2 banknote series. That these notes are ‘Star Notes’ makes them scarcer again. And they are presented in Uncirculated quality. It really doesn't get any better than this. These extremely rare collectables are offered as a consecutive pair. While we believe a pair is an advantage, they are also available as single notes. Contact us for an individual price.
Sold June 2018.


£10 Sheehan McFarlane June 2018
1940 Sheehan McFarlane, First Prefix, Ten Pounds (R58)
Private Collection Perth
This Sheehan McFarlane Ten Pounds was issued with the prefix V over 3, which signifies that it came from the very first print run of Ten Pounds issued in 1940 for the new monarch George VI. And that makes it particularly important and extremely rare. Even rarer again, given that the note is presented in Uncirculated quality. Crisp with full original colour. Historical records confirm that only seventeen Uncirculated Sheehan McFarlane First Prefix Ten Pounds have appeared at auction over the last forty-plus years.
Sold June 2018.

1913 R51 Collins Allen Ten Pounds Front May 2018
1913 Collins Allen Ten Pounds (R51)
About Fine, with three minor pinholes
Evan Mackley Collection, Private Collection Perth
Prime Minister Andrew Fisher fulfilled his promise to the nation when he introduced Australia’s very first Commonwealth of Australia banknotes in 1913. The Ten Shillings was introduced in May 1913, the One Pound in June, the Five Pounds in September and the Ten Pounds in October of the same year and all featured the Collins Allen signature combination. As Fisher intended, the banknote designs were unapologetically Australian and featured the new Commonwealth Coat of Arms and on the reverse an Aussie scene that promoted Australia’s proud infrastructure achievements and our primary industries. The two high denomination notes, the Five and the Ten Pounds are the rarest out of all these issues, historical records noting that a minuscule seventeen Collins Allen Ten Pounds have survived out of the original mintage. It is also noted that all the surviving Ten Pounds examples are well circulated.
Sold May 2018.

1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign EF obv B&B May 2018
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Extremely Fine
The Turner Collection
Every collector that embraces the Australian sovereign series will at some point in time contemplate the purchase of an 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign. That’s understandable given that it is the nation’s very first sovereign. Two matters will be foremost in a buyer’s mind. A budget. And the quality that those dollars will deliver. But there is another consideration for potential buyers of the 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign and that’s availability. For while well circulated examples are reasonably readily available, coins such as this Extremely Fine ’55 sovereign are genuinely scarce. More than 12 months have elapsed since we last offered a ’55 sovereign at this quality level. This coin is rare. Technical shots have been included in the READ MORE section.
Sold May 2018.

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1887M Young Head Shield Sovereign tech 2 obv May 2018
1887 Young Head Shield Sovereign, Melbourne Mint
Brilliant Uncirculated
Robert Jaggard, Paul Terry, Tom Hadley (Quartermaster Collection)
Barrie Winsor spent more than 20 years forming the Quartermaster Collection for Queensland collector, Tom Hadley. Included in the Quartermaster Collection, this Brilliant Uncirculated 1887M Young Head Shield Sovereign. Despite the fact that Winsor's ties to the Collection effectively ceased in 2009 when the Quartermaster Collection was sold at auction, the extraordinary quality traits of this coin remained firmly imprinted in his memory. So when Winsor heard that we had acquired some coins from the Quartermaster Collection, the very first question he asked us was whether our purchases included the '1887M Shield Sov.' It is an exceptional quality gold sovereign and according to Winsor, the finest known example with a highly detailed striking (notice the kiss-curl in front of the ear), perfect edges and satin fields. To the naked eye you would be forgiven for thinking that it was a matte proof.
Sold May 2018.

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1813 Holey Dollar 1793 Spanish Dollar good Fine obv May 2018
1813 Holey Dollar
Good Fine
The Turner Collection
The pride and joy of owning the nation’s first coin, the 1813 Holey Dollar, is indefinable and for many Australian coin collectors it is their ultimate goal. The coin is extremely rare with less than 200 available to private collectors. Given its scarcity, and its significance to the nation, it also is highly valued. So finding a quality Holey Dollar priced below the $100,000 level is no easy task ... which is why we believe this coin is so special. Technical shots are available in the READ MORE section.
Sold May 2018.

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1930 Penny good Ef rev PP March 2018
1930 Penny
Good Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This coin is for the buyer that is seeking one of the absolute finest examples of Australia’s famous 1930 Penny. We rate it as number THREE in the pecking order of known 1930 Pennies. The enormity of this offer becomes clear when you consider that there are quite likely one thousand (or more) 1930 Pennies in existence today. Given the clear and defining quality traits of this piece, it is in every respect a ‘miracle’ coin. READ MORE for technical shots of both obverse and reverse and more information.
Sold April 2018.

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1918P Half Sovereign Ch Unc Large rev April 2018
1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne
There are two aspects to this 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign that must be noted. The first is that the coin is presented as Choice Uncirculated. The addition of the word ‘CHOICE’ takes quality to a level that is the absolute exception and very rarely seen. A step up from Uncirculated, the coin has satin fields and a strong strike. We remark on the strength in the rider’s leg …. an inherent area of weakness in most 1918s. The second aspect that must be noted is that the 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign is rare with less than 300 believed in existence across all ranges of quality. This is a world class coin rarity presented in the supreme quality of Choice Uncirculated and, for the record, is only the second Choice Uncirculated example we have ever handled. (Technical shots are provided in the READ MORE section.)
Sold April 2018.

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1930 Penny good Fine rev Large March 2018
1930 Penny
About Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$29,500 (normal RRP $34,500).
The 1930 Penny is legendary, and its star status has made it one of Australia's most valuable rare coins. Because the dollars involved in acquiring a 1930 Penny are considerable, we offer one very basic tip for buyers to assist them in their decision-making process. Select a 1930 Penny that is visually very attractive and has no obvious defects from its time in circulation. This simple point will really count when, further down the track, it comes time for you to sell your coin and realise on your investment. The 1930 Penny that we have for sale fits that profile in every respect and is as per the photographs above and at right. The coin has a technical obverse grading of About Very Fine. The reverse is graded similarly with strong upper and lower scrolls and immaculate inner beading. In a presentation befitting the coin, this 1930 Penny is presented in a handsome black presentation case, with accompanying photographs and Certificate of Authenticity. (Technical shots are provided in READ MORE.)
Sold April 2018

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1813 Holey Dollar Charles III 1788 Mexico rev Large about EF March PP 2018
1813 Holey Dollar struck from a Charles III, 1788 Mexico Mint Spanish Silver Dollar.
Original Spanish Silver Dollar: about Extremely Fine. Counter stamps: about Extremely Fine.
Montagu Collection.
There is no doubt that the year 1788 is significant to all Australians for it is the year in which Australia was settled. But there is another aspect to the date 1788. Charles III was the reigning monarch in 1788 and Holey Dollars struck from Charles III Spanish Silver Dollars are extremely rare. Statistically we know that approximately 13 per cent of Holey Dollars held by collectors depict the portrait of Charles III. (Charles IIII is depicted on approximately 77 per cent.)
Sold March 2018

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1920 Type 10 Square Penny obv large banner February 2018
1920 Square Penny Type 10
Private Collection Sydney
That currency reflects the mood of a nation – and the agenda of a Government - is never more evident than with the Square Penny and Halfpenny series and its mooted introduction in 1919.
Sold March 2018

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£5 and $5 B&B February 2018
Reserve Bank of Australia Rare Collector Editions. Officially numbered 390.
Uncirculated. Direct from Government Archives
Private Collection Perth
$9,500 (for the two collections)
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) obviously felt that the nation's changeover to decimal currency was an event worth commemorating when it released two coveted collections, the first in 1991 and the second in 1994. Each collection represented the phases that the public underwent to become decimal banknote savvy. In both collections, buyers were offered banknotes, from Government Archives, notes numbered below 1000 and which had never before been made available to the general public. If the term 'Government Guarantee' can be applied to the quality of a numismatic product … then this is it.
Sold March 2018

