Today’s proof coin collectors are so well catered for.
Both the Royal Australian Mint and the Perth Mint strike proofs on a regular basis. And the mintages are keenly set to satisfy collector demand to ensure very few miss out.
In the twentieth century, Australian collectors were not afforded the same luxury.
The harsh reality for collectors was that, with very few exceptions, proofs minted in the George V era were NOT struck for the collector market.
Whatever the end destination of the Melbourne Mint proofs - archives, institutions or public exhibitions - the situation demanded the highest quality minting skills.
It necessitated a ‘kid-gloves’ approach and was labour intensive, hence the limited number of proofs struck.
This Proof 1928 Penny is an exceptional quality proof, sharply struck with almost full original copper brilliance.
This is a rare opportunity to acquire an important piece of Australia’s minting history, the former property of renowned Commonwealth coin collector, Richard Williams.
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