It is obvious when you look at the chart below that finding a Colonial Dump in the lesser quality levels is a relatively easy task. The Dump with a value of fifteen pence circulated widely in the colony: the extreme wear on most Dumps evidence that they saw considerable use.
What is very obvious from the chart is that securing a Colonial Dump in a quality level of good Very Fine or better is a far more difficult task. We would sight a good Very Fine Dump on the open market perhaps once every few years.
So while the Dump with a value of fifteen pence may seem to be the diminutive partner of the Holey Dollar, the reality is that top quality Dumps have clout. They are extremely rare, in fact far rarer than their holed counterpart in the same quality level. And as such highly valued.
What sets this coin apart from well circulated examples is as follows:
This is an investment quality Colonial Dump offered at a value-plus price.
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