1958 PDP Set B&B February 2018
1958 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
Private Collection NSW
This 1958 Melbourne Mint Proof Set is as good as it gets. A stunning proof penny that is a full blazing orange. And four glistening silver proofs, the florin, shilling, sixpence and threepence. This is an investment quality proof set that was struck at the Melbourne Mint in 1958. Dare we remind you that this set was struck sixty years ago. Brilliantly preserved, it offers today's collectors a level of quality that is seldom seen. Superb quality. Limited mintage. Supremely affordable.
Sold February 2018

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1852 Adelaide Pound Type II EF obv B&B January 2018
1852 Adelaide Pound Type II
Extremely Fine
The 1852 Adelaide Pound was struck at the Government Assay Office in Adelaide from 22 carat gold brought from the Victorian goldfields. It is the nation's very first gold coin. The first tip for buyers of Adelaide Pounds is to work through a budget beacuse the coins come in a range of qualities and a range of prices. The second tip for buyers. Irrespective of the budget, always select an Adelaide Pound that is visually very attractive. Take in the design elements, the crown in particular. Take a close look at the legend, the edges and the fields. Bottom line is that you should acquire a coin that you would be proud to show your family and friends. The coin that we are offering fits those protocols perfectly and is as per the photographs above and at right.
Sold February 2018

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1919 Square Penny Type 6 rev Large B&B February 2018
1919 Type 6 Square Penny
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Victoria
Over the last forty six years, we have recorded the sale of four examples of the 1919 Type 6 Square Penny, this coin being one of them. The photographs tell a complete story with this coin. It is, in our view, the absolute finest of its design type. We would go one step further to say that it is perhaps the finest example of any Square Penny (of any design) that we have seen. It is that good. Pale blue golden toning, brilliant mirror surfaces and a deeply etched design. And the edges are superb. No surprise therefore that the coin was chosen as the representative example of its type in the 'Kookas in the Cathedral' Exhibition held at the ANZ Bank in 2007. We ask the question just how often you see the assignation ‘Choice Uncirculated’ ascribed to a Square Penny.
Sold February 2018

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1919 Square Penny Type 9 Rev B&B February 2018
1920 Square Penny Type 9
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Victoria
An extremely rare piece, we have recorded the sale of only three 1920 Type 9 Square Pennies over the last 46 years, this coin being one of them. This particular Type 9 is distinctively brilliant for quality: the very reason why it was displayed at the ‘Kookas in the Cathedral’ Exhibition in Melbourne, in 2007. Proof-like on both obverse and reverse, the obverse in particular has handsome golden toning. A strong statement given that the 1920 dated coins are noted for dull surfaces and inconsistencies in their toning. (Even the Type 9 that was offered several years ago at auction from the Melbourne Museum Collection was noted as having a serious metal flaw.) The Type 9 Square Penny is fondly referred to as the 'Square Legend Kooka', for it features a square legend on the obverse, instead of the circular style used in the Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12. It is the rarity and the distinct square legend style that has made this coin inordinately popular with collectors and investors.
Sold February 2018

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1919 Square Penny Type 5 Rev B&B February 2018
1919 Square Penny Type 5
Private Collection Victoria
An extremely rare piece, we have recorded the sale of only three 1919 Type 5 Square Pennies over the last 46 years, this coin being one of them. There is however another aspect to the Type 5 that adds to its collector appeal. It has a unique design. No other Square Penny bears the kookaburra design of the Type 5. This coin has a deeply etched design, smooth fields and attractive toning. And was chosen as the representative example of its type in the 'Kookas in the Cathedral' Exhibition held at the ANZ Bank in 2007. That great collectors only ever own great coins is evidenced in this piece. We note that it was once held in the famed Osborne Collection.
Sold February 2018

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1919 Square Penny Type 3
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Victoria
Over the last forty six years, we have sold six examples of the 1919 Type 3 Square Penny, this coin being one of them. And that's not sales per year. That is the total number of coins sold over a period of forty-plus years. When you take on board the text relating to the 1919 Type 5 and 1919 Type 6 Square Pennies it is clear that the Type 3 is the more readily available out of those coins struck in 1919. And that's completely OK. The coin is still extremely rare in the market place (compare it to the availability of the 1930 Penny) but comes at a price that is palatable for the majority of collectors. To add further to its appeal, the Type 3 has a unique design. No other Square Penny bears the kookaburra design of the Type 3. This Type 3 Square Penny has superb quality traits: proof-like surfaces and pale toning: the very reason why it was displayed in Melbourne in 2007 at the ’Kookas in the Cathedral’ Exhibition.
Sold February 2018

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1921 Square Halfpenny Type 2 Rev B&B February 2018
1921 Type 2 Square Halfpenny
Private Collection Victoria
The Square Penny collector that aspires to completion will, at some stage, have to contemplate the purchase of a Square Halfpenny. And herein lies a difficulty for there are NOT a lot of options when it comes to the Square Halfpennies. The coins were struck in only two years, they being 1920 and 1921, immediately limiting the choices. The 1920 Square Halfpenny is known by only three examples and is a $300,000-plus item. Which is why the 1921 Square Halfpenny is so popular. The coin is still extremely rare. (We would estimate that perhaps nine to ten examples are known.) And it is, relatively speaking, reasonably priced. This is a well detailed 1921 Square Halfpenny with light streaky toning.
Sold February 2018

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SN 7025 SILVER FOUR BITS rev B&B February 2018
1814, Cut Third Segment of a Charles IIII Silver Dollar, British Caribbean colony of Grenada
Good Very Fine
Barrie Winsor Collection
An extremely rare, cut Third segment of a Spanish Silver Dollar counter stamped on the obverse and from the esteemed Pridmore Collection. A Government Proclamation on 2 November 1814 ordered that 7,920 Spanish Dollars, be expressly imported to be cut up and put into circulation. The cut segments were counter stamped on the obverse with ‘TR’, ‘G’ and ‘4’: the TR relates to the moneyer, the G for Grenada. And the 4 for the value of 4 Bitts. Testimony to its rarity and collector appeal, this coin sold for $7,700 on an estimate of $2,500 in 2007.
Sold January 2018

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171205-584 St Vincent Half Dollar B&B February 2018
1797, Cut Half Dollar of a Charles III Silver Dollar, British Caribbean colony of St. Vincent.
Very Fine
Barrie Winsor Collection
This is an extremely rare cut half segment of a Charles III Spanish Silver Dollar, counter stamped SV (St. Vincent) three times within a plain rectangular indent with bevelled corners. On 8 December 1797, an Act was introduced to prohibit and control the importation of counterfeit coins into the colony of St. Vincent. The Act also aimed to regulate and legitimise the currency by overstamping cut dollars with the stamp 'SV'. The Act saw the formation of a Committee to oversee the stamping of the half dollars. The Committee was required to affix the stamp SV within 30 days of the passing of the Act. The Committee was also charged with the responsibility of punishing counterfeiters.
Sold January 2018

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SN 7110 1786 CSTAMPED 8 REALES obv B&B February 2018
1786 Lima Mint Charles III Spanish Silver Dollar.
Good Very Fine
Barrie Winsor Collection
This Spanish Silver Dollar was struck at the Lima Mint, Peru, in 1786 and features the portrait of the Spanish King, Charles III. Highly lustrous, the coin has original mint bloom on the reverse. Historians have a fascinating insight into the extensive practice of counter stamping Spanish Silver Dollars in the 18th century with this piece. The counter stamp ‘DC‘ on the obverse in a plain rectangular indent is unpublished. There is some suggestion that it may have been used in the Danish Colonies of India. (Denmark held colonial possessions in India for more than two centuries.)
Sold January 2018

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SN 7026 & 7030B B&B February 2018
Cut centre segment of a Spanish Silver Dollar, British colony of Tobago 1798.
Good Very Fine
Barrie Winsor Collection
Very rare. A centre segment of a Spanish Silver Dollar stamped on the obverse with a script ‘T’ (shown above left), a pellet at centre and radiating design. This cut silver dollar was issued in response to the passing of a Currency Act in Tobago on the 17 August, 1798.
Sold January 2018

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1930 Penny good Fine - about Very Fine rev September 2017
1930 Penny
Good Fine / nearly Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1930 Penny is legendary and its star status has made it one of Australia's most valuable rare coins. The prime rule in selecting a 1930 Penny is to pick a coin that is visually very attractive. Acquire a piece that you would be proud to show your family and friends, one that has an heirloom feel about it. The 1930 Penny that we have for sale fits that profile in every respect and is as per the photographs above and at right.
Sold January 2018

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1923 Sydney Mint Specimen Sovereign rev B&B October 2017
1923 Specimen Sovereign Sydney Mint
Superb FDC
Quartermaster Collection
This 1923 Specimen Sovereign is believed unique and comes from a fabulous era in numismatics, the twenties. Furthermore it is superbly struck and is sold with the ‘Quartermaster’ tag. It does not get much better than that. While it is a fact that in accumulating the Quartermaster Collection, Tom Hadley’s focus was primarily on circulating coinage, he also had a strong interest in Australian proof and specimen gold rarities, attracted by their quality and extreme rarity. One coin of which was this stunning 1923 Specimen quality Sydney Mint Sovereign. That he chose to acquire this coin and place it alongside his million-dollar 1920 Sydney Mint Proof Sovereign speaks volumes on the quality and rarity of this coin and the respect with which it was held.
Sold December 2017.

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1813 Colonial Dump Fine small B&B October
1813 Dump
Private Collection Melbourne
A coin does not have to be ‘the finest known’ to appeal to us for we recognise that there is a market for the 1813 Dump at all quality levels and all dollar levels. When William Henshall created the nation's first coin, the 1813 Dump, he punched a hole into a Spanish Silver Dollar. The Dump was the centre piece that fell out of the Dollar, over stamped with its value of fifteen pence, date of 1813, a crown and the issuing authority of New South Wales. While we acknowledge this coin has undergone circulation (if only it could talk) it has all the details that define an 1813 Dump and clearly reflects its origins by showing the design of the original Spanish Dollar from which it was created; a much sought after and seldom seen quality. This is an affordable example of Henshall’s masterpiece, struck with the A/1 dies, offered at a price that won’t break the bank.
Sold December 2017

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1813 Dump aVF VF date B&B November 2017
1813 Dump
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection 2007
Let’s be clear. A coin doesn’t have to be uncirculated to appeal to us. We are the first to acknowledge that Australia’s classic coin rarities are in demand at all quality levels and at all dollar levels. However we also acknowledge that it's not easy to come across circulated examples that fit our selection criteria … which is why we are so excited about this particular 1813 Colonial Dump. The coin has all of the technical and aesthetic attributes that a collector could wish for but without the hefty price tag. We have graded the reverse of this Dump at About Very Fine with the obverse higher again at Very Fine. That’s at least two grades higher than your average example. The Dump with a value of fifteen pence circulated widely in the colony the very reason why most of them are found today with minimal design attributes, harsh gouges and knocks and many are noted as having been submerged in water, developing porous surfaces. Not so with this coin. It is a beauty.
Sold November 2017

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1921 Square Penny OBV B&B October 2017
1921 Square Penny Type 12
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Victoria
We invite you to scrutinise the obverse and reverse of this amazing 1921 Square Penny. It is an ‘exceptional’ quality piece and we particularly like the inclusion of the word ‘exceptional’ here. The coin has impeccable satin fields, a strong design and legend and perfect edges. It is a fact that Square Pennies are scarce. But it also is a fact that they are extremely difficult coins to find in premium quality. Consider this 1921 Square Penny. It has a quality rating of Choice Uncirculated and we ask the question how often do you see that attached to a Square Penny? The answer is not very often. We can count on the fingers of two hands the number of Choice Uncirculated 1921 Square Pennies that we have handled over an entire professional career. The reason is simply that the Square Pennies were test pieces and were not struck to the exacting standards of proof coining. Given to dignitaries to assess their reaction, there was no packaging and we know that not every dignitary was a collector and would have handled them with care. Given the outstanding quality traits of this coin we can only assume that this Square Penny must have become a prized collectable very early on its life.
Sold November 2017

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1927 Proof Canberra Florin REV B&B October 2017
1927 Proof Canberra Florin
A. H. Baldwin.
We have built our reputation for handling the very best Australian coins by having pieces such as this 1927 Proof Canberra Florin in our ‘stable of prized rarities’. In our view, this coin is the absolute finest Canberra Florin of them all and over the past forty years we have controlled this coin’s destiny by always placing it with a Coinworks client. To the naked eye this 1927 Proof Canberra Florin is an absolute stunner. And taking it under the glass only re-confirms its absolutely, sensational state. It passes the closest scrutiny. The Baldwin florins are reputed to have been hand-picked by Baldwin himself at the Melbourne Mint in 1927. The coins are lauded as having perfection in the blanks, super smooth. Ice like. The perfection continues in the edges. And they possess the most magnificent pink / violet hue which is believed related to their original storage in Baldwin’s vaults. One of our clients, a former owner, saw it on display at our stand at the recent Sydney Money Expo. Not having owned it for more than fifteen years, she could still identify the coin as being once part of her collection. Testimony to the coin’s unforgettable attributes.
Sold November 2017.

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1920 Type 7 Square Penny Unc obv September 2017
1920 Square Penny Type 7
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 60,000
There is one date within the Square Penny series that always triggers our interest, and that is 1920. While all Square Pennies are rare, with appearances on the market that can be counted on the fingers of one hand, those dated 1920 are particularly scarce. Take this coin for example. It is a world class rarity. We estimate that perhaps twelve examples of the Type 7 Square Penny are available to collectors. So, in terms of accessibility, what does that mean? The buyer that passes on this coin will more than likely wait at least one to two years for another example to come onto the market. Such rarity has earned the 1920 dated Square Pennies the title of the glamour coins of the series. And the very reason why they always command our attention. This 1920 Type 7 Square Penny has been well struck, the edges are uniform and the design highly detailed. Visually impactful, the coin has superb proof-like surfaces, most unusual for a coin struck from cupro-nickel.
Sold December 2017

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1852 Adelaide Pound goodEF rev September 2017
1852 Adelaide Pound
good Extremely Fine
Private Collection Perth
$ 32,500
The 1852 Adelaide Pound is the nation’s first gold coin, struck at the Government Assay Office in Adelaide. For most Australian rare coin collectors, acquiring an Adelaide Pound fulfils a lifetime’s ambition. The first tip for buyers of Adelaide Pounds is to work through a budget because the coins come in a range of qualities and a range of prices. Irrespective of the budget, buyers should always select an Adelaide Pound that is visually very attractive. Take in the design elements, the crown in particular. Take a close look at the edges, the fields and the legend. Bottom line here, is that you should acquire a piece that you would be proud to show your family and friends, one that has an heirloom feel about it. The coin that we have for sale fits those protocols perfectly and is as per the photographs above and at right.
Sold October 2017

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1930 Penny Nearly Very Fine rev September 2017
1930 Penny
Nearly Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
This 1930 Penny is a cut above those most commonly found and is graded Nearly Very Fine with an almost complete central diamond and six clear and plump pearls in the crown. The reverse is graded similarly and has strong upper and lower scrolls. Handsome chestnut toning, glossy fields, a strong ‘1930’ date, this coin will make owning an example of Australia’s most famous copper rarity a reality for just one buyer. It is a coin that you will be proud to show your family and friends. And price watchers will note that it is being offered at a very advantageous price.
Sold October 2017

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1956 Perth Proof Penny rev B&B October 2017
1956 Proof Penny Perth Mint
Superb FDC
Private Collector Melbourne
This 1956 Proof Penny was struck at the Perth Mint as a limited mintage collector’s item and was never intended to be used in every-day use, much less jingle in a pocket. And doesn’t it show. The coin is a solid, blazing orange with impeccable surfaces and presents quality that is impossible to improve upon. The mintage of the 1956 Perth Proof Penny is a meagre 417 making it one of the least available in the series of proofs 1955 to 1963. And while the smallest mintage in the series is the 1955 Perth Mint Proof Penny and Halfpenny with a mintage of 301, for us and in our quest for top quality the 1956 Perth Penny is by far the hardest to find. We regard it as the key date. As a closing comment. Last month we sold a Collection of Melbourne Proof coins. The coins were stunning and the response to our offer was overwhelming; the set could have sold three times over. This 1956 Proof Penny was held by the very same client.
Sold October 2017

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Complete Collection 1957 – 1963 Perth Mint Copper Proofs
Complete Collection 1957 – 1963 Perth Mint Copper Proofs
Private Collection Perth
Available individually - Read More
The Perth proofs come high on our list of recommendations to clients. So high that when Melbourne journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten coin rarities that were priced below $ 10,000 - and were destined for growth – the Perth Mint proofs struck between 1957 and 1963 were at the very top of our list. Available individually. The option is yours to select.
Sold October 2017

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1896 £1 SPEC REV  170306-837
1896 Western Australian Bank One Pound
Private Collection Perth
Western Australia’s history is unique. Unlike New South Wales and Tasmania the colony at the Swan River was founded exclusively for private settlement. And not as a penal colony. It’s geographical separation from the eastern states fostered local investment, the Western Australian Bank one such provincial venture. The bank was founded in 1841 by purely local businessmen with only one employee: the Directors surmised that one staff member would suffice given the entire population of Perth totaled less than 3000 people. Confining its business interests to Western Australia, it was one of the few banks that did not suspend trade and continued to operate during the financial crisis of 1893. This extremely rare banknote was issued by the Western Australian Bank in 1896, the very same year that the Perth Mint laid its foundation stone and features the black swan, the state’s official emblem. The Western Australian Bank lives on today having amalgamated in 1927 with the Bank of New South Wales, now part of the Westpac Banking Group. A prized piece of Australia’s colonial banking history. And an even prouder piece of Western Australia’s heritage, less than twenty examples from this bank (of all denominations) have appeared over the last thirty-plus years.
Sold October 2017


Complete Set of Melbourne Mint Proof Coins 1955 – 1963
Complete Collection Melbourne 1955 – 1963 Proof Coins
Superb FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
Over the years we have sourced some truly remarkable material, and at all dollar levels. And this collection of forty pre-decimal proof coins struck by the Melbourne Mint is genuinely remarkable. When it came across the counter last week our eyes lit up. We had sold the Collection several years before and we knew the minute we laid eyes on it that we could only have sourced it from one of two collectors. We checked and we were correct. The original owner was a Melbourne collector, an expert on Australian proof coinage and has authored many articles on the same. His coins are distinctively sensational.
Sold September 2017

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1911 London Bank of Melb £5 Specimen front b&b September 2017
1911 London Bank of Australia Ltd Five Pounds
Spink London 2010
$ 9,500
More than a century of Australian history is presented in this crisp, colonial banknote. Australia’s private banking sector exploded following the gold rush of the 1850s; one of the new banks formed was the London Bank of Australia Ltd. The bank was established in London in 1852 to exploit the rapidly expanding economies of the Australian colonies with its first Australian branch opening in Sydney and Melbourne in 1853. During the financial crisis of 1893, a run on deposits forced the bank to suspend payments and close its doors. While many other private banks failed, the London Bank of Australia showed its resilience when it re-opened four months later and continued to robustly trade. The history of this colonial bank lives on. The London Bank of Australia Limited was subsequently absorbed by the English, Scottish and Australian Bank Limited in 1921 (ES&A) which in turn amalgamated with the ANZ Bank in 1970.
Sold September 2017


1916 Specimen Penny rev horizontal b&b August 2017
1916 Specimen Penny
Barrie Winsor
$ 28,000
This superb quality 1916 Specimen Penny is extremely rare. Affirmation of its scarcity, it is the third only example that we have offered in a career that spans forty five plus years. The coin is sharply struck and under the glass, it shows the heavy striations associated with distinct die preparation. Brilliantly preserved, it is offered more than a century after it was struck, with beautiful blue / purple / golden toning.
Sold September 2017

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1930 Penny VF rev B&B August 2017
1930 Penny
Very Fine
Jaggards Sydney, Private Collection Melbourne
We have decided that we will let the photographs - and in particular the close-up shot of the Crown - do most of the talking in our offering of this extremely rare, superb quality 1930 Penny. The pie chart in the Read More section also tells its own story and clearly shows the rarity of a coin at this quality level. The technical details of this coin are summarised as follows. The King’s Crown shows six clear and plump pearls. Also a prominent central diamond, the four sides of the diamond clearly visible so that you don’t have to struggle to see it. The reverse is classified similarly at Very Fine. This coin is three times as scarce as your average 1930 Penny. Well preserved, it obviously became a collectable early in its life.
Sold September 2017

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1959 Melbourne Proof Set FDC REV 2
1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
Private Collection Melbourne
Whenever we are offered Proof Sets from the era 1955 to 1963, we always check if there is a Melbourne Mint 1959 Proof Set in the offering. It is the hardest to find in the series of Melbourne proofs, so if it is available we are excited. Moving beyond our excitement we know to carefully scrutinise the quality of the coppers in the 1959 Proof Set for they are the driving force for investment in this set and are almost impossible to find in a superior state. The majority of specimens that we see are mismatched and almost bordering on the ugly. Now take a look at this 1959 Melbourne Mint Proof Set. Superb proof silver. Perfectly matched and beautifully toned proof coppers. This set is genuinely rare and available at a great price. We hope we have given you sufficient reason to read more.
Sold August 2017

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1923 Halfpenny about Extremely Fine
1923 Halfpenny
about Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 9,500
The 1923 Halfpenny is the glamour coin of the Australian halfpenny series: the nation’s scarcest halfpenny. And this particular 1923 Halfpenny is a stand out piece. The coin is presented in a remarkable state of preservation with glossy, smooth surfaces and a hint of circulation. A full central diamond, six crisp pearls and the appearance of the seventh and eighth pearls.
Sold August 2017

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1930 Penny good Fine rev Large b&b August 2017
1930 Penny
Good Fine / about Very Fine
Private Collection Sydney
This 1930 Penny has a quality classification of ‘Good Fine’ with six pearls in the Kings crown and a partial central diamond. The reverse is classified at a higher quality level of ‘About Very Fine’. Handsome chestnut toning, minimal marks in the field, a strong ‘1930’ date, this coin will make owning an example of Australia’s most famous copper rarity a reality for just one buyer.
Sold August 2017

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1918 Perth Half Sovereign Unc rev
1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1918 Perth Mint Half Sovereign and the 1930 Penny share a common bond: history records that both coins were accidentally struck. Their chance minting, in minuscule numbers, has created two world class rarities. And the mystery and intrigue surrounding their striking has fuelled their demand.
Sold July 2017

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BB - 1 1930 Penny GVF rev 170216-194 - Copy
1930 Penny
Good Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The reality is the photographs - and the close up shot of the crown - will do most of the talking on this superb good Very Fine 1930 Penny. With a full central diamond and the smudging of the seventh and eighth pearl, this coin is four to five grades higher than those 1930 Pennies most frequently sighted. We rate this coin as being in the top 3 per cent. (See pie chart attached.) Already have a 1930 Penny? Then consider a trade and upgrade your coin.
Sold August 2017

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1930 Penny EF rev Large July 2017
1930 Penny
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
There are five 1930 Pennies that stand out from the rest, acknowledged as being the absolute finest examples of Australia’s favourite copper rarity. And this coin is one of them. Waiting lists are the norm for a 1930 Penny at this quality level.
Sold July 2017

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PEI 1807 HD rev LARGE
Canada, Prince Edward Island 1813 Holey Dollar
Very Fine
Private Collection Sydney
This is an extremely rare Holey Dollar, struck by Canada’s Prince Edward Island, and is one of seventy nine (79) known specimens. While Governor Lachlan Macquarie was coining his Holey Dollars and Dumps in Sydney, a similar scheme was unfolding across the other side of the globe in Prince Edward Island, Canada. In 1813 the Island’s Lieutenant Governor, Charles Douglass Smith, created an internal currency for the British colony by cutting and over stamping 1000 Spanish Silver Dollars. The silver dollars were holed and over stamped with a circle with ten teeth like projections positioned (partially) on the King’s forehead.
Sold July 2017

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Circa 1900, Bank of Victoria Ltd Five Pounds Specimen
Circa 1900, Bank of Victoria Ltd Five Pounds
Archives of note printers Bradbury Wilkinson
$ 7,950
The Bank of Victoria was founded by Dr Thomas Black, a physician from the Richmond area of Melbourne. The bank was registered in Victoria in 1852 and commenced operations in January 1853 as the Bank of Victoria Limited. By 1887 the bank had 65 branches, all in Victoria. The Bank of Victoria amalgamated with the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited in 1927 and eventually became part of the National Bank of Australia in 1981. Archived for more than a century by London engravers and printers Bradbury & Wilkinson, this high denomination colonial note retains its original characteristics and colour unaffected by the passing of time.
Sold July 2017

1887 London Chartered Bank of Australia One Pounds
1887 London Chartered Bank of Australia One Pounds Specimen
Archives of note printers Bradbury Wilkinson
$ 7,950
The London Chartered Bank was formed in London in 1852 and one year later established branches in both Melbourne and Sydney. In 1882, the bank opened a Brisbane branch. During the financial crisis of 1893 this revered establishment was forced to suspend its payments but only for four months, later re-opening its doors. The London Chartered Bank of Australia lives on through its subsequent mergers. In 1921 the bank merged with the English, Scottish and Australian Bank (ES&A) which in turn amalgamated with the ANZ in 1970. The note has an original crispness in its paper and vibrant colours that defies time.
Sold July 2017

Ten Pound Note
1888 London Chartered Bank of Australia Ten Pounds
Archives of Note Printers Bradbury Wilkinson
$ 9,750
This 1888 London Chartered Bank of Australia Ten Pounds presents a financial snapshot of the colony exactly 100 years after settlement. It also is a high value note. And rare as such. A Ten Pounds note was well beyond the reach of most of the colony’s residents. In 1888, a farm hand in the colony was earning 13/- per week. This colonial Ten Pounds would have represented nearly four months wages.
Sold July 2017


Ann Mash Promissory Note Circa 1812
Ann Mash Promissory Note Circa 1812
Very Fine
Bill Wright Collection
$ 25,000
This great historical piece, issued circa 1812, is unique. It is the only known surviving promissory note issued by a woman, Ann Mash, and the only promissory note issued in this denomination. Testimony to the importance of the Mash promissory notes, an example is held in the Sir John Ferguson Collection, National Library of Australia Canberra
Sold June 2017


1921 Square Penny Type 11
1921 Square Penny Type 11
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne 1995
$ 50,000
The 1921 Square Pennies are the most accessible - and affordable – coins in the entire Square Penny series. There is no suggestion here that the 1921 Square Pennies are available at the drop of a hat. Perhaps twenty Type 11 Square Pennies are known, which for the buyer translates into a waiting time of up to a year for an example to become available. (Compare that to the 1930 Penny where 1500 to 2000 are believed to exist.)
Sold June 2017

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1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign Rev
1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
The 1855 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign has a unique status as Australia’s very first half sovereign - struck at the nation’s first mint, the Sydney Mint. The coin is amazingly rare. Less than fifty examples are known today and let’s be clear on this point. That’s not fifty at each quality level. That’s fifty across all quality levels. (To put this figure into perspective, the industry estimates that 1500 to 2000 1930 Pennies, across all quality levels, are known.)
Sold May 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1926 Sydney Mint Sovereign FDC rev
1926 Sydney Mint Specimen Sovereign
A.H.F. Baldwin, Private Collection Melbourne
The State Library of New South Wales, confirms through its archival documents the extreme rarity of this 1926 Specimen Sovereign. The Library also confirms the coin’s importance and ceremonious origins. The coin was struck on the 11 August 1926 - the very last day of operation of the Sydney Mint - in a ceremony attended by numismatic luminaries such as Mr A M Le Souef and Sir William Dixson.
Sold May 2017

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1813 Dump Rev
1813 Dump
good Very Fine
A.H.F. Baldwin, Private Collection NSW
The 1813 Dump and its partner, the Holey Dollar, were the first coins struck in Australia. Not only are they very rare, but their fascinating history has made them two of the world’s most famous coins. This 1813 Dump is a premium quality piece. Presented in a quality level of good Very Fine it is ranked in the top eight per cent of known surviving examples and is definitely one to tuck away for the future.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1920 Type 7 Square Penny Rev Edwards 161214-810
1920 Square Penny Type 7
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne 1995
$ 55,000
We are the only company to have handled all of the design types and the metals that make up the Square Penny series. And we have seen the full spectrum of qualities from the absolute best down to the very poorest. And this 1920 Type 7 Square Penny is amongst the very best. Acquired in 1995 by a Melbourne collector, the coin has been stored in a bank vault since the day it was bought.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign obv Extra Fine 161205-416
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Extremely Fine
Private Collection Victoria
$ 19,500
The 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is the one coin that has pride of place in every sovereign collection. As Australia’s first gold sovereign minted at the Sydney Mint - the nation’s very first mint - it brings to any collection a wonderful and everlasting history. But the 1855 Sydney Mint sovereign offers more than history. In the quality level offered here it also is extremely rare.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

BB - 5 1937 Pattern Shilling Uniface rev 1842
1937 Proof Shilling Uniface
Sir Robert Johnson, A. H. Baldwin
$ 155,000
This 1937 Proof Shilling is a coin fit for royalty. Literally. It is unique in private hands. The only other known example was struck for George VI and is housed in the Royal Coin Collection housed at Windsor Castle. Only a person of influence would ever have had access to such a striking. No surprise therefore that the original owner was Sir Robert Johnson, Deputy Mint Master of the Royal Mint London.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1937 Proof Crown
1937 Proof Crown
Superb FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 35,000
Eighty years (1937 – 2017) have elapsed since the Melbourne Mint issued the 1937 Crown. While one million coins were released into circulation, only 100 coins were struck to proof quality as collector pieces to gift to dignitaries and sell to the collecting public. This coin is one of the finest examples out of the original mintage of 100 Proof Crowns, a superb FDC example with unblemished mirror fields contrasting a deeply etched design.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1927 Proof Penny
1927 Proof Penny
Superb FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 35,000
This coin is of the highest rarity and for three very basic reasons. The first is the inclusion of the word ‘proof’ in its description which indicates that this coin was struck as a collector piece – and was not struck for circulation. The second is the date ‘1927’. In terms of proof pennies, ‘1927’ is the rare one. The third defining aspect of this coin is its quality. It is one of the very best with much original copper brilliance.
Sold April 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1897 Proof Half Sov date side
1897 Proof Half Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Murdoch, A. H. Whetmore, A. H. Baldwin
$ 85,000
This 1897 Proof Half Sovereign is a prized collector piece. We have traced its provenance back to the year in which it was struck when it became the property of wealthy London businessman John G Murdoch. History records that Murdoch, an avid collector, financed the striking of the proof half sovereigns in 1897 at the Melbourne Mint. Three were believed struck, each coin featuring the Veiled Head portrait of Queen Victoria. This coin, is to our knowledge, the only example out of the original mintage to be sighted on the open market.
Sold February 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1872 Melb Mint Sov date side
1872 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Barrie Winsor Collection
$ 24,500
This 1872 Sovereign is pivotal to Australia’s gold coin history for it represents the very first year of sovereign production at the Melbourne Mint and depicts the Young Head design of Queen Victoria with the St George reverse. Not only the first year of production at the mint in Melbourne, but this coin has the lowest recorded mintage of the entire Young Head Shield series, from both the Sydney and Melbourne Mint. (History records that the dies dated 1872 did not reach the Melbourne Mint until April of that year.)
Sold February 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1897 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign Gem Unc rev 161205-578
1897 Half Sovereign Sydney Mint
Gem Uncirculated
Private Collection Sydney
$ 20,000
This 1897 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign is the absolute finest of its year. That’s not only our opinion, it also was the opinion of the Auction House when it was offered for sale in November 2007. A fiercely contested bidding war saw the coin sell for 50 per cent above its pre-auction estimate of $10,000. Gem Uncirculated is the highest quality level that a collector can aspire to and it is very rarely ever seen, particularly amongst gold coins.
Sold January 2017

I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Holey Dollar - 1799 Mexico Silver Dollar about Fine rev 161205-622
1813 Holey Dollar
About Fine
Private Collection Sydney
$ 65,000
We have been trying to secure a Holey Dollar below the $ 75,000 level for at least twelve months. The coin had to conform to our selection protocols. And meet our price expectations. The combination proved very difficult to find … until now. This coin fits the bill and will make owning a Holey Dollar a reality for one collector.
Sold December 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1803 Holey Dollar date side
1813 Holey Dollar
Good Very Fine / Extremely Fine
Private Collector Melbourne
$ 165,000
This Holey Dollar was struck from a Spanish Silver Dollar that was minted in 1803 and depicts the portrait and legend of Charles IIII. The original silver dollar is graded Good Very Fine and has uniformly toned to a glorious, soft gun-metal blue grey. The surfaces are smooth and there is original lustre in the legend Carolus IIII. The counter-stamps New South Wales, 1813 and Five Shillings are of an exceptional nature: the lettering highlighted by original golden lustre and beautiful colours. The technical grading of the counter-stamps is Extremely Fine.
Sold December 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

Gold Proclamation Guinea, Ducat and Mohur
Gold Proclamation Guinea, Ducat and Mohur
As detailed below
Private Collection Sydney
$ 4250
In 1800, the Governor of New South Wales, Philip Gidley King, issued a Government Proclamation to standardise the value of foreign coins circulating in the colony. This fledgling mix of currency is today highly regarded and highly sought by collectors of early Australiana and is referred to as the ‘Proclamation’ coins. In essence they were the first coins to be officially sanctioned within the colony. Three of the more valuable gold Proclamation pieces were the British Spade Guinea, the Netherlands Ducat and the Indian Mohur offered here.
Sold December 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1868 Syd Mint Sov date side
1868 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Barrie Winsor Collection
$ 4950
This 1868 Sydney Mint Sovereign is a remarkable piece of colonial history. The coin was issued at Australia’s first mint, the Sydney Mint nearly 150 years ago yet it looks like it was plucked off the production line yesterday. The design imparted a uniquely Australian flavour into the nation’s first official gold coinage, a young Queen Victoria wearing a sprig of native banksia in her hair. And the word AUSTRALIA appearing on the reverse. And while this may seem trite … ‘Australia’ only appeared on Australia’s sovereigns between 1855 and 1870 making the Sydney Mint design one of the most innovative and important in Australia’s sovereign history.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

Perth Proof Pair front
1963 Proof Penny and Halfpenny
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 4950
When Melbourne journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten coin rarities that were priced below $ 10,000 - and were destined for growth – the Perth Mint proofs struck between 1957 and 1963 were high on our list. Coins such as this 1963 Proof Penny and Halfpenny would have been amongst them. Priced at a level that attracts inordinate buyer interest and it is the demand coupled with the extreme scarcity of quality examples that will ultimately deliver capital growth. These are limited edition collector coins: a popular choice amongst our clients, in particular those that are looking to tuck away something truly special for children or grandchildren.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

Perth Proof Penny Trio front
1957, 1958 and 1959 Proof Penny
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 9500
When Melbourne journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten coin rarities that were priced below $ 10,000 - and were destined for growth – the Perth Mint proofs struck between 1957 and 1963 were high on our list. Coins such as this 1957, 1958 and 1959 Perth Mint Proof Penny would have been amongst them. And while we are offering the coins as a trio, you can take your pick and acquire just one, two or all three of the coins. The price of each coin is $ 3500. Or $ 9500 for the trio.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1930M Sovereign date side
1930 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 1750
The availability of a Melbourne Mint 1930 Sovereign is an opportunity. If you happen to be offered one of exceptional quality, such as this coin, then the opportunity is even more profound.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1956 Perth Proof Penny date side160928-9990
1956 Perth Proof Penny
Private Collection Victoria
$ 25,000
This 1956 Perth Mint Proof Penny is a blazing, solid orange copper proof with impeccable surfaces. It presents quality that is impossible to improve upon; standards that set the benchmark for all other examples. No surprise therefore that at the Perth Money Expo earlier this year and again in Melbourne in August it was one of the feature coins of our display. We are a company that prides itself on offering premium quality rarities, across all dollar levels, and this coin fulfils our ideals in every regard.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1787 Gold Proof Spade Guinea date side 160928-9829
1787 Gold Proof Spade Guinea
Private Collection Sydney
$ 19,000
That proof coining is a tradition that goes back centuries is exemplified in this superb 1787 George III Gold Proof Spade Guinea. Struck in the year the First Fleet sailed from British shores, the coin has superb detail, brilliant mirror fields and shows extensive die striations from meticulous die polishing. Qualities that are the hallmark of proof coining.
Sold November 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1930 Penny nearly Very Fine date side 160928-9966
1930 Penny
nearly Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 40,000
This 1930 Penny is all class. And at this quality level, a great rarity. The coin is graded nearly Very Fine with an almost complete central diamond and six strong pearls. The upper and lower scrolls are strong. The circular beading crisp. Even toning and smooth fields add further to its appeal. And web watchers will note the infrequent appearances on the Coinworks website of 1930 Pennies at this high quality level: a reflection of the scarcity of premium quality examples.
Sold October 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1937 Pattern Florin Uniface date side
1937 Uniface Florin
Ray Jewell Collection, Private Collection Melbourne
$ 125,000
It is coins of the calibre of this 1937 Uniface florin that has cemented Coinworks reputation for handling the very best quality and the most significant of Australian coin rarities. The 1937 Pattern Florin is a coin of great historical importance. With five held in private hands it also is great rarity. Furthermore, the quality of this coin is superb. It is proof-like in appearance and has toned a magnificent pale pink/mauve hue. We have seen the five, and in our view it is the absolute finest. The former property of revered Australian collector Ray Jewell, it has been held by its current owner for more than twenty years. Now in a retirement phase the owner has decided to sell.
Sold October 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1886M YH Shield Sovereign Unc obv 160324 horiz-513
1886 Melbourne Mint Shield Sovereign
Barrie Winsor Collection
$ 75,000
The 1886 Shield Sovereign is a prized collector piece. Australia’s Queen Victoria Shield Sovereigns are recognized for their scarcity the world over, and the 1886 Melbourne the rarest of them all. And this particular 1886 Shield Sovereign is the finest known. An endorsement of its quality it is even superior to the example that appeared in the legendary Quartermaster Collection. This combination of rarity and quality is impossible to beat.
Sold October 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1923 Halfpenny near EF Date side
1923 Halfpenny
about Extremely Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 9,500
The 1923 Halfpenny is an Aussie icon. The coin is the nation’s scarcest halfpenny. While well circulated examples are reasonably readily available, in the quality level of this coin, the 1923 Halfpenny is a genuine Australian coin rarity. This coin is in a remarkable state of preservation with glossy smooth surfaces and just a hint of circulation and is the exception to those most commonly seen. You would be lucky to sight one, perhaps two examples of the 1923 Halfpenny at this quality level on the open market annually.
Sold October 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1929M George V Choice Unc Sov rev date side
1929 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 10,500
This 1929 Sovereign struck at the Melbourne Mint is a stand-out piece on two counts. The first is its rarity. The coin depicts a portrait design that ran for only three years from 1929 to 1931, the 1929M being the rarest and the most difficult to procure out of the three. The second consideration is this coin’s quality. It has been ascribed a quality ranking even higher than Uncirculated. The coin is rated as ‘Choice Uncirculated’ which reflects both the finesse of the minting process and a simply brilliant state of preservation. A 1929 M Sovereign is rare in any quality. In Choice Uncirculated it is a world class rarity.
Sold September 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Dump date side
1813 Dump
Very Fine
Private Collector Melbourne
$ 28,000
It’s the 1813 Colonial Dump that has it all. All the technical and aesthetic attributes that a collector would wish for in the Dump. But without the hefty price tag.
Sold September 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1873 Half Sov Melb Mint
1873 Half Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Monetarium Sydney
$ 25,000
From the day this 1873 Melbourne Mint Half Sovereign was struck, it was destined to become a prized collector piece. The striking is remarkable. The design is highly detailed. Furthermore the coin has been brilliantly preserved, the fields are smooth. The coin is proof-like in appearance.
Sold June 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Colonial Dump good VF date side
1813 Dump
good Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 45,000
When you compare this coin, a supreme quality good Very Fine Colonial Dump, to a well circulated example, the differences are vast. But the price differential “is not so vast”. Which is why we say that high quality Dumps are underrated and undervalued. This coin is a premium quality piece. Presented in a quality level of good Very Fine it is ranked in the top eight per cent of known surviving examples. In our view this 1813 Dump is a little gem and one to tuck away for the future.
Sold May 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Holey Dollar
1813 Holey Dollar, Potosi Mint
About Very Fine / Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 95,000
It is a fact that Holey Dollars created from Potosi Mint silver dollars are the ‘rarest of the rare’. Of the 200 privately held Holey Dollars, only 8.5 per cent have ties to the Potosi Mint in Bolivia. By comparison 81 per cent have ties to the Mexico Mint and nearly 10 per cent to the Lima Mint in Peru. The scarcity of Potosi Mint Holey Dollars is borne out by our experience. We have only ever handled three Potosi Mint Holey Dollars, and this coin is one of them.
Sold May 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign head
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Choice Uncirculated
Baldwin, Jaggard, Hadley, Private Collection Melbourne
$ 225,000
The 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is the one coin that has pride of place in every sovereign collection. It is the nation’s very first gold sovereign. And this example is regarded as the absolute finest of them all. Number one for striking. And number one for preservation.
Sold May 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

Gold Johanna date side
Brazil 1731 John V Johanna
about Uncirculated
Private Collection New South Wales
$ 13,500
The Gold Johanna is the supreme rarity of the Australian proclamation coin series: particularly at this quality level. It was ascribed the value of £4 in the Proclamation issued by Governor Philip Gidley King: the highest value by far of any of the other listed coins. Amazingly impressive, the coin projects an unmistakable power that only gold can convey. Its regal opulence is projected in the portrait of King John V.
Sold April 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1899 Sovereign Perth Mint
1899 Sovereign Perth Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Parkhouse Collection, Barrie Winsor
$ 9,500
As a statement on the quality and rarity of this coin … the last time we saw a supreme quality 1899 Perth Sovereign at an Australian public auction was at the famous Quartermaster Auction in 2009.
Sold March 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1939 Sheehan McFarlane Five Pounds
1939 Sheehan McFarlane Five Pounds
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 8,000
The 1939 Sheehan Macfarlane Five Pounds is a crucial note in the Five Pound series. It was the first Five Pounds produced for the new monarch, following the death of King George V in 1936, and had the lowest recorded mintage of the George VI era. The long term investment value of this Sheehan Macfarlane Five Pounds is safeguarded by its pristine state. The note is presented in original Uncirculated quality.
Sold March 2016


1859 Sydney Mint Sovereign
1859 Sydney Mint Sovereign
Barrie Winsor Collection
$ 14,500
With this 1859 Sydney Mint Sovereign you are buying supreme quality. It is Uncirculated, as though it was plucked off the assembly line yesterday. When you consider that it was struck 157 years ago you would have to agree that this coin is in a remarkable state of preservation. The surfaces are superb. The denticles crisp.
Sold February 2016

I am looking for a similar coin

1931 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint
1931 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Barrie Winsor, Philip Spalding
$ 105,000
Coinage does reflect great moments in time. A case in point is this 1931 Proof Sovereign for Australia struck its very last sovereign in 1931 during the reign of King George V. But this sovereign is not just one of the several thousand coins that were struck for circulation at the Melbourne Mint in that year. The addition of the word ‘proof’ into the coin’s description changes its profile completely. Its availability. Its value. And its investment potential.
Sold December 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1872-1 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
1872/1 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Paul Terry, Hadley
$ 20,000
One Overdate variety exists in the Young Head series of sovereigns: the 1872/1 Sovereign struck at the Melbourne Mint. The coin was struck for only a few days in September 1872 with dies that had been re-worked from those dated 1871. Extremely rare in any condition, but this coin is the finest known.
Sold December 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1888 Sovereign Sydney Mint
1888 Sovereign Sydney Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Parkhouse Collection, Barrie Winsor
$ 4000
Given that Tom Hadley’s Collection is seen as a benchmark for Australian gold sovereigns we state that Hadley’s 1888S Sovereign was Uncirculated. This coin is ascribed a higher quality ranking of Choice Uncirculated.
Sold December 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1918 Half Sovereign Perth Mint Date side
1918 Half Sovereign Perth Mint
Choice Uncirculated
Monetarium Sydney
$ 15,000
This is the coin that has it all. The 1918 Half Sovereign struck at the Perth Mint is a key coin. It is extremely scarce and historically important as the nation’s last half sovereign. And we have managed to acquire an example that is supreme for quality: in fact the second only Choice Uncirculated example that we have ever handled.
Sold December 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1919 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
1919 Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Barrie Winsor
$ 2000
That Coinworks respect for quality exists at all dollar levels is evidenced in our presentation of this coin. It is a scarce date sovereign presented in Uncirculated quality and features the portrait of George V.
Sold December 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Holey Dollar
1813 Holey Dollar
Very Fine / Good Very Fine
Philip Spalding
$ 145,000
This particular Holey Dollar is a stand out piece. Extremely rare, it is one of only eight privately held examples that depict the portrait of Charles III and the legend of Charles IV. (To put this into perspective, about 125 privately held Holey Dollars depict the portrait of Charles IIII and the legend of Charles IIII.) Furthermore it comes with an immaculate provenance. It was a prized possession of the late Philip Spalding respected numismatist and author of ‘The World of the Holey Dollar’
Sold November 2015

Holey Dollar, Coins
I am looking for a similar coin

1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign
about Uncirculated
Private Collection Victoria
$ 65,000
The 1855 Sydney Mint Sovereign is the one coin that has pride of place in every sovereign collection. It is the nation’s very first gold sovereign. But finding one in superior quality, at a price that doesn’t break the bank, is no easy task. Which is why we are so excited about this coin. The quality is superb. And the price is $ 65,000.
Sold November 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1957 Perth Mint Proof Penny
1957 Proof Penny Perth Mint
Brilliant FDC
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 4,500
When Melbourne journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten coin rarities that were destined for growth and were priced below $ 5000 … this spectacular 1957 Proof Penny was high on our list.
Sold November 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

Port Phillip, Kangaroo Office Copper Fourpence
Port Phillip, Kangaroo Office, Copper Fourpence circa 1854
Spink October 1977 and March 1990, Private Collection Sydney
$ 37,500
The owner of Australia’s first privately run mint, W J Taylor, quite literally etched his name into numismatic history by engraving his name onto the die that created this classic piece of currency. Struck circa 1854, this Port Phillip Kangaroo Office Fourpence is excessively rare: one of two known.
Sold November 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1930 Penny
1930 Penny
Good Very Fine / about Extremely Fine
KJC Coins 2002, Private Collection Melbourne
$ 85,000
The 1930 Penny is Australia’s favourite copper rarity and this particular example is in the top 1 per cent of known surviving examples. Our experiences attest to the scarcity of a 1930 Penny at this quality level. We have been involved in the industry for more than forty three years and this is the second only good Very Fine ‘1930’ that we have handled. Absolutely one of the finest known, and in a league of its own, the coin has superb detail and magnificent fields. You just know it has to be good when your photographer asks … “is this a proof coin?’ Read More and check out the graph and chart that clearly shows why a 1930 Penny at this quality level is so elusive. And why it will grow in value.
Sold September 2015

Penny, Coins
I am looking for a similar coin

1813 Holey Dollar
1813 Holey Dollar
Good Fine / about Very Fine
Philip Spalding
$ 95,000
We have had our sights set on this Holey Dollar for years for it is a unique type of Mexico Mint Holey Dollar. This Holey Dollar was struck from a silver dollar dated 1789 and depicts the portrait of the deceased monarch King Charles III, who died one year earlier, in December 1788. It also features the legend of the deceased monarch. Of the surviving Holey Dollars, only two were struck from silver dollars that feature the legend and portrait of the deceased King Charles III. This particular piece has ties to the Mexico Mint. The other Holey Dollar has ties to the Lima Mint making each a unique type and thus very sought after.
Sold September 2015

Holey Dollar, Coins
I am looking for a similar coin

Coombs Wilson R63 Ten Pounds Consecutive Trio
Coombs Wilson R63 Ten Pounds Consecutive Trio
Private Collection Perth 2007
$ 6,500
We offer you three brilliant reasons why you should seriously consider this Coombs Wilson Consecutive Trio of Ten Pounds. The historical importance of the final release of the Ten Pounds. The quality. And the price.
Sold September 2015


1960 Proof Set Perth Mint
1960 Proof Set Perth Mint
Private Collection Perth
$ 4000
The series of proof sets struck between 1955 and 1963 is a perfect entry point into the Australian rare coin market. High quality, limited edition collector coins at affordable prices. They come at the top of our list of recommendations for clients that are looking to tuck something away for their children or grandchildren. The series is without doubt one of the most popular of the Australian coin collector market.
Sold July 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1916 Collins Allen One Pound (R18e)
1916 Collins Allen One Pound (R18e)
about Uncirculated
IAG Auction 2006, Private Collection Perth
$ 19,000
The Collins Allen signature combination is arguably the most important in Australia’s banknote history. The signatures of Jas R Collins and Geo T Allen, the former acting in his capacity as First Assistant Secretary to the Treasury and the latter as First Secretary to the Treasury, appeared on the very first banknotes issued by the Commonwealth of Australia.
Sold July 2015


1813 Holey Dollar
1813 Holey Dollar
P J Downie Auction 1986
$ 59,500
Finding a Holey Dollar priced below the $ 100,000 level is no easy task: a fact borne out by our experiences. It has been nearly two years since we last offered a Holey Dollar in this price range. Note the design details of this Holey dollar are clear and strong and the over stamping of the date 1813, New South Wales and its value of Five Shillings is solid and fully legible. This coin will make owning a Holey Dollar a reality for just one buyer.
Sold May 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1922 Specimen Sovereign Sydney Mint
1922 Specimen Sovereign Sydney Mint
Madrid Collection of Rare Coins
$ 95,000
This 1922 Sovereign was struck to specimen quality at the Sydney Mint as a presentation piece. Extremely rare, the coin is one of two known.
Sold May 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

Bank of Victoria Ltd One Pound Circa 1900
Bank of Victoria Ltd One Pound Circa 1900
Bradbury & Wilkinson Archives
$ 8,500
The London Chartered Bank was formed in London in 1852 and one year later established branches in both Melbourne and Sydney. The bank lives on through its subsequent mergers.
Sold May 2015

1930 Penny - Good Fine / about Very fine
1930 Penny - Good Fine / about Very Fine
Good Fine / about Very Fine
Private Collection Melbourne
$ 29.500
This 1930 Penny will make owning an example of Australia’s most famous copper rarity a reality for just one buyer. A truly attractive example of Australia’s most famous copper rarity, it is a coin that you would be proud to show your family and friends and is offered at a price that won’t break the bank.
Sold May 2015

Penny, Coins
I am looking for a similar coin

1830 Holey Dollar
1813 Holey Dollar
Good Extremely Fine
Detailed below
$ 550,000
The Madrid Holey Dollar will suit an investor who demands to own a unique piece of Australian history for it is the only privately held Holey Dollar to be struck from a Silver Dollar that was minted in Spain and features the Crowned M mintmark. Furthermore, it is one of the very finest of the 300 known Holey Dollars. The coin was ascribed by Spink Auctions in 1988 as “Australia’s most desirable Holey Dollar”.
Sold April 2015

Holey Dollar
I am looking for a similar coin

1956 Perth Proof Penny
1956 Perth Proof Penny
Superb FDC
Private Collection Victoria
$ 20,000
At Coinworks we truly respect provenances. The reason is simple. Great collectors tend to only ever acquire great coins: their ultimate goal to own the very best. The owner of this 1956 Perth Mint Proof Penny was one such ‘great collector’. And this coin is unequivocally one of the best.
Sold March 2015

I am looking for a similar coin

1836 South Australian Company, One Pound, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island
1836 South Australian Company, One Pound, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island
World Paper Money Auctions 2008
$ 25,000
The South Australian Kingscote notes were the first notes issued by South Australia. They are extraordinary rarities, of the highest historical significance and worthy of the finest collections, whether public or private.
Sold February 2015

Spalding’s Collection of Proclamation Coinage
Spalding’s Collection of Proclamation Coinage
Very Fine – About Uncirculated
The late Philip Spalding
$ 28,000
We have just acquired Philip Spalding’s collection of Proclamation and foreign coins: each coin photographed in his book “The World of the Holey Dollar”. Published in 1973, the book is to this day a leading reference on Australia’s early currency history.
Sold November 2014

Coins, Proof
I am looking for a similar coin

1787 SPADE GUNIEA DATE 140721-1766
1787 Gold Proof Spade Guinea
Spink Auction 1951, J J Pittman 1999
$ 18,000
That proof coining is a tradition that goes back centuries is exemplified in this superb 1787 George III Gold Proof Spade Guinea. Struck in the year the First Fleet sailed from British shores, the coin has superb detail, brilliant mirror fields and shows extensive die striations from arduous die polishing. Qualities that are the hallmark of proof coining.
Sold September 2014

Coins, Proclamation Proof
I am looking for a similar coin

1856 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign head
1856 Sydney Mint Half Sovereign
Choice Uncirculated
Monetarium 2001, Tom Hadley Collection
$ 59,500
An exceptional quality, extremely rare half sovereign: well struck with sharp edges this 1856 half sovereign is one of the finest known and presents a genuine once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Sold November 2014

I am looking for a similar coin

1930 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint - FDC
1930 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Barrie Winsor, Private Collection Victoria
$ 125,000
The most potent investment coins are those that are quite obviously rare in themselves. BUT (and this is the clincher) they belong to a sector of the market that is so limited in numbers that it doesn’t give the buyer easy alternatives. It is the notion that if you pass on this coin, you will more than likely never be given the opportunity of securing another date out of the same era. This 1930 Proof Sovereign is one such potent investment item.
Sold May 2015

Coins, Sovereigns, Proofs
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1910 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint
1910 Proof Sovereign Melbourne Mint
Pratley, Winsor, Private Collection Victoria
$ 125,000
The Proof Gold Sovereigns of King Edward VII are incredibly scarce. Our experiences attest to their scarcity. This is the second only King Edward VII Proof Sovereign that we have handled in a career that spans forty-plus years.
Sold September 2014

Coins, Sovereigns, Proofs
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Original Sydney Cove Medallion made by Josiah Wedgwood 1789
As issued
Allan Landis Antiques
$ 250,000
This is an original Sydney Cove Medallion made by Josiah Wedgwood of clay dug from Sydney Cove. Created in 1789, it is one of the few examples privately held. Provenanced to colonial lawyer Brent Clements Rodd and then by descent through his family, the medallion is sold with original papers from the Rodd family.
Sold July 2014

Coins, Cove Medallion
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1919 Square Penny Type 3
1919 Square Penny Type 3
Choice Uncirculated
Private Collection Melbourne 1995
$ 50,000
The 1919 Square Penny is a world-class rarity. The very reason why this coin was on show at the recent Melbourne Money Expo. It is a known fact that whenever Coinworks attends an Expo, we only ever display our best and our rarest inventory and this coin was a natural. It has the ‘wow’ factor with quality traits that are clearly visible to the naked eye. Acquired in 1995, it has been stored in a bank vault ever since. Furthermore the coin is supremely rare with perhaps fifteen examples available to collectors. (Compare that to the 1930 Penny where 1500 examples are known.) Need further convincing? The Type 3 design is unique. While the Melbourne Mint juggled around with various kookaburra designs, differing portraits and different lettering, the sleek kookaburra and modern lettering was used only once. On this coin, the 1919 Type 3 Kookaburra Square Penny.
Sold July 2017

1919 Square Penny Type 3
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1956 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
1956 Melbourne Mint Proof Set
Private Collection Sydney
$ 4000
In an interview conducted in 2013, journalist Anthony Black asked Coinworks to list ten coin rarities that were priced below $ 5000 and that, in our opinion, were destined for growth. The Proof Sets struck by the Melbourne Mint and Perth Mint - between 1955 and 1963 - were high on our list of recommendations. This 1956 Melbourne Mint Proof Set is one such set.
Sold May 2015

I am looking for a similar coin


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